petition, National Association for the Advancement of Colored People, salary disparities, educational system, equal pay, race, injustice, racial equality, discrimination.
: %
e School Beard of Loudoun Couniy, ? rginia doun Countys
| Mr. O.L. “wwricx, superintendent of Sehools aféizzéqufiuabvrlhéx
i Sl Cj§{257/zéfifigfiarfisilgig?o & Aidaunqélwfi, composed of
citéia 3 , residents and taxgaysrs of Loudoun County, Virginias,
‘vrr are :ntereated in the prenoiion of the educational and clvie
'walfare 4® the eltigens of Loudoun County in genersl and of the
;fiegfifl eitigens ia perticular, and oh vehalf of the Wesro teachers,
j wrineinals and supervisors of Loudoun County, Virzinia, do
irwsnocafvlly petition the Loudoun County School Board and Supere
;1n?endcfit of schools as followss
* fe To Qsta“;iah end enfarce without regard t¢ ruce Or
Qiar g sincle salary schedule for the teachers, principals
a3l su-ervizors emploved jup Couaty behool Jysten.
b To take imsediate steps to equaliize the salaries af
white and Hegro teachers, arincipels and suvnervisors in
Loudoun Countyy Vireinia haviag 1 qualifieations and
; experience, & yctfa:aing essent 2 11y the seme duties and
| =arvices, 1a &ssgiag tha unnstitatiau and laus of the
| State of Virsinia and of the United States
In susport of this petitien they rasathfully ghowd
| 1. That the School Boerd and Superintendent of Sehools of
Loudoun Sounty, Virginla, sre state sgeants, maintained for thaj
pursoss of aémimisteriné the leecal publie educantional sysiem in
accordance with the laws and vesulations of the Stnte of Virginia
and of the United Ztatesg
?. That the Loudoun County School JHoard iz vested vith and
exercises n
the pawer of fixing and determining the eomwensation of
all teachers, »rineipels and supervizors in the public schools of
Loudoun County, Yirgiflia; and i the ederalss of this nowsr the