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“mifitstered” $1%.000,000 without bond or se-
eurity. und yer no ftem in hls necounts
was aver objocted 10, not o ¢ant wax Iome,
and his bitterest opponcht never intima-
ted thal thery was anything mraierfous
or dishoneet Iz his sdminisiration. Every
Paga of the public tclicol histery of Vir-
ginla i8 juminovs with his trfuimpl

‘Wa commend {bd -articlo from Dw
Ruftact's i o to-d8y's Tlmes 1o the
members ot the Comstilotonal Conven-
tion. First of all, he suggests Lhat on the
proposed Board of Edducatlon. there
shajl e represestation from Uie pullic

Dr. Charles W. Dabaey, president of
the Ualmflty of Ténneasce, a xwan who
is prominently conueeted with the South-
om Educntional Assoelation, heartily
agrees with Dr. Roffeer in (hls viow, nnd
50 commnitted Wimselt ia an interview
publizshed in yesterday's Timos.

. Again, Dr. Roffaer and Dr. Dabney nro
both sgrecd that {he State wobld-maks
8 great mistake to apporlion the sehool’
moniey i such s wAY an 1o discriminate
aguinst the black man and to deny w0
him the opportunity ‘of cducating Ns
chiidren, Jt i8 not Deceamary (o -fay
1hat The Timos takes {le same view, for
wo have frequemtly expremsed ourselves
28 cphatically ax we knew haw on thiy
questfon. Dr. Dabney well saye (hat Vir-
ginfs ia an exemplar. -and Giat 16 would
be most huriful to the enure of populir
educatien I she should comumit herssif
10 the proposition that education is a
bad thing for the black man. Dr. Dab-
ney also well says. that the ordinanmce
adopted by the Virginia Convention ought
to be “above susplclon™ If ths Constle
tutdonnl Convention proposes to diserfm-
inate amhxst the diack man and 1o give
Bim for the education of his chitdren only
®0 much money as he pays Into tbe achoo)
fund, then lel ihe Convention bave the

conragu lo vome ol and say 80, It -would

be unworthy of tkat body 19 accomplish
this vurpm by indirccilon.

We have already snuuded the varniag
2nd we repeat I, far we feel very dceply
en the gubject, and our fesling amaunta
10 & eonviction, that If the peoplc of thip
Elate Go this cruel thing the Injury will |
be more to the whiles than to the dlaeks.
12 tho Mlack man s 1o remaln with us,
we must, andiT the orerruling piovidence
of Cod, holp him to hmprove his condition
and to become'a’ bettor citizen. It wa A8
nol hietp 10 Ut the Llack man wp, Iz we
keep ithe-negto race In a state of victuus
ignomnce and allow that race 1o go
<own in the neala of degradaiion, as sore-
IF ag the =un shines, oy surely g there
i a law of causs and effect, just % sure-
1y wil] thoe digraduilon of the buek man
have lis demeralizlag effect wnon the
white race. The path of duty iIn bis

e e
Mllllflll ELOQUENCE.

!nau nmr.r ‘of -Modern !'-‘quueau. an
M ef wlich upenn In an-
other colimn. offtra an \Inltlnll appor-



w‘uo is Imerefled in h‘,

otganized iz to he made suhject to the
spproval ot o State Commisslon, it s
very clear that these enterprising proe
moters o the £tate wlil ba- sexiously
hand(capped. in thelr operationm At any
rate, duch & provision in the Constitution
of Virginla would be constricd as hostile
10 eapital, and would tend to that extent,
- It nio worke, to discoursge favestiments ia
this Eiste. Virginta In rich fn resources,
and she needs g the, money that she con
get (o develop them. It i, thnntcn,
good policy to encourage all suek Tavests:
avente snd oll such enterprises Wwhoso
purpose 1o Lo develop and increase’ the
weaith of the State; snd $t is bad polkey |-
to discourage such investments and -en-
terprises, i

It Virgints had it within her power to
.reguinte all the corporatians 4T tha eoln~
try, tho case might be different, but ft i
well Jnown that many Staies In the
Union now hava very libersl coiporation:
faws wvith a view to cncouraging: inveet-
ments, dnd if Virginfa Ia going to- (ake
the other iact, she will 3o 5o zoad. bat

her own citizens.


