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Tashington Cellege (ow Washingzton
and Les Unplversily) in 3842 and for
mmany years was it president. Jie aiso
hsd theological tralning and In edusited
In heary as well ag fn mind, In 1S9, when
1bere woa 2 lu-on: sentiment In Virginia
ngninst froo schiools, espechally’ against
free echools for the education of the
negraes, Dr. Iuffner wrote some of the
ablesl papers on that subject which have
come from the pen of mRy Mman, and
through mewspapers and perlodicsls, aa
weil asr lhm\zgh public Ieciurcs, he Bought

15 bring comviciion tb the minds of the |

reople. 1m thnot year ho was clected Jus
rerintendent of Tublic Instroction In thie
Etata, and within thirty days afier bis
election he bad submitted 1o the Legix-{
Jatore en outlined schonl eysiem, which

in & few werks he elabordted 1Mo &

compiete #chool Iaw, and the N wag
parsed wobLstandally o Do wrote AL
Tpon Wie pazrage of this bill he argauized

e schools so prompily and officlently

that at the ond of the year 876171,
fifteen thousand children were reported
i atendanés, and the schools Have
siendily grown from that time, ax has oo

ihe sentment I faver of popular cduca- |


Thess siatemonis are iwkon from = |

gketelh of Dr: Ruffapr by Miss Celestin
Parrish, hersel{ one of the hest-known of
Virginla cdusstors, und sho quotes Dr.
g T. 3L Cm‘ry 88 Tiaving thus Feforrend
1o Dr. Ruffners offictal work:
* “For whatever of suceess has crowned
ihis aystemm, Dr. Ruflner is entitled 4o
e eredit His cleven Teports are lucld
discussions of ANl Icading sublects ners
talning fo the organlzalion and manage-
whent of sthools and school systems. They
sre herdly surpassed In our educaifunil
- merstm‘ have ofteh Leen quoh-rl Ak e
'umrlum'o and were honored with o dk-
ploma from 1he Republic of Chill, Ruf-
ner wil] hereafter Bo vanked alongelue
of Maun, Ssars, Wickersham und othier
such cducators’ Duriug his admlnlxtm—
tion he apportdaned neaxly 35000000, nd-
ministered” §12,005000 withiout bond or 0.
was ever ohjorted 10, ot a cont was Jost,
and his bltterest epponent never intima-
ted that thers was anything mysterions
or dighanert It his administration. Every
page of the public &chool hisiory of Vir-
pinin is Juminovs Wwith bis triumphs'
Weo commend 1bd article from Dr:

Nutfoor's pou In to-day's Tlmes 1o the)

members of - the Constitvusnsl Convon-
Uon. First of all, Is sugsests 183t on (he
propoeed Hoard of Xducation thers
shall be representunilon from e nullie

Dr. Chprles W. Dabney, preallent of
the University of Tonnessce, & mwan who
is prominently connected with:the South-
«rn Blocatienal Associntion, heartily
agrees with Dr. Ruftner in this viow, nnd
®6 comimitted himdelf fa an interview
published in yestsrday's Timos.

_Aguln, Dr. Ruftaer and Dr. Dahney uro
both agreed thet ihe State wobld maxs
o grent mislake t0 apportion ths sehool
mopey in gich & WAY 88 to distriminaie
aemnst ihe blpok men ond o deny e
¥im the opportunity of cdveating We
children, It 18 not neccszayy 10 Say
1hat Thé Thioes takes tho same view, fer
wo bave frequently expressed oursehves

