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2.5.A Petitions (C) Colored Teachers of Loudoun March 1926
March 6, 1926 The “Colored” Teachers as a group wrote to School Board,
through O.L. Emerick asking for a pay raise. Emerick wrote back on March 12
that Board could not agree.

Round Hill, Va.,
Mar. 6, 1926.
Mr. O. L. Emerick
Purcellville, Va.
My dear Sir:
There is enclosed herewith petition made for more salary for next term.
I hope our petition meets with your approval as Loudoun County is one of
the foremost counties in this great State.

Very respectfully
C. L. Murray


March 6, 1926

The Loudoun County School Board
(Through the Division Superintendent)
We, Colored Teachers, of Loudoun County, Va, assembled at Round Hill, Va.
Mar 6, 1926, do hereby present the following petition:Whereas our present salary is insufficient to meet the high cost of present
living conditions, and whereas our duties, obligations, and responsibilities entitle
us to higher pay,
Therefore we respectfully request that your Board allow us a reasonable
increase of pay---Signatures as Follows:
C. L. Murray
Electronic Location: \PetitionsColoredSchools\EqualityOfPay\GroupPetitionforincreasedSalary1926
Physical Location: 2.5.A Colored Petitions. Colored Teachers of Loudoun, March 1926


W. A. Walker
Beatrice B. Scifio
Clarence Coles
Marie T. Bryant
A Annie Arnold
Chas. H. Willis
Mary E. R. Waters
Elizabeth M. Norton
Edna V. Russ

Alice M. Scott
Sarah Henderson
Rosa Carter
Geo. Stewart
Curtis W. Ewing
B. W. Murray
Annie E. B. Harris

March 12, 1926.
Mr. C. L. Murray,
Round Hill, Va.
Dear Sir:
Your petition for more pay was received and laid before our board on
March 9. The board was unable to find additional funds to grand the increasexx
at this time.
Very sincerely yours,

Division Superintendent.


Electronic Location: \PetitionsColoredSchools\EqualityOfPay\GroupPetitionforincreasedSalary1926
Physical Location: 2.5.A Colored Petitions. Colored Teachers of Loudoun, March 1926