We have for some time been giting onr

condolences o Lthe Brilah cotton manu-.

faclurers aw It they had been wn_ out of

‘fer ia DY mo means defigiely scttled as

of tha world and there g a:m mmetmn:
te De 5050 on the Britiah sida. ,

The Esglish. papers are mun; with
smilafaction a paper read at the North-
enst Cotton 3Mamdfasturers’ Aswoclation
of Americs, Which pager dealt wms the
eomparative field. of Americdn and . Brit-
fsh competition. Among other tlungs the
paper polated out that the British goods
at pregent have o detlded advantage over
the American fabries fie olt the !m-dzn
markels, oxcept China and Mexico, he-
eniter ihe British underetood how to-size
thafr fabrics more cconumically thah ve
do. The stapla Souikern goods, which
are chiely grays and. browm, represent &
maximum of yaw malerial and & mint~
mym af labor, aud fa he opinion of {he
writer of tho above paper, they could be
manufactursd At 3 Wgher degrae of Fee.
| munoratfon under present Indastrial cou-
ditions 1n {he South than in any nther
manufasturing country i the wor!d. Bhb
the papcr went gn to say thot this zxtgl
ordiaary development which we Thave
been wlinessing. fn OUr cotton indasivies |
must Inevilably bring perlodie. conditiona

pmancxinn and trado mmuou unioss |
wa took some actlve measures to Increase
our market. ‘“The cottorn trads of {hs
world 48 as yot untouched By us, while
wa ucn 8 bulldivy new mille and en-
wng.oufi at a great rate, and ‘mean-
all to er.lm our markets for the goodl

Comsmercial Iu!.clunur.fi : Enak
ment orf this American vi¥ " of-th
situation, but .1t is ot

will scrfounly cripplo the cntcrnr!se ot - of

Lunsiness, but it npyenn that the- mit- |

to wha shall controt the cutton marlke |:

of buehress suffering aa o rnu!t ot ‘over. ap

mada by thexa additlom to our lnan.. {

do #ot brlieve fn trying to regulate it
by an ordinanco of tha Consiftution.
{his. experinient should be tried In Vir-
ginto- and it should-prave to ke & fallure,
ot objectionubis to a Jarga cinss of peo-
pley 1t could only ha changed by amend-

‘leng snd donbtful and dificult procsss,
Some of the sdvecates of this measure
employ, as, ah, srguisent fn tayer, of its

canis ther ave” vidlakfl b; llflk
‘men. “But sn.ntm; Inl‘ tu? sklte 9:-_ ryh-
‘ment thak the’llquor lafiq o

motitn AnA ara shinged Sigdn Hear:

sums f.o us to e uzterfly’
“WItH (ic form and spivitL of d:a
“Ilfl_- 2 &a e

{!e!c:clé& td\“om 'un}efi

fakenty fiinds Fpevan e
mm' g, ‘”‘\. CE ek
with o deeply imnofl.mz sauec(-hm and
when we aro ‘6 fflrfi!\'e.’ e dive’ f!l n
wicked workl and n taeval : to upact

lays Gown (he geuefal fulo that we arg’

mun that olfeuces’ against the law of
| the land are 1o be pazsed ovec In sltence.
Bt He insigta that wo sve to study and
show 0 nem;ml snfrit of forglvencss end,
mmv {owards our breLhron,

nmch qmm- than to abarrel.
wbmlt to much an overlook much rath-

ings to .be held by o Glsciple af Ch!llf.
hat o happy world it woutd by IF thia:


b ‘sfme Weay. it tnkik-'twn to mx«
qqarrcl. nmme

S e

whils we are do&ng practically nothing at hrs-

metive. fop gmlhm ou:an ougu to .be,
monmhn Bl



ment of the Consifiytlon; and-that is o

must by remembered:. lhlwli"e “aes 14
dxainst erio ars ot SoHbaTopd 4 s
Coxsutution, but drg stakuis nm:gs :

ai ctroymatinces . may. Teniure "Ws;-

g (j\a:!whlm:‘

*In theso verses the Lond’ Jem anls

that we can escape !It trentmeut. vhed |
It comed, how shall wé ‘moet IbY Oue. Liove

o iorglw to the uttermost. Ho docs not |

We. m.ln heay much and’ put np with
AVe'are tof,

‘er than to have any gtrifs, e are to |
lay; aside eversthing ke malice or rev
vingp. Thesa are totali¥ enworthy feel- |

Hflmo of Jour Lol «n monr known ;un

“Hoty fndiy - mmmtc al;fietu and
qunrgas are omutnnfi By moer nhnanc
for what thes call “tuelr ‘flshq-”' x
:.fl!'o _cazinot lmtn n"lthont Suel- ,:l’n.m. m