28 caphatically 45 we knew how on ihis |

Quéstion. Dr. Dabney well says (hat Vir-
&inls 1s An exemplur. and that It would
Be mbet Muriful to the chuke of populsr
wilucation If whe should commit herssif
10 the proposition that educetion is =
bad, thing for the black man. D Dab- |
ney also weu says. that the ordinance
alopled by the Virginia Convention ought
to be “sbove suspiclon” 1If the Consu-
uuomu Convention proposes to discitm-
inate agalnst the black mon and e gite
Iim for the &dn&um of his-children only
$6'much moncy a8 he pays hito the school
fund, then J& the Com-enuen bave tha
courage 10 comre obt and say 86, - It wouldl:
be unworthy of tkat body to necomplish
ung purpose dy Indircction,

e have already sounded the mml:m

——— . e n R Bee es M. =

and yet.no iteen in Ns necounits

fnlly peld upon which it shall net I'n':ez
Grot received sctual payment to tha fult.
‘ular weekly meeting The by-lews dee

par valve thereof Ja money, serviers or
property; =and, further, {hat nething
otterr than ntoney ghall be recefved by a

callons for membernhip have been re-
celved and will be acted upsn at the veg-

clare that onch each yesr the memburs
shall sesembin at the place of meoting

corporatfon In payment for slock or! and ench member draw sne bean from &

Yonds fsrucd, or to b issued by It, unless |

| dar. Jle who recelves tie black bean

and updl the price at which 1t i (o be so | must, bebween the tme of drawing and

| reccived in poyment #hall have been n-

ported to und upproved by the SBiate Cor-
poration Commizsion in euch procecding,

the nmext svarly mesing, commit suiclds.
A.zum of monsy, It fs safd, will be set
asldg to defray the funeral expenses of

nnd sulfect 12 zuch right of appeut lo the each departed member.

| Supreme Court of Appeais, It amy, an !
| may be yrovided by lawn No stotk ot
bumds shall be issucd Dy .8 odrperntion:

excent fin the manner and svlject 1o the* lot. or otherwise, It Is determined that|

rrx:ulallous and restriétions provided hy
| gencral lsws. Al vorporale dircctory, oL«
ticcrs or agents, who shall Insug, or esust
o1 authorize to be ixsued, Btocis or bonds
of any corporation Jn vieclatton of the
previelcns of this sectlon, hall (hereby |
be guilly of a ishab
Ty hne or Imprisonment, or bolh, as may
Ya presecited by law, and whall, fo m)dk
tlon thereto, b pereomlly Nable Jolntly
aod severdlly te the corporation for lhe
par. valos® of auch stock and bonds mo
| Hlegally kssucd, ot caverd or uuuwr!ud
Lo be 1adued, by them, th vidiation ot tha
provisions of this section

We Mopis thadt {hie section of the rcmrt

| will not bo adopted, for we bolfeve thay

it will do no good, and we feel sure Lhat
_{he effeat of It would ba 10 dlscovriga
and reatrain cnterpriso in this State. We
ke it thul ihe purposa of the provision
13 to prevent the “watering” of stock, and
that the provigion Is almed at trusts, but
the greut trusts of the country will In no
way be affected by such ‘= hrovision,
whereas the organization ot swall and-
AbsiriMa corporations within the Biate
woujd Le seriously bamperad.

Tiere are many citizens in Virgintn
who have no capital, or very Jittle, but
wiw have brain and enternrise, 3nd whe
ars alle frem tinte (6 Yme to smeml
men of meahs in home cvmmllom.
whosa obfect Is to bulld up enterprises In
Virginlo. Dt If evefy suweh cerporation.
organized is {0 be Mmade subjest t the
spproval ot o Siale Commission, it Iy
very clear that these enterprising pro-
moters $n the ftate will ba- serlousty
handicapped in thelr operationa, At any
rate, aiich & provision in the Constitutfon

of Virginia would be construed a8 hostifs
to capital, and would tend to that extent,
It no worse, to dlacourage inveatments in
this Sivte. Vhginis lu rich in resources,
and she needs 1] the money that'she ean
| get to develop them

ments and al) such enterpflscs whmc
purpose Is to develop and {ncréase the|.
woalth of the Siats, and it {s bad policy |-
to discourage such jnvestments and en-


