- EWP GibonsLotforDouglass
- EWP GrantSchool1946001
- EWP Petition Douglass1951001
- EWP BullRun U Year
- EWP Petition BullRun001
- EWP Petition Bluemont1934001
- EWP 2-5B Yr 2019 Draft Study of Lincoln Purcellville Dispute
- EWP 2-5B Yr 1926 June 18 Description of Lincoln Graded
- EWP 2-5B Yr 1926 May 29 Harris Hart to Emerick
- EWP Grant School 1946
- EWP Petition High School
- EWP 2-5B Yr 1926 ND Proceedings of the Meeting of the School Board
- EWP HowardsvilleTransport
- EWP Grant School 1945
- EWP Grant 15 Jan 1945
- EWP 2-5B Yr 1926 June 9 Raymond Long to Emerick
- EWP Sanitation
- EWP Sterling White School Study
- EWP 1924 Conklin
- EWP Volume 4 Cardinal Ridge 1
- EWP Vol 6 McGraws Ridge
- EWP Biography on William H
- EWP New Volume 4
- EWP Volume 2 Documents Use This
- EWP New Volume Eight
- EWP New Volume 5 old 4
- EWP Volume 1 revised
- EWP Volume 1 Not use Basic
- IMAG0029
- EWP Volume 3 Armstrong
- EWP Edith Harris
- EWP NewVolume1
- EWP Students RoundHillColored1898
- EWP 2.5.B Yr 1930 Paxson patron willing to have kids half day at Yellow School House
- EWP 2.5.B Woodland Yr Unk Keep School Open
- EWP Russell Gregg Photographs (002)
- EWP Library Stats
- EWP New Volume 3
- EWP NewV olume 2 Old 5
- EWP 2.5.B Yr 1938 Waterford HS Protest Closing
- EWP Library Spreadsheet
- EWP Waterford 1938
- EWP 2.5.B Yr 1924 Waterford Request Denied to Fire Ms Baber
- EWP 2.5.B Yr 1931 Location Unknown Petition at School Board Meeting
- EWP 2.5.B Yr 1921 Sunny Ridge wants to stay open
- EWP 2.5.B Yr 1931 Tankersfield
- EWP 2.5.B Yr Unk Smith Willie
- EWP 2.5.B Yr 1925 Purcellville Graded School wants Good Friday off
- EWP 2.5.B Yr Abt 1926 Unison Bloomfield Keep Mary Abell
- EWP 2.5.B Yr May 11 1931 Religious Leaders Complain
- EWP 2.5.B Yr 1926 Middleburg White PTA wants Dentist for Children
- EWP 2.5.B Yr 1924 Philomont Asks for Teacher and Principal
- EWP 2.5.B Yr 1931 Paeonian Springs wants return of Hannah Ellmore
- EWP Petition Mountain Gap White 001
- EWP 2.5.B Yr 1950 Mt Gilead District wants a new Bus ROute
- EWP 2.5.B Yr Unk Purcellville Vicinity want HS in Leesburg and Purcellville
- EWP 2.5.B Yr Unk Lucketts HS Hir Mr. Gum as Trustee
- EWPEWP 2.5.B Yr UNK Lovettsville wants Souder reappointed
- EWP LeithtonColoredandWhite
- EWP 2.5.B Yr Unk Little River Purpose of Petition Unknown
- EWP 2.5.B Yr Unk Middleburg Graded wants removal of Marianna Rainey
- EWP 2.5.B Yr 1926 Edgegrove School Wagon Wants change in Direction
- EWP Volume5Schools
- EWP Map of Student at Airmont
- EWP 2.5.B Yr 1955 Petition 84 Aldie Rehire or Fire Mrs. Knight
- EWP DirtDontBurn
- EWP 2.5.B Yr 1940 Feb Taylorstown Request Not to Close School
- EWP 2.5.B Yr Jan 1930 Emerick School wants to Retain E.D. Turner
- EWP 2.5.B Yr 1929 Cool SPring wants to be reopened.
- EWP 2.5.B Yr 1945 Aug Former Patrons of Sunny Ridge now Round Hill want Route Change
- EWP Survey1940
- EWP St Louis VA LTM article 25 Sept 1980 (2)
- EWP 2.5.B Yr 1928 Ashburn High School wants to keep N.C. Starker
- EWP 2.5.B Yr 1931 Brooklyn Wants Removal of Teacher
- EWP 2.5.B ABout 1934 Woodburn Wants to Stay Open
- EWP 2.5.B Yr Unk Hillsboro School wants Bus Service
- EWP CemeteriesinSouthRiding
- EWP Print1and3and4
- EWP 2.5.B Yr 1927 Ashburn Victor Harding wants changes in discipline school hours and transport.
