- EWP 2-5A Nokes1945003
- EWP 2-5A Nokes1945001
- EWP 2-5A NokesMay1933
- EWP 2-5A NegroNeeds1945
- EWP 2-5A Yr 1938MtPleasantWantsSchoolreopened.
- EWP 2-5A PetitionMiddleburg1945001
- EWP 2-5A GrantSchool1946004
- EWP 2-5A GrantSchool1946003
- EWP 2-5A GrantSchool1946001
- EWP 2-5A Yr 1945Jan26MiddleburgCharlesSmithPetition
- EWP 2-5A Yr 1945Jan26Middleburg
- EWP 2-5A Yr 1945Jan16Petition35Grant08
- EWP 2-5A Yr 1945Jan16Petition35Grant07
- EWP 2-5A Yr 1945Jan16Petition35Grant06
- EWP 2-5A Yr 1945Jan16Petition35Grant05
- EWP 2-5A Yr 1945Jan16Petition35Grant04
- EWP 2-5A Yr 1945Jan16Petition35Grant03
- EWP 2-5A Yr 1945Jan16Petition35Grant02
- EWP 2-5A Yr 1945Jan16Petition35Grant
- EWP 2-5A Yr 1945Jan16Grant01
- EWP 2-5A Yr 1945Jan16MiddleburgwantsExpansionorNewBuilding
- EWP 2-5A Yr 1945Jan15Petition34GrantImage1
- EWP 2-5A Yr 1945Jan15Petition24Grant
- EWP 2-5A Grant15Jan1945
- EWP 2-5A Yr 1944Nov7thGrantSchoolPetition332
- EWP 2-5A Yr 1944Nov7thGrantSchoolPetition331
- EWP 2-5A Yr 1944Nov7thGrantSchoolPetition33
- EWP 2-5A Yr 1944MiddleburgNeedsmorespace
- EWP 2-5A Yr 1945Feb12Petition205Grant02
- EWP 2-5A Yr 1945Feb12Petition205Grant01
- EWP 2-5A 2-5A1945Feb12Petition205Grant
- EWP 2-5A GrantSchoolallofthem1945
- EWP 2-5A Yr 1944 Middleburg Must Expand to Avoid Disease
EWP 02.5 A December 14, 1944 Superintendent O.L. Emerick letter to attorney J. Raby on additional colored teacher, new school near St Louis and Middleburg, alternative school transportation Dec 14, 1944 correspondence from Superintendent O.L. Emerick to attorney James Raby. The letter authorized an additional teacher for the Middleburg Colored School. School Board supports building a new (colored?) school near St Louis & Middleburg. The School Board could not act on a request for public school transportation but did offer to financially compensate parents who arranged private transportation. Letter states that Loudoun County School Board is interested in improving the education conditions of its colored children.
- EWP 2-5A Yr1934PaeonianSpringswantsaSchool
- EWP 2-5A delete
- EWP 2-5A Yr 1938JuneLuckettsandMt.Pleasant
- EWP 2-5A RussDeathcertificate
- EWP 2-5A PetittionLeesburg1930
- EWP 2-5A PetitionLeesburgU2
- EWP 2-5A PetitionLeesburg1932June001
- EWP 2-5A PetitionLeesburg1932002
- EWP 2-5A Yr 1935June9LeesburgsupportsMamieR.WatersP
- EWP 2-5A PetitionLeesburgU2
- EWP 2-5A PetitionLeesburg1932
- EWP 2-5A VerdieRobinson
- EWP 2-5A RussPolitics
EWP 02-5 A Yr Unknown Petition for school bus transportation for colored students to the Loudoun County Training Center Date unknown, but because the petition requests school bus transportation for colored students to the 'Loudoun County Training Center' it's assumed to be Pre-Douglass High School (1941). Students are from Willisville, St Louis, Middleburg Colored, Bull Run (Aldie) and Gleedsville (Mountain Gap Colored).