¢ Virgints had it within Tier power to-
reguinte 81l the corporatinns of the eour-
try, tho cawe might be different. but 5t 87

well ¥nown that many States 1o the
Thion now havo very flberal corporation

1aws wilh & view to cncouraging inveet-
menta, a4nd I Virginia i» golng to teke
the other iact, aha will do Wo Zoad. bul

wiil sctfounly cripple the entenn'ln of | efplen In o : pfil ;
| reéutate. the alquor traase AR wg\m

“her own. citlzens,

‘We hava foy some time been giving our

eondelences Lo the Britsh cottén manu-|

faclivers as If they had been i oyt of

Lusiness, but it appenrs that’ ibe mit- |-
‘et 18 Dy Do mesns. deflaltely aetftled ux 1A

to who shull econtrel the cotton market

of the world snd there fe siii- mmetnm: !

4o be 21}d on the British sidh.

The Englizh papers avre quoun; wam
smilafaction a paper read at the Norih-
st Cotton Maxmfnctureu‘ Amioclation
ot Ameries; Which paper dealt \r{ih e
enmparative 7leld- ot American and Brt-
ish competition. Among othier titags the
poper poiated out that the Billish. gooas
At present have a deelded ndvantage over |
the Anteritan fabrics fn all the forelgn
markels, axcept China and Mexico, hes

canse the British underetond how to size

It I, - iberetare, |
goed. polivy to ehcoursge all such investe]

Ts Wt poealblo thot the authorittes of
Atiantie CiIty or any eother. city wWould
permit such @ dlub 0 exizt? When 1y

some member of ihe club sball tako bl
oxn Jfe within a given period of time,
‘I8 1ot thin equivslent to sentencing & man
18 deuthi? 18 It met equivalent to mur-
der? It veerhs 1o 18 1o be ths very warnt
form ot murder, for It compels & wan to
f. Such clube dave no
pinco fn our . modern civilizailon, and they
ars not to' bs telcrnted,



In the Baptist Assoclailon on Friday
night, Alr, A, Rt Long, delagate from |
Lynchburg, had thu couzsge (6 stand up
@nd opprose the resolution adopled by the
Assoclation commending the mo-catiad
Barbour-Qmarles anti-liquor ordindnce
now befors the Consiitutionsl Comven-
‘ton. Mr. Long fook the postilon thal
the Conatitutional Convention was not the
proper body o deai with this queetion,
-and while fie found himself in 2 minority
of ont,~The 'umea thinka that he way -
iirey right In the peumnn which he . loolk.
_“‘o do not know him, but'a man ot Afr
Lang’s coutage is not' to e Mmsed,

It I8 not olir purpost lo go Into-a dls-
‘cugslon of the marits or-Qeineriin of this
.proposition. Therw & something (o da
rald for 3t and soemihing to 'ba anfd
againat it, but ut beat'lt I3 an experimunt,
and we do not belléye n makihg oxpert-
menls with the organle Juw of this State;
We Geleve that the guor trafis s a
subjedt for statulory regulntion, and we
4o not balleve in trying to rexu!ltu it
by nn ordinanes of the Constitution. I
this experiment should be tred In Vi
glifarend it aliould:prove 10 he & fallure,
ot oblcctionabis to a Jarge class of peo-
ple, it could only ba changed by amend-
mant of the Constitytion, and that ba
long and doubtfal- anil difticutt: PrOCERS,

Bome: of the advocatrs of this measurs
employ as, m srgument (n. fayor, of its

ment that the’ llqmu' mflgk» P
yiust bo remembored it the, !
dguinse frite ard ot eh’hwa
Cowstitution, but are. an&uér‘ungp

dgmintal or-winbie Saw
,mmafixea. u.;‘ ok ber.isqjalo

se¢ms fo b to’ bo. utterb ot
s sy

"with, the form sod Bpitit of

‘e, N, B
In these verges the Lord Jems Mr
with, n deeply importint sltbjectmhw ama
when we, nro 't0 forglva We llvo 1n n
wicked world and it is-vain to expiot’
that we cdn ¢seape m trcqtment, n‘nm
1t comes, how shall We most 1t? Gur Lata
laya down the genptal ¥ule that we are
torgive i the utterimogt: He flm not |
mpznn, that olfences mlnst~ the law. of
the fand are (o e passet over.In slonce,

s FTa tnalale thni wa ara tn arode and



| ponts und are ‘shaniged frof #urum',_ :

um‘fldmmmm may T“;R ;w; s

Constitution 1g not @ ovda., t. i ne | {2
and afim

& min,fioniw’lflt. . e mmm .

