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Loudoun County Public Schools
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7. In case of accidents, which undoubtedly will occur, &a
physician could not be resched immediately, neither could
the proper first aid be administered because of the lack of
clinieal facilities.

8. The inhabitents of St. Louis are less progressive and less
community econseious than those of Middleburg. Consequently,
ecooperation will be inadequate and ineffieient,

9.”Building such & school in 8%, Louis would not improve the
parorama of our colored snd white eitizens., This should be
one of our ultimate objectives, especially in this atomie age.

10. A building of such anticipated magnitude and architecture
should be within the range of sightseers, Therefore, it
should be definitely loeated, if not on, near a maeadem road.
Such an execution of contemplation and demoeratie prineiple
shall, without the shadow of & doubt, revere you in the hegrts
of all Negroes. :

11. Middleburg has always been the leading centre of the surround-
ing eommunities for Negroes. It possesses leadership, wealth,
progressiveness, and potentiallties.

13. St. Louis has always presented a problem in the boarding of
teachers --- the homes are limited and are without modern
conveniences, The situation will be more perplexing with an
inereased staff, No one knows any better than you the
difficulty in obtaining and retaining qualified teachers,
particularly at so eritical a time. Henee, we ghould at least
attempt to make the surroundings pleasant for those who are
here, those who are to come, and those who will stay.

In short, we Negroes with broad minds and eonsiderable
forethought are desirous not only to faeilitate improvement of
ourselves alone, but for our white brethen as well., It must be
borne in mind thet & community eannot progress adequately half
weak snd half strong. We should be able to produce the same . -
impeet 2like though it may be on opposite sides of the fence,

Now that we have presented our points of view we beg to
offer an alternative site --- Mr, William N, Hall's plot of
ground &t Maxville whicech is still available. We uunderstand that
the priee is for beyond the Board's intended expenditure. However,
realizing what it would mean to our race and posterity we have
committed ourselves to reimburse Mr, Hall the defiecit should you
end the other members of the Board be so gracious as to grant us
our request and conclude the deal.

Conclusively, we, the undersigned patrons, citizens and
taxpayers, petition you to reconsider the proposed site and
substitute Mr, Hall's plot. Furthermore, we trust that you may
be sufficiently open-minded to visualize our predicament as a

race to e;tend to us due consideration and to make sueh considera-
tion possible. : :

falya We wish to express our grateful thanks for your immediete


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