Believing that music should be an auditorium, the work is or-
an integral part of any welll ganinzed as 2 unit in each room.
founded SChOO.l brogram, the tea- Instruction begins in the first
chers at the Lincoln grade school and second grades by teaching
under the leadership of Margaret s matching, simple rhythm
e ~000kemn’.8?}; a_]pou‘F % reagh! dances, song drills, song games
their goal of satisfying mum_'and notes of the treble cleft.
cal experiences for every child This group has rhythm bang
1 the school. [and use work books to compli-
Several years ago they secur- ment their study.
ed the services of Miss Elizabeth| 1, the third and fourth grades
Chamblin, who now . comes ta| thereis g more advanced rhythm
the schol one day each week for_; band featuring zylophone, bells,
school music and one day for | triangles, drum, horns, Jjingle
individual instruction. “As thel clogs, eymboles, tambourines and
four teacher school is withoutg Continued on Page 12