WEE o wnu mmr ‘Qur

fnequ looked-upan him mth

Dr. Freeman. The bride snd gtwom nt-
tived Inter; and ars now enjoying th!fr

The brida I 33, which is.younger tban
40, and romance never gues out of the
IIfa of o wrlter of romances—20 long s
aho keops her pen fn action. As for the
groosh, e promises to bs a modet lover.
Hn gave the cahmen who drove bim and

L’s. bride to tkqle homo @ handful of sls-

| apbtion kg; i “m:gme u:égev;uq- me
ageingy:e “itia: wobdFIrBaTIbe Tl e o godd pebARd, T bek eala
‘thet dnch: lewd Ehould b3 - ' "':;g;a.. aahman iipba hls Teturn. “Ile calted

| gjen: _;éndb m.infléy‘ when hu'helpud. hor
'M?‘ ?*."- 2N

4, ne: “yephdi: whm fawsiars passct |
tral o utlwu;n., omim

Capsitution 18 hot. & ovdwmlpwm« itk
Omtnur or-oyEnhle Hw :nd.d&‘hy-wf@" *::: M:B.“fik Xh%fi ara u dbdi i
einchpicn; 111, fok Uer e Lo mmam o m,u:xtg to ,nh%ow'

hdmth t 3
thaBudy.—Virglisia, ow-‘

3 ub»ilm thn Commuctan nmmht uny.
Pmon fimhiblmrg ¢r vegulating "tha,
ufle of um.. The, ndfipumx or an.sagh


*; muu ns W 1¢tito Be Legtstature .

s o m::::—.«-.‘::z =
"W’" ara ple:mfi fo ‘Aot that l\lv uh
'11_ ‘\‘ Bnttle. ‘oh behalf atuthe” n.-m

mfa.tlon, rewk«l und mmutntga
may‘n nassithy ;flio-fimnx‘ 02"
‘R Long. who apom on A

‘nii-4rue Damoergts, and grc of the cardt-


‘withiould eotiege profevsory wear gowast

naks an egteamrd. conlcmp«rmry, mu

dep(\ndfi on ‘whether -thy professae Is. nf
man oF & Mh;a Nancy.


AFtE.{“&Tfl. {
. The Merchanta® Pratective Asseefivtion
of Ixafeton, Tenn., . bas decided. lu;x:


Tllel‘c was 1 man. Andhis
mxrton.. $aid sal}ow skin?
A{i&‘ Y:hé,, sciles 'said “losing|


WG their heads as he passed
by. -But being & prudent man
he “forthwith - swallowed - daily ¢

Then'fn& -mirror said *ruddy
And . the ‘scales” Sunk


fape -,


e ok

.aquinst erdissing -the "Batboui-toaria i&fi
“u.uqm .quijnArcs. Tha Baptists ary W

aal pflnnmn orDemoacincy. I3 £roé speech; fll’f

‘weight™, And hisfriends o:hdT

reaip’ plmt doses ofbScott's| &

his weight: And his St

uralturd ~ar¥IVAd Al d (elUdts of | The dirds nes lllwan singtn’,

In sunghine an' !n rain,
AR* Lusemnner's msing'—
TFell, averything omd cane.
—Ntw Orlexns Times-Democrat.
Ar' up here In Chicage,
Where cultore: fnlfly hums,
Soclety 13 eportin”
it Bl chrysanthemume,
The pasest ot or people
You rer oo HErDSs—
Wa're pribn' 1 i evenin's
-A-worshipphn' the o,
!eflr.n munu.


;n Mardand we'rs UBppy—
- Tha Bor*west Ureczes pipe:

“Ehe cancashack is blooming °
_Andl tha terenpin Is ripe, ~ .

The.hardahall crmb js tetapting
.= he Jaded appetite;

'.l."m ovster maker ha joyous—

“The world Is running rignt. .

