legal disputes, school hiring practices, Shenandoah County Circuit Court, nepotism, education, Loudoun County school board, Superintendent O. L. Emerick, exceptions, statutory prohibition, staff recruitment
itute. _,;.,;Ifi«—fl%»_smxi}lled that
the hiring violated Seetion 2206 4
of ‘the Virginia Code, in that the
berson hired was a relative, with- D
in the specified degiee, Of fthe| .=
superintendent. B
Mr. Emerick bointed out this o
week that there ‘are exceptions | Dent
to the code provision which ap- | from
bly in Loudoun County, where at/ Louc
least two school board membpers | »ami
have members of their famjilsss host.
; 0 ces |
of the Loudoun County school
board, according to Superinten-
| dent of Schools O. L. Emerick
_He said the situation Ilocally
was covered by exceptions to the
statuatory prohibition, which did
hot apply in the Shenandoah
hat | case.
There according to news re-
~and where thei i ! &
nn intendent of schools al} \
1S~ members of his family |
in the school system. feél ge
3 ’ré;._\ J
et L
expected, and employees wh wery
employed at. the time th"'et; tHeode
provision was enacted (1938} are
¢ also exempt, - - . - ‘..9\