" aw. ‘sire n;cam\ 'Io—mt- that Réy, Dr.

3 Piduterdnia mnqfihfiufln;h!m{ ¥

b,;-hung.whnam Aner m
|-aaninst eedoreing m Bubour'finnfih é

and forgive our brother *until nmnb
L times seven.” 2Meu wha do not cavh tor
doctrine, but men who rarely read thelv
Inbles, ean uadersland 3 forpiving sen -

per, They can see the light shine fa
xpite of all eforts to expluin It awey,

\Wonid wu grow In grace and becoms
more haoly in all et waye and words and
work=? Then we must prees.closs in “fi‘
foolster® of the Afastc, Who, Wi
hauging on the crogs, had only lorgi\'@
naes In JHa peart for s murderers.

Hoppy he who can pray “forgtve us our
trespassey o8 we forgive them that tres-
pary agalnst ug*

That 15 the eruk of praytr—ihat Is (he
pupreme difficulty of Intevcession!
©The Pan-American Exposlifon was a
alamat fallure, fingaclaity speaking. Tha
report ot (e dlrectors shows the toral
linkiltiea of {he company to bo 8.5%6,-
1469 not. osstming hat the nasets of
VKB are oollectible at face. The com-
pany owes for opernting sxpenses on cob-
I'irucfion nearly 400,000,

An luteresting fact shown by the e
port J» the total pmt to the cxposition
company of the exposition. The cost, ac-
cording to (lo roport. wus 39,868,500,
Tho total veceipta from admisslonwy after
Jfny Jt Were 35,407,06835, and the recaints
fram concesslons wore 011,522, The,
balince doe to the Arst ymortgage bond-
holders is $114.9%, and to secony mort-
gage’ Londhioiders $560,000, both of which
aro Incloded in the Hablltics as given.

In spite of (hls very poor exhibit the
people of Buffalo #ny that hio exposition
ux a- whols wis very profitable to the

Mixs Nary E. Wilkine, who has de-
votedihar 11t¢ to the writing of romnnces,
Yiax now tumbled Into-n “romance in Teal
Ilté" of “which she s tha hervine, She
rrently heeamo the wifo of Dr. Charles:
M. Freeman, of New ‘Brunswiek, N. J.
Jpst fhsn tha marriage took plce the
general public dods not known. The Mt
hint ot it wag twhen seveml calondy of
Tursfture arrived at the resideaty of
Dr. Freeman. The htids and groom are
tived later; und urs now enjoying thesr

Ths bride I8 39, which fs.younger than
40, and romance mever goes out of.the
o ot & writer of romances—so Jong us |
.she kecys her pen in écuon. As for the
grootn, he promises to bs p model tover
Ho gave the cabman who dross bim and
iz bride to thele hooto & mnom ot, su.



‘:1( Ba npdbana, T bet e
A Hhan., ufion Nl rq'lum. ‘-m cuuf-d

m_ mll Mflflu& to wrltc-
e mpam-in tor nm

vma;mn »mr;mnuz ot pesuiting “tha
siile oflwtsomt Tha addphioy e al SUeh"


5, Bottle, b hehall 6f ‘the” :B:muat
fid&llon‘ rflbu‘k!& und ° ‘repuilinted

nu-llquo- .qrifnates. The Baptists ire
Biitfue Démocrats, and ons of- tho capdl:
,nni pflnntpm orDemaciacy Iz 2165 meen.

