This érea should have & new school bullding for colored chlldren
but 1t 1s nut neéedednany more that at Purcellville not at Sterling for
white ehildren, I do not think the need is any greater than it 1s for
‘additional space at the Douglass High School. There are also some very
positive needs for additional space for some white schools in this
Countye Ve oxpect and intend to take care of these projects as soon as
it &eems reasonable to do so and upon the condlitlon that the funds are
made av ble to pay for the additional cost to the County School Board.
If you eand the people at Middleburg will cooperate with the School
Board your project will move along very much faster than 1%t will if you
do otherwlise. There 1s no intention on our part to evade this issure
or to postpphene unduly action in the matter.