Early consollidation of scholls in Loudoun County took plece at
U &
Hillsboro where the Salem and Edge CGrove schools were closed and st
Round Hill where the Cherry Urove school was closed, both about 1911.
The pupils were taken to school in horse-drawn wsgons. At sbout the same
time horse.drawn vehicles, privately owned and opersted, were used st
Harilton end Purcellville to trensport high school pupils to Lincoln.
~Further, at this period plans for closing many of the county's one-room
schools and trensportstion of pupils to central points iIn horse drawn
vehicles were discussed by school officials.
In the early stages of the use of motor vehicles for pupil trans-
portation the uniform practice of tryingto adapt trucks desi-ned for
ordinary haulfighrpnsas dld not much improve the conditions preveiling
@uring the use of horse-drawn wa onse. Comparatively'these trucks were
unsafe, insanitary, uncomfortawi@)and expensive because they could
carry only & very smsll load,
Road conditions in the early st:ges of consolidetion, and dise
cussion thereof, were bad.
As & direct outcome of the energy and devotion to the casuse of
W. G Bdmondson, Division Superintanéant of Schools from 1909 to 19617,
the stste-wide campaizn for high schools to be made available to sll
pupils in Virginis befe abundant frvit in Loudoun County, Becsuse there
were so meny towns in the county end Lecsuse our people were reslly much
Interested in better school xz faéilities for their children or the
same facllitles at points sé loéfitefi thaet their children could sttend
school from home dally, there resulted the erection of hish school
bulldings pertly or entirely finenced by private ccntributiong at a
number of points. 4
So st the beginning of the service of the present Superintendent
B WISWIE Z&. . s B LR A e W e e MMl . A kW X WA . A