"Bfiamd coliege mmson wear gawua“"
deks A o 3 ¥, Tmat
aqmnds on whethor the: profesmoe s o
man or & Mlss Naney.


Pha Warrhnnta' Rmiastiva Sapasfotion

& rtalnly ot interest that the only two

‘Suddenly a frostiaye

}:omfutfiu r.enuln mng| ot

1bgra Iu thd dally looking-up, the

wherl ‘we niecd. to'bu quiitest

were wwes goining, —iiofjem LAlc. i

Conalgering tho fact, says o New York |
erreapodont, thal there are only nix e
Ing es-Governors. of Neow York; that only
hree of thise are Inwyaerg, sud that of
thesy three ong s in evlirement, 1t 18

fermer woverturs whe are BOW enzugsy
In tha praciice of the law sheuld appear
18 Uiy on opposing ghlen in the most ses-
srifonal u..nminal csge since the trial of
Brekes. Ex—3cveamnor Blae's argued be-
fere Judee Newlurger -for the dismizsal
of the indictment of R, B. Mnlineux ter
morder and ex-Governor 131l argued
agninst ihé mutlon, in behall of the tate.

= .

“What 13 3 paramount lssue?”’ “iUs
the particular fksue that & zpesker finds
It edslest {0 Qlecuss."—Chlcagn Post.

i L e

For the first timo on record, the Vi
enna Unlyersity hos clected as It rector|
for the year a teacher of Ergilsh lan-
guage and literature—namely, Haolrath
Frofeasor Jakob Schipper. The new rec-
tor's inaugural address wag largely de-
voted {0 a comparizen beiween anelont
and madern cuiture, and lie came to the
concluzlon that the llon's skare tn the
.nehievements of modeéen ealturs belongs
lo the Anglo-Saxon race. The Engiish
lanpuage belng now spoken by 159,04 B
seople, he urged :hat Epglish and Gees
man o Freach should take the place
of Lallh ond Greek In education, except
for special -l.rposeu.


“Now, qc-,mr.y.“ atdl the teaclier 16 Q
sirail puplt 1n (5ix sramnmr class, “you
mny eompare tho word ‘elek’ ™ Johinay
hesitatéa for n momom. then blurted out.
;l:mr. slckes, deud,” —Glasgow Evening


. -

8§l o1 Georgy'n ralsin®

The merriest kind of {une:
Rowex in December

Whisperin® af June.
‘When you think {08 winter,
Huaddenly n frustfiake

“Melim Intoe bloom!
T =Adlnita Conamumm.
Ar*-here In Tazeanaer,
Wyt e¥erything's in Hloom,
A’ even when it's rainjn”
1t's ponrin’ dawn perfume.
fhe birds ara always Angin,
In supshine aw’ In rain,
An‘ Luzeanner's ralsing-—
Well, everything and cane.
~Xtw Orlerns Times-Demoermt.
An” up here In Chicggo,
Where cattnre faisly hums,
Soclety I8 sportin’
it Bl chrysanthemumm
The vaseat lot or prople
You cvrer cam: ALTOSR—
We're piikin’ W cur eventn's
.A~wmmmn 1ho Hosa.
~Chictipo :rmune.'
In Bluyl-m! wg‘n happy— .
'wiont, breczes pipel 4
tm- yu-amk 1 hloomiag
terraply’ s tlpas -
'rhe. ttnrd’:lwu erab = tetapiing
ko Jaded appetlte; -
!Dm orélesr makes us Joyous—
Fhe world Iy running rinht. -
“~RBultimere. Amefimn.

