EWP 2-5A Yr 1945Jan16Grant01


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Loudoun County Public Schools
/Volumes/T7 Shield/EWP/Elements/EWP_Files/source/Ingest One/2 Petitions Plans School Board and Districts/2-5A_Colored_Petitions/2-5A_Middleburg/2-5A_Yr_1945_Jan_16_Middleburg/2-5A_Yr_1945_Jan_16_Grant_PTA_memoranda/EWP_2-5A_Yr_1945_Jan_16_Grant_01.jpg
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Mrs:. Melvina Beale, Sec.

Mrs, ¥ildred Facksonm, Pres. | :
“iis:‘mary Hall, Yiee’Pres. Mrs., Jane Butler, Treas

(Community League )
Middleburg, - Virginia,
Jan, 16, 8945,

nr; 0. L. Emeriek, :
Superintendent-of Schools,
Loudoun County, :
Leesburg, Virginia,

Dear Mr, Emerickg

We, the umdersigned patroms of the P,T.A.(League) of
Gramt Sehool of Middleburg, Virginia, herewby respomd to your -
eommunieation as of December 13, 1944, a letter addressed to Mrs,
Jane Butler., You have stated thet a Board Meeting was held December
12, 1944, and a resolution was passed authorizimg the appoimtment of
an additional teacher at Middleburg's Colored Sehool amd also the
payment of a reasonmable amount for the remtal of a room,

A * We understentl & committee proposing to represent the
P,T,A,(League), ‘acting as its chairmam, Mr, John Wanzer, was presemt
at this meeting, We wish to advise you that Mr., Wanzer mor any oae
of that committee was authorized to aet for this P.T.A(League), Our
legal adviser, Attormey James E. Raby of Alexandria, Virginia has
ecommunicated with you and please e advised that he is the only agent
representing this body,

After diseussing your propesal to alleviate the school
situation the P,T,A.(League), By means of majority vote, rejected such
proposal based primarily on %he following factsi=

1, The committee which represented the P.T.A.(League) at the Board
Meeting was mot valid, It was not appointed By the P,T.4,(League),
henece, it could neither express the sentiments of nor make
requests for the P,T.A.(League).

2, Though your condescending resolution might seem at first a fair
gesture, -we have diseovered that it is far from Peing sound and
tangivle, for the Board failed in specifieity eoneerning
sonstruetion of Building, and failed to make appropriations for
the suggested construction, We have based this agssumption on the
eontents of your letter, and furthermore om the faet that no
eont®Ery report has been published, With these faets in mind the
temporary use of the extraterritorisl expansion may be interpreted
a8 an indefinite temporariness, This, of eourse, ean be somewhat
verified %y the following illustrationsge

&, The Watsom Mountain Sehool was started in the Church
temporarily thirty years ago, and the temporarimess has
become permanent for the eenfiition still exists.

b, The Lineoln School, third room, was taught in the Church
for a number of years temporarily and mothing wes dome to
effect a permanence until-it became unneeessary because of

the depletion of students.
Realizing, therefore, the existing faets together Wwith


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