/Volumes/T7 Shield/EWP/Elements/EWP_Files/source/Ingest One/4 Faculty Staff and PTAs/4-5_Lists_and_Teacher_Cards/4-5_White_Teacher_Cards/EWP_Hummer_Grace_002_01.jpg
extracted text
Score Card of MW Moo
| o L 5
1 (M| 127- (19701931 -|1327||932
______________________________________ ng/ \N‘% s B B T
I. Qualifications (25)
1. Natural Ability and :
Personality (10) T
2. Scholarship (10) g.c | J’ | |
__________________________________________________________________ ‘ ey
3. Professional Training (3) ) .
I1. The Recitation (40)
. Plan and Aim (5) .
SN e
3. Preparation of Pupils (10) 57‘\ -
4. Skill (5) 5. ¢ l
5. Thoroughness (5) P (‘\ e
6. Assignment (3) e r?\
III. Relation of Teacher to School and | | A |
Community (35) .
1. Community Tnterest (5) /%
2 Governmg Ability (10) 5 & §
3. Care of School Propetty (5) 2.5
4. Co-operation with other Teachers
and Officials (3) L
5. Professional Interest (5) ” s
6. Playground Activity (5) lé_ ll
Total Score
On basis of 10 maximum—poor 5-6; fair 6-7; average 7-8;
good 8-9; excellent 9-10.
On basis of 5 maximum——poor 2.5-3; fair 3-3.5; average 3.5-4;
good 4-4.5; excellent 4.5-5.