/Volumes/T7 Shield/EWP/Elements/EWP_Files/source/Ingest One/16 Photography and Videos/BlackResearch/BHC BlacK History/ProsperityBaptist/schoolrecords/RuffnerArchives/EWP_RuffnerRichmond02.jpg
* “For whatéver of suceens has erowntd | |
this system, Dr. Ruftaer is entilled do | .
the eredit. Hix cloven reports are Jucld |
dipeussions of &YW Jesding eubjects ner- |
iaining to the organizaiion and maenags |
shent of srhools and schoo! wystems. They |
are hardly surpassed In our sducailondl | .
; mcratm‘ have often Loen Quoled awm .m-
u:muuve. and wen: houorvd with 8 - | -
Moma from the Republfe -of Chili, Rul- | .
‘ner will herealier Bo ranked alopgwlde |
of Maun, Seare, Wickersham umd sther|
such edueatorn’ During his aflmlnlmm- 1
tion ho npporiloned neaxly 35000000, nd- | -
mintstored’ F12,000.000 withiout bond or se- |
curity, and yet no femin his nocounis |
svas ever chijocied do, not u tent wax Jost, | .
and his bitterest eppomint never intima-§ |
{od that thery was anything mysterfons ]y
or dishoncet. fr his adminisiration. Lvery |,
page of the poblic schivol bistery of Vir-§
ginte 18 juminors with his triumphs’t |
We commend 4l ortlelo from Dr 1
Rofiser's puy In do-3ay's Tlmes 1o tho| 4
members of the Comstitudonal’ Conven- | o
1ion. Firal af nfl. ha sreesste that an the