/Volumes/T7 Shield/EWP/Elements/EWP_Files/Access Files/jpg to pdf/need to upload or replc files to omeka/1014200_EWP_Petition_Conklin_1941003.pdf
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Loudoun County Public Schools
/Volumes/T7 Shield/EWP/Elements/EWP_Files/source/Ingest One/2 Petitions Plans School Board and Districts/2-5A_Colored_Petitions/2-5A_Colored_Petitions/2-5A_Conklin/2-5A_Yr_1935_1952_Conklin/Petition_Conklin1941/EWP_Petition_Conklin_1941003.jpg
extracted text
Januery 18, 1941
¥r. Fo Fo Jenkins
Eéebhorg, Virginie
Dear Ur. Jenkins:
The school board of this county has considered
the cese_peferred to by C. T. Dean, Clifton, Virgzinia
8 number times, There are not sufficient children
to operate & legal schools Our board hes followed
the uniform practice of providing transportation
whenever a legal school 1s closed and we glso have
a8 regulation of our board providing for an sllowance =
es sid for transportation to all parents having schonl e
children who live thre: or more miles from School.
Yo distinetion 1s made in this on =ccount of eolor.
Ve do not haul white end colored children in the
same “us and we haven't thought of ellowing both races
to ettend the same school., These two thdnss sre what
are really in the minds of the colored people snd their
white friends gpo are agltating this guestion the
me8%» This 1s course 211 a guess, but 1t is based
on &€ .1ittle bit of information. :