- EWP 2.5.B Yr Unk Purcellville Req Two HSs Leesburg and Purcellville
- EWP 2.5.B Yr 1927 Aldie Regarding Firing of Tyler
- EWP 2.5.B Mountville Yr 1931
- EWP 2.5.A Yr 1944 Nov 7th GrantSchool Petition 33
- EWP 2.5.B Yr Unk Petition 66 Protest Closing of Airmont
- EWP 2.5.B Yr 1926 May Airmont Wants to Stay opn
- EWP 2.5.B Yr Unk Leesburg District wants Yeager Gum as Trustee
- EWP 2.5.B Yr 1927 Lenah want Mrs. D. Hutchison Returned.
- EWP PaeonianSprings
- EWP PetitionLeesburg1932June001
- EWP 2.5.B Yr 1944 Unison Bloomfield Request to Rebuild
- EWP GrantSchool1946001
- EWP 2.5.A Yr 1930s Req for Buses to transport kids to Training Center
- EWP NegroNeeds1945
- EWP 2.5.B Yr 1944 Evergreen Mills Road School Bus wants Tire Change
- EWP 2.5.A Yr 1937 Petition 21 Hughesville Requests Miss Esther V. Randolph
- EWP PetitionConklin1941001
- EWP 2.5.B Yr 1948 Jun Arcola Wants an Auditorium
- EWP 2.5.B Yr 1923 Petition 67 Airmont wants to stay open. Doesn't like trucks or wagons.
- EWP 2.2 Yr 1954 6-14 School Board Agenda and Budget
- EWP 2.5.B Yr 1935 Little River Protests Closing
- EWP BullRunUnkYear
- EWP 2.5.A Yr 1924 May 5 Hamilton Petition 201. PTA wants Female Teacher and new school
- EWP DirtDontBurnCatalog
- EWP 2.5.B Yr 1926 Carter want reappointment of Mary Hemsley
- EWP 3.1 Yr 1948 1951 Accreditation of High Schools
- EWP Petition Leesburg June 1935
- EWP 2.5.A Yr 1934 Bluemont Pet No 3. Needs transport to Rock Hill
- EWP Brownsville1922
- EWP 2.5.A Yr 1956 Ashburn Petition 2. Needs Coal
- EWP 2.5.B Yr 1930s Leesburg Graded wants Urcell Bradfield
- EWP AwardConklin
- EWP 2.5.B Yr Jan 29 1928 Ashburn Wants removal of NC Stark
- EWP PetitionMiddleburgUNK001
- EWP 2.5.A Yr 1938 June 6 Petition 39 Mount Pleasant Colored wants to stay open
- EWP 2.5.A Yr 1945 Jan 16 Petition 35 Grant
- EWP PeititionBullRun
- EWP 2.5.B Yr 1937 March 9 Waterford Protests Closing of HS
EWP 02-5 B Yr 1948 Request School Buses for Aldie Children on Route 632 May 8, 1948 and May 22, 1948 correction petition from Susan M. Cromer to Loudoun County Board of Supervisors. Petition request school bus transportation for Aldie children living on route 632. Petition contains parents names and ages of children to be transported.
- EWP 2.5.A Yr UNK Keep Rosalie McWashington
- EWP 2.5.B Yr 1950 Middleburg PTA and Lions Club was Central High School
- EWP 2.5.B Yr Unk Map of Lenah Perhaps 1926
- EWP 2.5.B Yr 193738 Luckets HS wants to stay open
- EWP 2.5.B Yr Unk Waterford Protest Sending kids to Lovettsville
- EWP 2.5.A Yr 1882 Hughesville Colored Deed
- EWP 2.5.A Yr 1928 Hughesville Petition 20
- EWP 2.5.A Petitions (C) Bluemont (1)
- EWP PetitionWillisville1930
- EWP 2.5.A Yr Unk Petition 203 Purcellville wants to Keep McWashington
- EWP ConklinPetition1941
- EWP PetitionBluemont1934001
- EWP 2.5.B Yr Unk Oak Hill Request Bus Route Change
- EWP 2.5.B Yr 1930 Paxson Mother ok with half day. Bus not safe for kids
- EWP NokesPetition1945
- EWP 2.5.B Yr Unk Aldie School Wants Alice Hutchison Back
- EWP 2.5.B Yr FY 1930 1931 Cool Spring Wants a Teacher to stay open full time
- EWP IMAG0032
- EWP PetitionLeesburg1932
- EWP 2.5.A Yr 1945 Jan 15 Petition 24 Grant
- EWP Colored School A
- EWP 2.5.B Yr 1921 Mountain School wants to be reopened.
