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,.1 _,g-.’eun-n E L

.\nmw&mm‘m umu."

e R

' Menthester Bureay—Carter's Drog. Store: |

I Withont sommy By efal *
an:thin 1 Bafiliant bepaticogi
ot ‘areal ratore ey

wa-s P


No. 1302 Hull Street.
m —F.Lnopu.am bt
Rejmdm wm\nihemumd i

.‘W\"DA! O\WEH 17, J00L


'ndw bauu an prilcle from the
venerable: n;., Willam Idenry® Rufiner,
in eriddna of - Lip roposed public-schogl’
alfilm now under discussion lo.ihe
&mfimflm -c:m'eul.tum If thero is a

, man in* Vinrmln rm opinlon on this
mbm-z is '\'flmble and worthly of ronsid-
m;nm&mubr. Ruffner.” Ha ls

o therobghly trained sducator and has
devoled hin, whale Life 1o edueztional pur-
snits. Iie was graduatrd from the old
“"nsh‘l!:m College (mow’ Whashingtlon
m Lan 'th‘wmy) tn 1842, and for'
mAny years was Hs; presidest. 1a alse
hed theolozwal training aud {8 cduented
In heary o5 well as jn’ mind, In ISW,. when
there Fsa & a.ron; senflmcnt In Virginla
aguinst Yreo scliools, -especlally” againdt
free schools: for ihe eduestion of the
negroes, Dr. Jtuffner wrole some of the’
ablest papers on unt subjoet which. have
come from the pen -of any man, and
Wreugh newspapern and periodlenls, as
well ar &hmm publie leetures, he sought
w bring mflcfion th tho minds of thu
people. Ia thot year ho was olscted Su-
merintenfient of ‘I“ubll: Insirociion in this
State, and within thirty days afier his
elgction. he: had gulmitied lo the Legike
lature 2n outlined school sysiem, which
in & few weeks e clabordied nto &
complete sachool Jaw, and the: bill was
‘passed eubrtentlaily @8 bo wrote i
Tpon the maagc of thix bill he organiz rc
e schucls so promptly and eBcledly
that at’ the cnd of the year W11,
fl_{teen. thoutesnd children were upoflui
Jin attendnmee, ond the echodls Rave
Steodily grown from 1hat time, a8 has also
the sentiment In Javer of popular cduca-

These statemonts are likew from »
sketeh of Dr. Ruffapr hy Miss Celestin
Parrieh, hersell one of the heat-known-of
Virginla cducstors, ond eho duotes Dr.
. T. 3. Cuiry o8 Naving thim reforred
(b Dr. Ruffners official work:

* “For whatéver of suceess has erowned
this eystem, Dr. Ruffoer is éntitled o
e eredit. Hix cloven reports are Jucld
dipeussions of A1 Jesfing eubjects ner-
iaining to the organizaiion and menagae
shent of sthools and schoo! wystems. They
ave hardly surpassed In our eauullonnl

. mcratm‘ have ofien Loen Quoled aw e

u:muuve, and wer: houored with m 9l
Moma from the Republle -of Chill. Rul-
‘ner wil herealicr Bo ranked alongalde
of Maun, Bears, Wickeysham und’ otlier
such edueatorn’ During his aflmlnlmm-
ton he npportioned nenxly 35,000,000, nd-
mintstered F12,000000 withicut bond or so-
curity, and et no iem-in hls nocounis
was over cljocied 1o, not & cend wax Jost,
and his bitterest eppomint mever intima-
{04 that thery was gnything mysterions
or dishoncet. fr his adminisiration. Lvery
page of the public &#chivol histery of Vir-
$inla 15 Juminors with his triumphs’*

We commend 1ibb artielo from D
Ruftner's puu In 10-8ay’s Tlmes 1o the
members of the Comstitudonal Coenven-
1ion. Firal af nfl. ha sreesstine that an the


2~ Tep D

;qn‘u;; o, Syory, gt o tamlilaies himselr |-

ibt Fas besn i‘h by those
fl'%’k on tho nast -
'mm;and we- arc gind Lo
hays thd cnmmfisnr Pt commendiag tbia
hm mnre, bouu, of; the editor's Juig-
:nent‘aha tha hepi-niaker's sk,


Seetlon 2 of the- report of° The Constitu-
tosat Committzo en Carporations, pro-
vides that “pp corporniion shall he au-
thorlred By statyiy to lesue any stock as
fnlly paid upon whieh fL shall pec Mave |
-Grst received -aciual payment. 1o tha Lolt,
pav valuo thereof jn money, servicts of

w -vib-c-\k
iz { ot {uiviaw ol M

-s~5r = -‘


a8 umq\ntzd
= 1« umnhozpmnmnwhmmeh
2 | neédod.