o =

p——— e
oun RELIGIOUS cawemonmss
JWhat n, alfrerenca 1t mokes 16,805 -
mnn Hfo whether 1t be ldoking, da\vn ot
mmn: upy Kow bleued are they who'l
hava, , lenrnet] . Lho
A r.réwu\' t'mm hubic ot fooking-itp |v
THE HIELS. |- ' to tha high ihfitre:
¥ . & of 0 truthl Y%
mmnfkunu. that
-t sebn


deen d”d( to‘;iul: ,n t 't;pmffg- 1
: Slerms) % svistan- o
Chirlstlan” Hopy { lwku ,l‘hu:‘.mh Ahn

Dilgra. b ‘God, to Albe-city BAL cantin
Oty Akl *the: everuwun:wfilm. wm-:

ot sarth aie. not 8o importuntg‘t‘m; AN

Bta hot 3a hwby.rthn atles A:t-
imu.- fiw mn g, Alrcetcd.

mxl\ch we"aae perplexad by

Fering “opiFions, |
-and nasured,
w8 £oup of -oiir kls niid Took off at. the'

ot God; and pedce comes baste
“We would -wish ‘siwayd to. live lbokinir|
up to ihg heovenly hil)s wind. the: gelden
£y that s there esmmsned fmver...
Centnt Prenn'

And dife


: ¢ ;‘l} » tiuuymea

e orphaned snd erring. to
walfs .of the stums, fil(lrt?fl:?:‘ ::c
toundling to & mother's hears Uioathenism
neglected amd often stew oy chlldren. Wue
thy God who reacued the ehild nof the Wile’
from the murdercus edfets of Pharonh
nnl the Babe of Bethlohetm from the
hands of Kisg Herof has taught the
tworid thatout of the moutyh of babex amd
suklings Mg can ordain strength. Thers
t ne Wfeat’s’ will coming from coms
daric_tenement of the elums nor-ery trom
the banke of th> Gaages that should aat
finl rezpense in the awakencd mother-
hieart of Christ's: penple, Everr Sundoy-
echoal, orphan asviam, or Christlan homo
e but a2 monunient to the glory of [tho
wlm though himeelf 2 “babe in the man-
* haa exualied the menning of ehild-
lmod and widened and enriched the soupe
of motherhood, till these gifts, once tenei-
pled in the mire of negiect, have hecome
tha sweetest, d¢ardst possesalons of war
Hix—Religloue Hevald.


Ay, G, B Whson: = wall Kanten sty
Republican of Nottoway county, priow
‘A exrd In the Blutkstone Courler in whis
he suys:

In your last issve you elnte tnat 4t
s reported, ln fact, wo boffeved 1 hay
Yeen publichad In the papess, that Nre
C. E. Wilsan, the defuated Republizan
candldate fur Congreys from thix disueter,
ot upon the stind at Ameba 4. H. \nlit-
sidney Jiler, the NPz £peakor, WAS W
avering Ids thanks 10 Gl At the netlan
of Lreshdent Rocseveft In <imng Hooker
Washington.” You syvem 10 think it 18
fafr (o pregame that he goproved of iy
uriess Le expressen W& disapqroval

I hive ng means nf kmmln: what hay
been reparied ter You, 1 feel very sury
that ne such gtatemvdt has been pun-
ished, nt lenst It dM not appear in Ricn-
mend Dizpatch of Thnes. 1 GOl got st
upon the stand, ax thees was M Ataha o
seat to git dpon. 1 did hear swhat Sble:
aunid and ) am positive thit he made.no
Such stuiement

- . ®

There Ir in Christurhbucg a young wo-
man-from Floyd county who was GOrm
and resred in thee vounty semewhors 10
the pashburhood of Showalter. ‘ots
Young womun, perhaps 23 years oid, never
B & train O cary mor a eircus unuk
#he cimez 1o Chrathamburg. Hecentiy
ghe way 3hown #n oyster o asksd o
wotn Mbe ane lepeiled the offer with Jig-
‘pust awl declured sha wonlda't touen’ )t
for %. Sho would purhaps, sooner eat m
e, Pl @emin ishem to earn & littls
rney to help.pey f0r o farm her raniily
bu zznt. the prive of which was $1 an aere.
Traly Floyd Im a wonderful county ror
women aul fand.—3lontgomars . Mewgin-

® o

the Salem Sentlnvl as aupirger stnce »
estetisnmeny seven years spo. has dyught
2ut the intereat ot Mr, M. ¢ McClung

{ e the popes and 1s now :olely In concrot.