- EWP 2-5A Yr 1932LeesburgWantsWatersandHarrisfor19321933
- EWP 2-5A Yr 1931EdytheHarrisRequestsmoreTeachers
- EWP 2-5A Yr 1930sLeesburgWantspersonnelchange
- EWP 2-5A Hughesville1927001
- EWP 2-5A Yr 1928HughesvillePetition20Pg2
- EWP 2-5A Yr 1928HughesvillePetition20Pg1
- EWP 2-5A Yr 1928HughesvillePetition20
- EWP 2-5A Yr 1927HughesvilleWantsschoolreopened
- EWP 2-5A ProbablyNegro2
- EWP 2-5A Yr 1882HughesvilleDeed
- EWP 2-5A Yr 1937HughesvilleRequestsMissEstherV.Randolph
- EWP 2-5A Yr Dec10YrUHowardsvilleKidstoWillisville
- EWP 2-5A Yr 1924HamiltonPTAwantsFemaleTeacherandnewschool
- EWP 2-5A Yr 1929PhilomontwantsSchoolatGreggsville
- EWP 2-5A Yr 1940CWLonFireTrap1
- EWP 2-5A Yr 1940CWLonFireTrap
- RCH LarryRoeder
- EWP 2-5A Yr 1930CountyWideonGibbonsLot
- EWP 2-5A Yr 1930sCountyWideLeagueonGibbonsLot
- EWP 2-5A Yr UConklinWantstoReplaceTeacher
- EWP 2-5A Yr UConklinWantstoReplaceTeacher(2)
EWP 02-5 A Yr 1954 Letter from parents to Loudoun County School Board requesting Leroy Allen continue as school bus driver in the coming school year. Date unknown, but it is very likely the letter from parents that is referenced in the May 10, 1954 School Board Meeting Agenda requesting School Bus Driver Leroy Allen be reappointed for the coming school year. (See also EWP 2-2 May 10, 1954 School Board Meeting Agenda and Minutes)
- EWP 2-5A Yr 1951CountyWideWantsImprovementsatDouglass
- EWP 2-5A Yr 1945CiountyWideEndorsesJanieRedwoodSuggestions
- EWP 2-5A PetitionConklin1952Teacher
- EWP 2-5A Yr 1952ConklinWantstoReplaceTeacher
- EWP 2-5A Yr 1952ConklinWantsTeacherReplaced
- EWP 2-5A Yr 1941Mr.DeanofConklinWantsSchooltostayopen
- photo
- EWP 2-5A PetitionConklinU
- EWP 2-5A PetitionConklin1941001
- EWP 2-5A AwardConklin
- EWP 2-5A Yr 1924JohnRyanSupportsConklinbidtostayopen
- EWP 2-5A Survey1940
- EWP 2-5A 2-5Yr2018PrebichStudy1(2)
- EWP 2-5A 2-5Yr2018PrebichStudy1(1)
- EWP 2-5A SpriitualValuesPetition
- EWP 2-5A SpiritualValues
- EWP 2-5A ValuesPetition
- EWPValues005
- EWP 2-5A Values
- EWPSurvey1940007
- EWPSurvey1940006
- EWPSurvey1940005
- EWPSurvey1940004
- EWPSurvey1940003
- EWPSurvey1940002
- EWPSurvey1940001
- EWP 2-5A Survey1940
- EWP 2-5A WillisvillePetition1931
- EWP 2-5A PetitionWillisville1931001
- EWP 2-5A PetitionWillisville1930
- EWP 2-5A PetitionTransportationToTrngCenterU
- EWP 2-5A PetitionstLouisU001
- EWP 2-5A StLouisVALTMarticle25Sept1980(2)
- EWP 2-5A PetitionstLouisU
- EWP 2-5A PetitionstLouis1946
- EWP 2-5A PetitionstLouis1932
- EWP 2-5A PetitionstLouis1930TeacherHire
- EWP 2-5A PetitionstLouisU001
- EWPPetitionstLouis1946004
- EWPPetitionstLouis1946002
- EWPPetitionstLouis1946001
- EWP 2-5A PetitionstLouisU
- EWPPetitionstLouis9Feb1931004
- EWPPetitionstLouis9Feb1931002
- EWP 2-5A PetitionstLouis1946
- EWP 2-5A PetitionstLouis1932
- EWP 2-5A PetitionstLouis1930TeacherHire
- EWP 2-5A Petition1926Salaries
- EWPimg004
- EWP 2-5A PaeonianSprings
- EWP 2-5A NokesPetition1945