o Sforever.

o s

mlf mai&f

m‘ of- moeuve .mlu

But before common sense has! lu Iwnh,

e lbe Wworkmen whosa bm.u ae:mfi! on hin
| atéaay employment whi have brought f

absut & chenge ln s mos=t fmportant
purticulac by lnsxsunp ‘upon & A it

f will ‘not interfara. with Hia chante’ji life,
% w


Evers now. and then we mee it stated.
fn the uiwepaners that a Sulclde Club hag
beon formed In this community or that
The latest” report.of the kind is from
Aflantic Cily, in which it In' stated that
a Sufcids Club has' been srgnnized 1 that
ety by aman from Newark, -named
‘Bragid. 1t ls reported. lkal he w1 or-
ganize simliar. orcn’?lmuanu N various
paris of the State, The loeal amloty has
th'ln:—lomr members, q.ml over 160 appli-
entions. {or membershlp have - heen. sre-
calved and will bu acted upon at the veg-
ular weekly meeting. The by-laws: de-}

property: and; furlher, imat. nulmng, clare thai ones énch year the members
other thin money shall be received by o) shall srscmable 8¢ the plage of meoting
.corporation in payment for stock or' and enth member draw one bean from &

.bonls fssucd, or to Ba lssued by It \mluu

far. Me who recclves the black Iean

and wuel) the price at Whieh 1t 59 10 be ‘50 | TOmSt, botween the time of drewing wnd-

received in poyment #hall have boan -

the pext vearly meeting, commit sulclds.

‘ported to and upproved by the Stnte Cgr- | A.Sum of money, It fs safd, will bo sek,

pomtion Commission in such protecding,
and sulifect 1o euch right of appeat o the |

Suprime Court of Appesls, {t any, u‘

mey be nrovtded by law, No stotk or:

_asido to defrdy {he funieral expenses of
¢ach deparied Temhér.

Is 1& possible umt. the adthoriitea of
. Atlantie cny or. any other:city would

bunds shall be fasutd by @ corporntion permit such & alob o extel? When bty
exeent in the manner and subject ‘to theg 1ot, or otherwise, it is -determined that

rgumuona and restrictions provided by |
general fawik . All corporaie dircctory, qt-
ficcrs or dgenie. who shall issu, .or éxuse
o1 authorize to be irvued, stocks or bonds
of any: cerporation in violallon of the

previeicns of this sectlon,, shall thmuy‘

P I,

e gumy of o
by fins or Imprisonment, or bolh, A% may
ba preseciived by Jaw, and whail, io iddl-
tion Ihereto, be pereonally Nadble fulntly
and 3éverally to (he corporation for ihe
1y, valos of such slock and bonds mo
Megalls Iawed ot caused of guthorized
te ba fasued, by them, in vidlation ot tho
provistons of ihis sectiow

We hope that {his section of the renort
will fot be adopted, for we Luolleve that

1L will do ho mood, and we feel sure but

_the efféol of It would bo.lo dlscovrage
and: reatrain enterprive In this State. We
‘Yke It that the purposs uf lhe provision
15 to prevent the “wirtering” otatock. and
1hat the provision is almed ni lrults “but
the greit {rusts of {hs country will In 0
wiy he affected Dy auch % hrovision,
whereas- the orgunization of small and:
dabajrshle corporations within the Btate
would be serjousiy hampered.

Thére ate -many citizens in Virginin
who have no capltal, or very little. but
wha bhave braln and enterprise, 3nd who
ara atle from time to time 0 interest
men of means in home comnnihm.
-whiosa obfect Is to bulld up coterprives in
Virginle. Dut I every much corporu

omn!ud is {0 be madn subjcot t» the
apprmnl of o State Commissivn, it In
yory clear that these enterprsing pro-
moters in the State will ba- gerlously
handicapped in thelr operations At any

yate, such a prévision in the Constituiion

of Virginia would be constricd as hostife
10 capital, and would tend 1o thnt extent,
It 1o worse, to dizcourage Invesiments in
thly Siste. Virginia In rich In resdurees,
um -hu m-eas a1l the money that abe ean

PO N M v e

some member of the alub shall take bis
own life within a given perfod of time,
18 not this equitalent to sentencing a man
to dezti? 18 jt mot enuivalent to mur-
dor? it seems {0 us to be ths very worat
tomz of murderr. or it conpels & man o,

If, Such elubs have no
place fn our modern civilization, and they
ary not to b talerated.