The County. News extends him Dust
wishes. The Seminel has alwnys shown
vnterprise. In gathedng for s readirs
the news in s loml et —aulem 'l'ln.!s-


3 ’l‘. mgumr, gpmrnl mmger of lht
Riéh Parch Iron and uacomuny. ot m
Moor, has been in PMiadelpbin. ncmag-
tiry: far, the ereetion: ¢t the propects whag

| hee savs will be-the Jurgest Jron thnmes
| In ike South. The Itieh fateh Company |’

18 nOW gutting out o5 tous of dre dally

and suppiving many other mmsee com-

panlés. When it etects its pwn furnides

it éxpeets to double the uutnut ot or—

Flincssile Hemld ‘ - i

‘I ihe 'Ih o, whn JBIK- ha ndopl;)d
‘1t. s out . oplnion’ that. tuside of th
Jenrs o révothdignary-party of good vl
Virginlnlis. wall. aoln complite contrit .at |
thy government nnd stap EXSEUVOEBBER,

a5°dik the. peuple in. rantfuptor dage. We

kv sodffzed tha. projused sarnge; bilt
flnd. $tadoated, will bring forth the hon.
‘ol fentiFents at the bulot Dox that wiit
refoguty to -the rear lotever the domi-
BN seo of dpm:xg«-gun and weakiingn
mm ™ powrr.—-—l_am!sz \'em 3

~Uul& wu-u nma uf T hecettmins-
Lot of the Nogty as n wte:. s suff=pus
o “hs - buflE, 0 tbe Consiliydan, whisi
¥ Lol dnd fim -Hght of. ukmn and ke

depei Jisger

i@@%fi"fim %a’“‘"«m«n SRl

yaad o (e understnding or the mnbt

absirlty and o abamelul mickery ot uu
Litizen's, rlsl\u.-fi;nrr Bnludn ¥


Xat zirce the t:nod otd anye R Vlrgtnk
\v_h»n patriots, zot paviriors, Nflwll‘i
(i e sdlalés of the parss snd such men
ay Jetferwon, Ilenty, Tyler and dlonmvy
acoapicd, the. cxenntive manston ar Hich-
s, G2 we bBulleve the State 2 Bad
fuek an wocaptable Governur sy Mr. Mo~

Rev, Dr. W, B nmm: coniributés Uig

t=gue witl grove, 3¢ one mnre amiitlnus
R oun tlw porty worlhy of the coon-

i Rickmand's

Ale. W W C‘c(.lunn'. stho has been with


eharncter o nn apptieant 1s o croiewme-}

E@lfl’ln‘ lasge

ETIOW IAAL mMost o the hundrods of aete
of Hatnexs In e stock axe made by

It ¥ou eannot make It conveniont ta gon
onr stork, wr skl be glad ¢» zewl you!

aentalogus or to malf ft to sy of your
mcmls who may be interveiad. We atea
mullish catalogues of aff kinds of Aevie
evitura! Implements,. \Wagone, Fencing,
rtelwhich we shali de pleased to mall.


{02 aed 1304 E: Mt St., Ricimond, Ve.


mat bave, we scfieve. are the prineipi e
ef lrve greatnese and n deep 3ense of hie
ebipitions v Liw belovod State and hee
Lenpli. Rk votitieg thit Mes heyomt wilt
lempt him to prove tates to biz promists
OF thost mede in the splendte plyvitorm
opat which kF was civen such A Pre
U‘t';t;:'"mnh uver Mz loge.—lecsburg


Opticas Sceured ou utgc Tracts of Land+
o Near Satem.
1Speectal Dispatel to The Timeay

SALEM. VA, Novemher 15.-The wirk
ot pmspecfln:: for ol in «Maxon's Cove,
about five miics northeare Bg e,
govs steadlly fn. Thoss whs belleve
that ofl ahd gus exlsr In paying nman-
titlem In this seetfun ar- hoeking theic
bellat by xeeuring Aptiops on lergs teactd
of Tand, and nre confldzat of success (o
the wndertaking.

