: AND :
Grent School
Middleburg, Virginie
Februery 6, 1946
Nr, O. L, Emeriek,
Distriet Superintendent of Sehools,
Loudoun County,
Leesburg, Virginia.
Dear Mr., Emerick:
At our regular meeting held on February 4, 1946, your
recent letter written to Dr, Himead, chairman of our building site
committe wasiread. Indeed, it made us more informative than we
had been before., Nevertheless, it was rather shocking to us to
learn of your defihite decision,
We had been impressed with the faet, as conveyed by you,
thet our committee would have been informed voluntarily without
having had to write to you, You, of eourse, evaded this point of
the agreenment, -
In adfition, at our last gethering at the Schoocl Board
meeting we had been informed that a plot of laend could have been
obtained definitaly from Mr, William N, Hell at Maxville and thsat,
were we satisfied with this location it would be a foregone
eonclusion, We definitely agreed to the proposal. Consequently,
with your contrary decision and aetion we are undoubtedly
disappointed. -
We feel certain that you have taken cognizanee of the
many disadvahtages of the selection of a site in St. Louis, At
sny rate, may be have the pleasure and opportunity to point out,
as we see them, some of the meny disadvantages of ceonstructing a
school in St. Louis rather than in Middleburg:-
1. 8%, Louis roads are unsatisfaetory, end during some winter
months they are impassable.
2, The-lend selected is swampy and will require extansive drain-
age., In short, all landsin St., Louis present this feature.
3. St. Louis lacks all of the conveniences of stores, theatre,
and denominetional chureches.
4,.5%, Louis lacks Negro leadership and Negro wealth.
5. S5%t. Louis will not attraet mueh patronage in ezse of school
funetions and setivities.
6. ;n any school neilghborhood there should be conducive surround-
ings so as to offset the decoy of youngsters., St Louis does
not present this qualification.