~Buttimare. Aneflmn. ;

oult RELIGIOUS commmmntss.
., What a Alftorance Rt makes Ta.a0% by
ap lito whether 1t be ldoklm: do\vn ot
hoklns upt Mow -bleated ‘are ihey who!
ave . learne (B,
& TESSON FROX. habit of lvoking up
IS 'm .BXLL& o the hlsh thirdgs:
of Qdd'y trutht J%:
thmltua cpe St Chirutisin g.um. thad:
ks\not 9pon ihe- ihima &



promides BE God o the city (bt
uos Acd ~the hfiuflugu"%mm < l\:lléan


.lléem 1y tivd diy e o
[ o) B tan, vsm

{4 hot- sa . lxumr. the- iTatlée ;Au. }um::
smi thp mm wceled ek Qad

g ¢
‘4p oy o hills and IooL off ac ins

ho:mm ot 'Goil, :md petice ‘comes hanic -
"We wrolld s dlwnyy to. lva looking

up ‘to thy heavenly DUl wul the, tnlvun
ety that fx th«e natxmf-nud fmm-

Ehtfll mt

Re\' D ‘W E. Evane contributes "tie,
following to the Soulhern Churchmnn:
ol th!ngs. oid baildings. ol¢t books, oid |
warlis of art. and,
m DEDI’CA- _above oll, old pep-
T.(ON HYMXN. ple, have an it
tracuve (nwerast for
me. ¥ l\:wa had great pleasure at times
n tumln- o¥¢r ofd recarda of uld churchss
att ol fapsNles. And what pecutlar
wiings [ Wove found! Otten old ihingn of
historie lnt%tent conio to m!gu without ‘my

Fwehlis. i the vhountaing - af Rorl.h Caro-
“’!" X yeeciveéd & Ietier fraun Californo,
Rfim@l from Richmond, asking If thers
Al wr ofd: l:lmmh ihat -was Inuu

::l"( dt ota theatre that was buriyed
n “mg.v&t of the last century. Ta
hiihy I replled taf thero ‘wes such =

that L veey mich exiyied,
gs it has osbout (ho. largsst

uch Thls

L'l.‘ommomcant et in the diosese, -

Arig’ the |
nun ucd
1eoinpossd fer the mervice In whish: A3au-

wna consterated to. Jod.
“I ' retaetfiber - to

6 aged Wilter sa¥s:

3 age. -I-ean quota only from memo-
,,“l:l;d -muv’mt ‘be.entirely correct”™ Tt

: ar paper

i -m._h-:nw ia
oy of this

| Rien Pacth Iton and l)nt.‘mnpflnh o Law |

1 pontés. - When, it erects its awn fuenuzes

£ Rkn(l‘ to, the. rear” foraver the doiti-

¢lnmcv.¢f¢ of nn.apptleadt i o grotriqne
Ly itizén’s tlsms.-fir.nnr Bull-mn.


hnn heatd “this hymn repeated alsry |
2d e, Yai
‘Anpe Jane BtuwaE ag Ihlfll e

this hymn, ordogs| 0

o oz, the (\riw ot which was st an ncp
Traly Floyd is & wenderful county 1or
wouten and land.—3lontgomary Masons

’ > - e

3. WU WL CeClung, whe has heen with

the Fiem Seatinel as ouir ger stice W
estzblisnment seven years ngo. has bouznt
gut the Interest of M M. ¢ NeClung
T the papes and iz now flely I conwot.
he County News extends him best
wishes. The Seminei hax aAlwnys shown
cntirjring, In grthering o s Tead:es
‘the news in fis lecal. g u..—-szlcm ‘Ilmgs-
lstfiflfil‘o A . v

> & 'l". Ldghtner, .sme:ut tnnm;cr ng the

Moor, &is been ln ERAGEDRIR wermags
g G thy ercufim &ris the propeey what b,
ho asin” will be-the Jurgest fron thnmes
in-the South. The Itieh Kareh Uomgany
in now gutting out & tous pf are dnlly
nnd sppgiying many other mmue« com-

it expoets to doubls the ouipuc oF ore—
fe‘inca:flw Hemld.._ 2

"1 ths Thom summ(e bill -he umplqc
ft. is oué opinlon that, fnside ‘of "the

"Virgininhs.- !n!l. ‘galn compléte” commt,n‘(
thy goveramient ngd -stop. exsrdvnrs)
-dn digt the:peaple (R renilfupinr angr, -\ -
karg asaiysed thi prapused sHtrnge. b
nud, it . ndosted, will bring torth the bon- |
"osl gentliants ot ¢he ‘Buitlag. oz that . wilt

e see 9
nnw 11 porer.—| Jmm \e.