Aments represcuting Fhiladelphin and
Roanoke caplinl have purchased ol lenss
ed 228 ueres of lanet tn that vicinftv,
Of) bus been knnww o exlat 1n thiz mee~
tina for muny yende, Bl nbont ten wears
age & syndicats waw urkanized for the
privpose of davelopink the Tamds, hat,
after sevpeal Altempes. the work was
abanidonrd Breause pE the exorbliant price
apked by i owners of the lund. Howev-
er. the work Is now on in carnest anek
Lhose interested avre eonfhlent of sucrass,

Professar O, Ia Btearnes, of thin plaes,
has announced himself o condbdare §
succeed D, Robert Frazer, wha recentls
resigned the presideney of the Htate [ee
male Normad School, st Farmyitle, FPeae
‘fesaoT Stearnex has beefr & mamber af
the Rosrd of Trostees for sevoral yerrs
and iz well aemuieted with the work of
the institnddon iand will rvecive the hearty
emlorsement of the peaple of ihiy.sec-


Cloged for (Large Gody of Coaf
(Specinl Disonteh 16 The Timen)
TAZBWELIL Vi, Nov, 18.-The 3ldie
den Spring Reller Ml adout twelvs
mileg west of this pi:tos, Wil destroved
by fire enrly yesterduy maming Lthe
origin of the fire Is unknown rMenry &
Qraham, [awyers of thiy place, were NS
awners of the milt, und bad gecently
Jensed It Lo W. A Barlles & U6 for ®
term of fAve years, whs hod equipped
the mill witly modera aned mésg, smproves
muhlnrry nt £ cost of nbout Biw. The
“total foss of the owners R0l the 1083es
I estimated at RN, ‘Chery wig no 1A~
b'surines o the bullding or maeninsry.
Robert Shulitshargers dwalling apdt
storghouse wos barned last night. anc
the origln 0F tie 7ive lo rot knowms Me.
ShufMebarger’s Atorchoise 1X BDYUE
‘twelvé miles eist of this placs, and nia
Toxs Iy estimated at $i.c4m.” There way oo


) 'lhsunnco e'ther on the butlding or toe

3 mom Holmes' onras, Colonel Jouies
Russell aad Dr. B, W.o Stong Arrivea
hure to-Zoyi where thes, together witn
otRér directors of ' the Jodin LK
Coal and Coke UCsmpnny, cltwed & aeal
‘with Now Yore and Pennsylvania eapi-
wllsts tor o sple 6f abnut Nn acres ok
vajuable cosl ands tu this vouaty


une rge Questities of Logs and Tles Belog

Stippes Awsy.

Uispuren to Fhs Timex)
‘mmmfim WA, hov, h—Elegans
. wewther hos eandiecd farmess o JoWw
"IMegy. crops pl whedt anc gather the eoen
Frop-which In toeJaFgest made for yairs.
fhe. apple cmp\im Surhed Ut poOriY.
'and not-3 half*épop hma bBesn gatneded,
Mr. J. ©. Hendesson has focitea & DRV

i} oear be:ri ;fld u;vul engrge
; e rimber busta
Hr.'yl\!“;, Frlsoner., O0f this plage, to
qnn.stfm o2 togs und ties
ortBarn market
‘0 lha ;mut. Swipson, whe dled ln_
Lymhbun: was brought nftT and blt-b
Mea, Curaline Klgc, an aged lody, was
buried on yesterday. She Jzavey & large


o Alsthodist Sundoy-sohoot bad s
-_T_‘.'.'.,’.. arle ot the church, XA larie


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