This letter dated May 10, 1932, from the Community League, patrons of the Colored Public School, and taxpayers in Loudoun County, Virginia, to the Board of Education, highlights a call for change in the graded departments of the school. The appeal for improvements in efficiency and other unspecified concerns reflects a desire for a better educational experience for the children attending the school. After thirty years without change, the community league and patrons are advocating for a justifiable plea to appoint teachers that will address their concerns and enhance the learning environment for their children.
/Volumes/T7 Shield/EWP/Elements/EWP_Files/source/Ingest One/2 Petitions Plans School Board and Districts/2-5A_Colored_Petitions/Old_FIle_Petitions_Colored_Schools/PetitionLeesburg/1015047_EWP_Petition_Leesburg1932June001.pdf