In the Haplist Assoclaiion ¢n Friday
night, 3, A R, Long, delgghte from
Imhbnrg, Liasl tho courage b StAnd up

#nd oppnxe the tezoluiion adopled Uy the

Assotlation commenifng the av-valled
Barbour-@narles anti-liquor ordinance
now -bafors ihe Constitutional Conven-
tlon. AMr. Loag took the pomition that
thia Conatitutionnl Convention was not-tha
propér body Lo deai. wuh this questlon,

-and’ whilg ha found himself ina minonty

of on¢, Tha :flme& thinks that he was un.
11rely right ¥n the poaltion which e ook,
Wo do. net know him, but a man of Mr
Long's conrage is not” t4 Lo himscd,
It f2 not ofr purpose lo go Into-a dls-
cugnion of the merits or -demdiiin of thiz
proposilion. There is somathing lo be.
Rajd for it and scemihing to Ba anid
aaninst lt, but mt bewtilt s an experimunt,
and ww do nnt be'luvc in reaklby cxped-
ments with the ormlc low of this-Stae.
Wo heMeve that the llquor trafllm'iv a
subjedt - for statutory regulntion, and we
o not balleve fu tryng to reguldte ft|
by an erdinancs of the Gonstftution. n
1his experiment ibonld be irded In Vie-
#inia-and 1t stould prove 10 ke & fatlure,
of objcctionuble to. a large tlass of peo-
plny it could only be changed by smend-
ment of the Constitutlon; andthat g
leng and do‘uhltul and difficult meul
Bome of the advocates of this messurs
employ g, ah, srgument (n fayor of. ite

Anjanuon the' fact’ that them-'utu lmu'

| tng pnplo. {They”

re: mlfl
They would not \'lluirn uwemns piu-

to which _myercy” 1:4s: the only Uile, and |

‘ahal mxwmm'“m—.r i the etoroml sud-
Ject %or aong.. 1t Wa hopy and strive xo
stand ‘gt the right hand whep -\esus
oomen again in Hiz-glory wo must 14ar,
while we ate en c:mh, to forgive.

*It 13 & melancholy fact that there arc
A€ Christinn dutfes go ittle praciiced.
It iz gad 14 lock oround’ and’ stt haw
mych bitterness and spite, hardness. and

| unkindoees there' is smong wmen Oue

Lor lays duwn lils.pule and we umn
Tollow.it or Yo shut out of the ingriom 6f
God, Would we have proof. that we are
nt meu wzm God, we must Torgive J'ne
NIY as Injuréd ns? Then this 8ay for-
Sive him! e -ought to forglve ournelves
iyis.and others much.

- WWould e do pood In o world? Would
wo have suy innucncc on mha's rnd
oke them soe Lhe Beauty of (tus soall-

ness? Remember the wrords ot our Lurd
and forgive our brother -*omth soventy
traes Seven” JMexn who €o not cura tor
| doetrine, but men Who Farely yead thelr
libtes,, eap dnderslund. @ fOrpIons Ters
per. They, can see -the. lght shine in

pite of a‘n ¢fforta to expladn Jt awey.

YWapld ‘wu grow in grace and begoma
mars holy In.all o ways anll words and
works? Then we must proas close o the
footsteps 0 the Master, who, Wwhen
Tanging on the croge, had only forglve-
ucals I Jiia henrt tor 138 murdorecs.

Happy be whn can pray “forgive us our
trespasscs o we forgive them that tres-
pa¥s agalngt us™

That Js the crut of prayer—that Iy the
supreme difficulty of Jatsrcession?

b A

‘The Pan-American Exposition was a
dlsmsl fdlives, Anaaclally speaking. Tha
POt of the direclors shows the iotal
linbilities of"t(he- company to lvo 3,326,
1489 net. oimming (bat the 'smsets of
045,:6¢ are eollecliblo gt facs. Thoe com-
pany owes for operniing expenses.on con-
ttruwon nearly $500,000,

An ‘Intéresting fact shown by the re-
port J» ile total comt to the cxposition
company of the exposition, Tha cost, nc-
cording to Uio roport, was 33,858,751%0,
The totn] veceipts from adwissions after
SIny Yot Were $9,467.065.55, and the reeeims
fram canccsslong were $2.011,58259. The
Palance: due to the frst yoortgage bond-
holders is $(714.9%, nnd 1o second mort-
guge Londhibiders §500,000, doth of which
aro fnciuded (p the Hubltitles as. given.

