lirs, 4ildred Jackson, Pres.
ParenteTeacher Associstion and Community Leagul
Middleburg, Virginie
Dear lrs. Jackson:
I have your letter of recent date in reference to setting
the date and hour of meeting to dfsnv
gatthe transaction required
to purehsse a lot at llddleburg. I shall try to see Dr. Edmead
at an esrly date and discuss with him the problems that are en-
volved in purchasing thils lote. I understond that he is the
chairman of yow committee, There is not much we can do about
purchasing & lot at & meeting of the committee until and unless
we have some definite sites in mind, I think that it was explailned
in the presence of the committee at the School Board lieeting that
we should have five acres of land,
I have been waiting on this matter to give Dr. Booth and the
committee some time in which to mske some Inguiry as to the posse
ibility for a lot,