- EWP 2-5A NokesMay1933
- EWP 2-5A NokesJune1933
EWP 02-5 A March 20, 1945 County-Wide League of Loudoun letter to Superintendent O.L. Emerick and School Board endorse Janie Redmond recommendations made on March 6, 1945. March 20, 1945 County-Wide League of Loudoun letter to Superintendent Emerick and School Board endorses Janie Redmond recommendations made on March 6, 1945. These included Teacher Grade load decrease through school consolidation, providing necessary transportation, building repairs, school supply requests, infrastructure upgrades, additional teachers and maintenance custodians
- EWP 2-5A HughesvilleDeed1882
- EWP 2-5A Hughesville1928
- EWP 2-5A Hughesville1927001
- EWP 2-5A GrantSchool1946
- EWP 2-5A GrantSchool1945
- EWP 2-5A GrantSchool1944Parents
- EWP 2-5A Grant15Jan1945
- EWP 2-5A PetitionDouglass1951001
- EWP 2-5A PetitionDouglas1952
- EWP 2-5A GibonsLotforDouglass
- EWP 2-5A Douglas1951
- EWP 2-5A AwardConklin
- EWP 2-5A PetitionConklin1952Teacher
- EWP 2-5A PetitionConklin1941001
- EWP 2-5A ConklinPetition1941
- EWP 2-5A PetitionConklinBusDriver
- EWP 2-5A AwardConklin
- EWP 2-5A PetitionConklin1935
- EWP 2-5A Brownsville1922
- EWP 2-5A Brownsville
- EWP 2-5A PetitionBluemont1934001
- EWP 2-5A WillisvillePetition1931
- EWPPetitionWillisville1931003
- EWPPetitionWillisville1931002
- EWP 2-5A PetitionWillisville1931001
- EWPPetitionWillisville1931001
- EWP 2-5A PetitionWillisville1930
- EWPPetitionWaterford1932002
- EWPPetitionWaterford1932001
- EWPPetitionTrngtoLCTrngSchool011
- EWPPetitionTrngtoLCTrngSchool010
- EWPPetitionTrngtoLCTrngSchool009
- EWPPetitionTrngtoLCTrngSchool004
- EWPPetitionTrngtoLCTrngSchool001
- EWP 2-5A PetitionTransportationToTrngCenter
- EWP 2-5A Petition1926Salaries
- EWPPetitionsalariesWhites001
- EWP 2-5A Purcellville1930
- EWP 2-5A PaeonianSprings
- EWP 2-5A NokesPetition1945
- EWPNokes1945002
- EWP 2-5A NokesMay1933
- EWPNokesMay1933
- EWP 2-5A NokesJune1933
- EWPNokes1933FrEmerick002
- EWPNokes1933FrEmerick001
- EWPPetitionNegroNeeds005
- EWPPetitionNegroNeeds004
- EWPPetitionNegroNeeds003
- EWPPetitionNegroNeeds002
- EWPPetitionNegroNeeds001
- EWP 2-5A NegroNeeds1945
- EWP 2-5A PetitionMiddleburgU001
- EWP 2-5A PetitionMiddleburgU
- EWP 2-5A PetitionMiddleburg1945Jan
- EWP 2-5A PetitionMiddleburg1945001
- EWPPetitionMiddleburg1945001
- EWP 2-5A MiddleBurgRaby1945
- EWP 2-5A GrantSchool1946001
- EWPPetitionMiddleburgU003
- EWPPetitionMiddleburgU002
- EWP 2-5A PetitionMiddleburgU001
- EWPPetitionMiddleburgU001
- EWP 2-5A PetitionMiddleburgU
- EWPPetitionMiddleBurg1945Jan002
- EWPPetitionMiddleBurg1945Jan001
- EWP 2-5A PetitionMiddleburg1945Jan
- EWP 2-5A PetitionMiddleburg1945001
- EWPMiddleburgRaby1945002
- EWPMiddleburgRaby1945001
- EWP 2-5A MiddleBurgRaby1945
- EWPGrantSchool1946002
- EWP 2-5A GrantSchool1946001
- EWPGrantSchool1946001
- EWP 2-5A LoudounCntyTrnyCenter
- EWP 2-5A LoudounCntyTrngCenter001