In spite of this very poor exhibit the

people of Cuffnlo 3ny that ttig exposition
uR a- whole was very profitable to the

Mirs Mary E. Wilkine, who has de-
voled:per Mife to the writing of romarnces,
hax now tumtbilod Inlo v “romance In real
1if6," of which she i5 the hervine, She
-Teecntly heeamo the wite of Dr. Charles
M. Freeman, of New Brunswlek, ‘N, J.
Just Wwhen the mareinge took pince the
general public doss not known. The fist
-hnt 'of St wias when scveral carjoads of
Iuenituce arTived at {be residente ot
Dr. Freeman, The bride and groom nr-
rived. later, and ars mow enjoying thair

The brida is 35 which In.younger than
40, and romance never gues out of. the
IHo ot o wrlter of romances—~so .Jong ns
sho keeps her pen in oction. As far the
grootn, he promises lp bs g model-lover
Hn gave the cabman who drove him and

hiz beide to thele homo & bandful of sii-


|t ecasteat to dlécuse."—Chicags Fost,

Sudrenly a (rostdago

e "-;
J‘t‘v 7 r


Cotds, Coughbs,
f_ influenza, Brin-
3 {h:lia, Asihmu
and all Discases
¢t tite Throat
and Lungs.
‘Clouds of Medicsted Vapoe ore Irbaled throngh
E; mmdmwmfl%"z}:':‘:‘ga 9

e which eannot ba
intn the stemach,

;;-.um—hmb theran places
-i‘nrp:fli:hfip‘:;f diseade—arlz np albaba ard
tanie fo {h» sehole 1 or

tem Arngplst
b nall Muum'r af'i&mll’f m«m


hemner noné of the l::mlnu‘s men_ ®h>
€ompess fL shali advertlse-in |=mmmmfl
oY any description, 4md- that thelr an’
nouncements ehall bo confined to news-
papors. The asspelatlon alsoc demounced
the Indiseriminate puchase of tivkets for
raflles, Valla and enterthiomens..
# T

Hem="tW1} You marry nie It T stop.emak-
tng clgareitesT’ %he—''No, slr, Sappy.
I ran't bear the Jded of mnazrying o man
whe does pething. —Flarlem Lifc,

2 -1 % ]

Consldering tha tact, zaye 8 Now York
eriespoudent, that there are only wik fiv-
Ing ex-Goventors. of New York: that onty
e of these are Inwyees, aid thag of
thege three ong f8 In ntlrement, it 48
Coctalnly of Intorest that the only two.
fermer wovernors whe are nute engug=d |

In the prastice of the law should appeas | I8

10 duy on opposing sides In the most sen- |
=rt‘onal «,.nipal cese since the frinl ot
Birkes. Bx-3rvimer Blae: argued be-
fvre Judge Newlttrger for the dizmizaal
of ihe Indietment of R, B. Mollneus Ier
morder und ox-Governor 1itil argued
agalnst the motlon, fn behall of the Stats.
! e p
“What 15 & paramount fasue?* “ics
the particular frsue that & speaker finds
g ‘. ‘
“For {he firsl Unw on Tecord, the Vi-
enne University hros electeq as s rector
for tht year a {eacher of Erglish lane
Kuage and Nterature—namely, Hafrall
E'rofeesor Jakob Schipper. The new rec-
tor's Inaupural. address was targoly ds-
voted 6.1 comparizen Dérween encient
and modern culture, and hie came to the
concluglon that the lion's share tn the
nehievements of modern éaitira belongs
lo the Angln-Saxon race. The Engiiss
lunguage belng uow spolten by 19,008k
Feople, he urged ihay Gpglish and Gere
man 6 French should take the place
of Latin and Greek in eflucnuon exeepl
for gpecial -brpoaes

“Now, Juaney, b:ml the teachier (o R
wnail pupll 10 (e smmner elass, “sou
may compare the word ‘elek.’' " Johnasy
Resjtated for n moment, thén blurted out.

