/Volumes/T7 Shield/EWP/Elements/EWP_Files/source/Ingest One/2 Petitions Plans School Board and Districts/2-5A_Colored_Petitions/2-5A_Middleburg/2-5A_Grant/2-5A Yr 1945 Feb 12 Petition 205 Grant/EWP_2-5A_Yr_1945_Feb_12_Petition_205_Grant_02.jpg
extracted text
Februsry 15, 1945
lirs, 4ildred Juckson, Pres.
Parent=Teacher Aaseciatién and Community Lcag,i?
liiddleburg, Virginis
Dear lrs. Jackson:
I have your letter of recent date in reference to setting
the date and hour of meeting to f@#spusstthe tronsactlon required
to purehose a lot at lilddleburgs I shaell try to see Dre Ldmead
at an early date and discuss with him the problems that are en-
volved in purchasing this lot, I understand that he 1s the
chairman of
o comnittee. There is not much we can do about
purchasing & lot at & meeting of the committee until and unless
vwe have some definite sites in minds I think that it was explained
in the presence of the committee at the School Board lieeting that
we should have five acres of land,
I have been waiting on this matter to give Dr. Booth and the
comnittee some time in which to make some Inguiry as to the posse
ibility for a lot,