"LAE0A, AR M galum u,- t m-eumrnt-
‘Kot ©f - mc x:nmv ap n voter.

ot b ¢, " the Gonsitglion, whist

\(Rmu.mm racice

{ gseertinn


unatm;un nid weakiingyl

& fi 4
g Lo (he unJ-umndmg or the menit
n.bsuruy and o shamefil meckery of. mr

et ifnee the sood om amys (o Clrpinkd
when patriows, nok paygirios. contreliva
i iinics nf the pares® dnd such men
g Jérerson. Ifenty. Tyler And 3tommiy
deaapicd, thie exeeitive manslon at meh—
speae do W bedlove the '1mu? w
such 'an saccsptable Govemur a3 .uo‘t-
tezne will prove, 3e one-more o unm
Ly ecp Lhe Bm'ty' worthy of tha coait-
| dene oml . oxt of (il public. ir.
:lnnu;mh-n wmnu\n-tne yonpgs
est, indeed, ‘ihl gver.vocupled ida gud-
| oematerint ehale in Virginla~and b3 faly:
not: be lazensible to the fsct, that thare
fu yet tohint an:unexplortd feld of aon-
era, Sut nderiyiic all svéh Greams’ns



ln l!ealih and nxsease


oro Jeeuuh-bie. bubpud- f
: e e e mty-»

i !.h(ng o3 : Epar F trared vt


m I
!g.’- though

.ean find aredars | RS
T :havd {hunted


svothilgrary party of goxt Wik l‘fi

52 0 suffansel

°mu £ A Ne spple Jerop:
- Mr XL G




Desl Clased for Lasge Body of Coat
Cagds. *
(Specinl Dispatch to Too TeRY

TAZEWELL, VA, Nov, i8.~The al«
den Spring foiler JNiE ahout twaivo
miles west of thls piace, was desiroyad
by #re enply yesterduy morning ‘tne
origin of the fire (s unknown Meaty &
QOrsham, [awyers of thix place. were N2
awners € the mill, mnd had secomtiy
Jeased It to W. X Bariies & 6. for &
term of fwve years, whe Bod equippel
ke it with modorn and oise, impro'vmt
‘machipery dt & coat of aboue Bk The
‘totat (es of the ownerw Znd thy letdes
s estimnted at S0, Therw wig no o~

Lsurmnns on the bultdine of maenRmers.

" Rohert Shufffshargers dwellng anc
stovshduse was valt: lm.;;ght. :;:l-

in OF Gie Hre (¥ not Wi ST
i storehm«’ i fiug
twelve miles easc of this placs, an s
Tows s eatimaied at $hMa There woi 0o
{nsurueo sither om the bullding or Yoo

F .\Moe Hotmes® Conrad, Cofanet Jumes

Russell amk Dr. R, W. Stona drrive®
Thyra to-tEr; where they, (agether Wille
[otier directors 4C “the lugian Lewuic
FOoat amt Coke Company, elozed a dens
L with. Now Yore and Pennsylvanie capl-
‘mattste foe wale of abntit XM Seves ok
valuabfe cost ands {in this couaty


targe Questities of Logs sud Ties Belog
Sbippes Away.

2§ Disoatcd to Ths Timea)
‘*’Ebfil.rtflu:{ VA, dov, Lh—slegaat
westhet hos enabled garmeérs o son
tREgs. erops nl whgat dud gather the cogm
‘srop:“which (s tne, la¥gest mute (oF yales.
hawp -tuttsd GSL DOOLIY,.
anrd érop s Aeen Gataesed.
not. G hgllinds:wn Bas fociten & DAW
mifr mear heov, and WHL edgmge

I the timber bustness.
W. B. Fglsoner, of this place, 1@
g large quantities 3¢ logs. and fes
the Northarn market
m;u-. Frusst Sapson, Who et I8
Lynchbum was brought nete and blr—e”
e, Coroline Kidd, an aged laty, Was
Mfl«l on yesterday. Sbe leaves & fargs

no )!flhod!n: Sunday-scheol Bad e
‘gamual penic BC the churce. A largw
ecrowd. was present.’ Rev., R W. Wans

n?tis‘.tg% F. Qwusby Is erectin:g o hand-

nouse ok the lami he bougne uur
;:-:: nd wlif scon bring hiE family @

At ——— A At

‘Cartled om Strefcher Aloot Tulriy Mlleste
1 Dispatch to They Times)
:E!l\‘fON- . VAL, Nov. 13--3r. WL WL
aw-mill man, whoss Rotne WSS
Crealc, Mercar county, and woo
M hte right thigh crushed and the hons

My -

:2 | oroven fatwo places while loadisy lows

the Bead waters of Guv-

hml to his home in Maercer csunty alter
thren. woeks' treatment at the Coopae

whove the necident oceirrad

y !sll(luu milee from o physician And pev-

.forther from the mearest milread


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