“Siek. aleker, doad, —Glaggow Evening

- iy -

SUN ot Georgy's ralsln®

The merriest kind of {une;
Rewest in December

Whisperin® of June.
When you thiok iU’ winter,
Suddenly a {ristllake

Mults into bloom!
© ~Adlnnia Constitution,
An’ here in Luzeanner,
Whyi-t¥crything's in bloom,
A’ evenr when It's rainin®
It's povrin’ dawn perfume,
The birds ars always singin’,
Tn sunshine an' In rain,
An' Luzeanner's ralsing'—
Tell, everything and cane.
~Nbw Orlecns 'rimts-nmo:rnt.
An’ up here In Chlcago, )
Where cottare falrly hums,
Soutety Is eportin’ 4
s Big chrysanthemuma,
The gasest 10t of people
You orer come neross—
Wa're prilin’ 1 cur evenin's

Trusting in Thy buaadiess sway, ]
On this bai T Fe f
i fl‘m'f: mmnmur bicksing:
AMortnls here thels l!us eonm'
Comfott with Thy saving” mr

Shuuld Thy judgment fall upon oa, -
As for pardon here ws pray,

Futher! have compassion on ‘us,
Helpleso, send us not away:

But bn all before Thee kaneeling
" Freely Iet Thy -meteies floaw,

Like Bethesda's waters, heéallng
‘To ths eching heart of WoR. .

Wnatzonc;- Nis besel us.
Piouy contidence to wound,
In the strength of Jesus let us
3More than conguervcs be foundl
By Ifis infinite aReéction. -
Holy Bletk, and lite divine,
By Hix deaths. and resurrection,
Cot | '\!mlf*w- rna.kp ns Th!ne.


It.Is Cbi-isunnny thnt m eat«i to
us the tug meaning of babrheod, the


r_‘mn SPEEI' THE

flamages, Buggies
and Harness


Cafptage Exmposition,
h&‘hm tobur-at (ke Grand Central Pol-

our house, w
ot the Sa"“t Duvigns
ny of the nen wehicles um:afi.
‘fi:fi'&ut toelc of mil th 'b:l:: i
r usuxl B nt’l 1
atriages ana *

make our reposi-
rqual o u" In (bu "ol'fl(. Je will

urmr in hat
ow whm h‘: ©

in am! et
need £
""7] ‘hfl\lzh R vy Ty nut’ contemyhtu

diguizy and value of the yoeng Tite, The
Babe of Bezh!ehnxr

'mgsmm hig turned . In
THE BIBLE hearts of the tatt

ery arnd mothers

the chlideen: His religion bae g«,m» crnnr

1t has taught us to love olt men's cht

urtn ‘tv bufid homes -and asylums v
the orphaned ond efring. to =cok ont the
walfs of the slume, und to bring the
foundling to a4 mother's heart eathonism
negtected and pfren slew fts children. Hut
the God:whe rescued the ehild of the Wil
from ¢ha murdercus edfvtr of Pharcab
nnil the Eabe of Bethichem from -the
hands of Kisg Herod has taught the
worjd that.out of the mouth of babes and
suklings He tan ordaln mrength There
no nfaat's’ wall coming from eomé
aark tenement of the glums nar cry trom
the bankr of the Ganges that shoald aeg
find responee’in the awaken.d -mothers
h2art of Chelst's penple. Every Sundav-
echool, orphan aryiem, or Christing home
Iz but a nmnament to the glory of (m
whn though himself 2 “babe in the man-
gor” has wxalted the mweaning of chilit.
heood aml widoned and enrictizd the oups
of metherhood, tilf thede gifts, once tram-
pled fn the mire of hieglect, have becrmr
tha sweetest, dearest posscsslony ef pur
HEA—nliglone Herakd 4


Ar. .C, B Wilkon, a wall Kaatwen white
P‘puhlu.m uf Nottoway ceunty, peints
a curd In the BlueKstont Cecrier in which,
he suys:

In your last Isgue you zinte inat *1t
is reported, I faol, we beltevod 36 has
Yeen publlshed In the papers. thar n
C. E. WhHaon. the defl-uteil Hepublizan
cantidate fur Congrevs from thls umstricl,
sal upon the stand nt Aeecha 0 M, winlle
sShines Miter. the nege ) spuukeor, ROY de.
averlng B thapks 310 (Gad pE ihe Retinn
of Preehklent Rm,e\'-lc in <inlng Hooker
Wiashingion.” You 2vem 10 think 1 12
ialr to presome that he approved ot Lnis
unless e exprrsser his (d=avproval.

1 hitve nd means nf knunln; what has
becn reportsd W ou, 1 Beel very suee
thut ny such statemsat has been pub-
usted, ot teast v did not appear fn Rione
nmend Diaputch or Thnes, L did mot ot
upon the wand, ax thers was o swhd or
sant to it dpon: I did hear shat ditle:
said aml | am posilive that be mede.no
such araiement.