- EWP 2.5A Yr Unk Petition 207 Lovettsville Colored List of Students
- EWP 2.5.A Yr Unk Conklin Wants to Replace Teacher
- EWP 2.5.B Yr 1947 Unknown School wants Mrs. Tucker removed.
- EWP PetitionMiddleburgUNK
- EWP 2.5.B Yr Unk Pleasant Valley Request Additional Teacher
- EWP Volume4CardinalRidge
- EWP PetitionConklinBusDriver
- EWP 2.5.B Yr 1924 Round Hill HS wants Purcell appointed Principal
- EWP IMAG0030
- EWP 2.5.B Yr 1917 Unison Bloomfield Petition to keep H.H. Otley
- EWP NewVolume3Old6
- EWP MiddleBurgRaby1945
- EWP 2.5.B Yr Unk Petition to Close Mountain Gap White School
- EWP 2.2.B Yr 1930 Apr Clark's Gap wants to stay open
- EWP NewVolume2May2016
- EWP 2.5.B Yr 1932 Hillsboro School does not like Transport Plan
- EWP 2.5.B Yr April 1923 Colemans Wants to Stay Open
- EWP 2.5.B Yr 1929 30 Unison Bloomfield Hire Mary Wharton
- EWP 2.5.B Yr 1927 Aldie School Decision to Fire WH Tyler
- EWP 2.5.B Yr 1939 Pleasant Valley Need Transportation
- EWP 2.5.B Yr 1929 Philomont Want to Keep School Open
- EWP 2.5.B Yr Unk Lucketts wants a bus
- EWP 2.5.B Yr 1928 Lenah Protests Closing
- EWP Volume 2 Documents
- EWP Petition Conklin 1952 Teacher
- EWP 2.5.B Yr 1949 Waterford Elementary Wants Additional Teacher
- EWP Petition1926Salaries
- EWP 2.5.B Yr 1922 Silcott Springs wants Myrtle Piggott
- EWP 2.5.B Yr 1953 Emerick asks for study of Bus Load Bluemont to Round Hill
- EWP 2.5.B Yr 1930 Paxson Half Day ok. Keep Ladies off of the bus
- EWP 2.5.B Yr 1931 Unknown people perhaps from Middleburg petition School Board
- EWP 2.7 Yr 1947 Consolidation and Waterford
- EWP 2.5.B Yr 1924 Feb Bluemont wants bus to Round Hill HS
- EWP 2.5.B Yr Unk. Perhaps 1940s Ashburn wants to keep Alice Cooper Cady
- EWP 2.5.B Yr 1926 Taylorstown Please fire a Teacher
- EWP 2.5.B Yr 1926 Petition 79 Aldie School May 7, 1926 Prob Complaint About W.H. Tyler
- EWP 2.5.A Yr 1929 Oct 4 Petition No 17 Philomont wants School at Greggsville
- EWP PetitionMiddleburg1945001
- EWP finding-the-bluemont-colored-school2
- EWP 2.5.B Yr 1927 May Aldie HS Letter re Tyler from Warren F
- EWP Cemeteries in South Riding 2
- EWP Colored School 1 physical
- EWP Newspapers
- EWP 2.5.B Yr 1924 25 Daysville Wants to Stay Open
- EWP 2.5.B Aldie School Yr Unk
- EWP New Volume 2
- EWP VirginiaTeacher
- EWP 2.5.B Yr 1950s Arcola Thanks to Mrs. Elise Wilson
- EWP 2.5.B Yr 1917 Hillsboro wants to retain Ruth Comphur
- EWP 2.5.B Yr Abt 1934 Oak Hill Wants to Stay Open
- EWP 2.5.B Yr Unk Leithton Opposed to Consolidation
- EWP 2.5.B Yr 1925 Ryan School Elect Mary Cramm Teacher
- EWP Petition Middleburg 1945 Jan
- EWP 2.5.B Yr 1933 1934 Little River Requests Mary H. Megeath
EWP 2-2 May 10, 1954 School Board Meeting Agenda and Minutes May 10, 1954 School Board Meeting Agenda including request from Conklin School for the reappointment of school bus driver Leroy Allen and Highway Engineer report regarding road to be built around Loudoun County High School. Agenda also includes 1954/55 teacher vacancies and recommendations report.
- EWP Grant 15 Jan 1945
- EWP Petition Conklin Teacher Performance
- EWP 2.5.B Yr 1922 1923 Cannon Chapel Wants to Keep Nina Fletcher
- EWP 2.5.A Yr 1927 Hughesville Petition 19
- EWP Emerick Testimony