There s In Chrstunburg 8 young wo-
man-from Floyd county who was born
wrl reared in thut vonnty somewhare 0
the peighburhcod of Showiiter. ‘I'he
FYOUDBR Womnn, pechaps 58 years old. nevor
eaw & traln of cars mor o circud uRuk
zh- rathe 16 Christianshurg, Recently ¢
she was shown kn.oyster And anksd b
oLt aiby tepeited the oftee with di-
‘wust nuld declured sha wonldn'e touen 3¢
for . She would perhaps. sconer est n
fue. Uhus Goftin 19 lere o earn & letle
riuney to help. pgy for o GUtm her Yamtty
o ght. the price of which was §1 an sere.
Trealy Floyd im & wonderful eounty ror
woiten aml innd.—3ldntgomery Marsen-
ger. -

» -

Mr, WU WL CeClung. who has been with
the Zaleny Sentinel s musde ger stnce In
eslethshment seven yrars ugo, has buught
3ut the interest of Mr. M. G MeUlung
i the pzpes amd Is.now gulely in contrul.
The Ceunty News eXtends him Dest
wishes. The Seminel has Always shown
enterprise. o grthering e It rendies
the pews in ils local Oeld—S1lem Tines-

A~wmhlmln' Iho hoss, .
3 —Chicago Tribune.

3t flhy bpl e o, that no-
hing wouid e ten nh &
FIStmAs prefent than o Smart Trap.

of our zoode,
rny manofne-
. e wodid stare tAnt
h fess than nre nuslly
MEY Riss ifterest yom to
t mm po“t the unhm .:lr u;lq
P B0 are made
R.flzumnd " heat mechnules, ¥
It you ennnat make It convenfent to sen
our Ntock. -weraihilr be A4 t3 pemd you|
;satnlmeur !o‘inall t to nny of your
as wheé JBe intereated. Te atwa
&tfilflt cramlnmm t:.‘ %‘Ivl kinda of "ffl'
il Tmiplemnen agone, Feneclong.
tewhich weshulf be pleased to mall

1302 aed 1384 E=-Main St., Rictrmomd, Ve,

et —.—.—t—.-._._ —

--.n. %

mm' bave, we 4:!(&«, are the principi e
©f trve preatness and & dcep %enye of hle
ebligidons @ ke beloved State and her
Lerpsle, o notitieg it Hek Dovaml it
lempt him (o prove falrs to his promisss
or thesy made in the splendhu platform
opan whith ke tras given such 8 sloris
o trhumph over Mr Loge.—l.éosbure


Opticas Sccured vm Large Tracts of Lasd:
N o Near Satém.
e3pectal Dispatel to The Times)

SALEM. VA, Movemtwr {5.—-The work
of prospecting for oft in Masnn's ove,
nboul five miles northeart o a.lem,
goes siendily on. Thowe whe telleve
that ofl and gos exist In paving amon-
tities In this nection Are barking ehelr
bejlet by seenring optlne on torge (race
of Tand, and nre condlunt of suicedy o
the undertaking.

Agrents’ pproesenting Phlladelpiia ard
Roanoke vapltn! have purchas! sl engs
el L50 avres of taad sn that vielnitv,
Off has bern known te exiar Th this wre~
tion for muny yvarm, anid Aot gen vears
nge o syndivets was orginbaed foe the
purpose of doveloping the fands, due,
after srveend attempty, the work wow
ahanitonrd Uroass oF the cxoehitant peles
asked By the owners 6f the Lind. Howev-
ev, the work ko naw on i earmesr and
those Interesient are confldent of suorees,

Professor O, La Stenrnes, of thit plres,
has nunnnneed himgelf o eundilate ¥
sucveert Dr. Robert Fraser, who recentfy
resigned the presldency af the State Fe-
male Normal Sshool, at Farmellle, Pro.
teasor @teritnes has Beohr 4 member of
the Board of Trustess Inr xeverfal years
and Is well aequaisted witlt the work of
the instituctlon nnd will recelve the fienrty
e“nduraemmt of the people of bty .mec-


Closed for Large Body of Coal

{Specio! Disonteh 16 The Time.)

TAZEWELL, VA, Nov. 15.-The 3t
den Spring Reller MHI, shout twelve
miles wést of thiw place, was deéscoyed
by fire early yesterday wocning. ‘AAe
vrigin of the fire Is unknown renry &
Graham, Jawyers of this ptaee, were thd
awners of the mifl, and had cecontiy



TeasmE it ko W, A\, Baries & U6, for &


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