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Map showing positions of the historic Colored and White school overlaid onto Dulles International Airport.

Willard Colored:
38.9400000, -77.462000.
Willard White:
38.94220000, -77.450000.

Willard White

Willard White. 1890’s to 1922.
Sale completed in 1935.
Owned by Fairfax County
Public Schools. In Dranesville
School District.

Willard Colored

Willard Colored 1890’s to 1925. Structure moved N in 1948. Owned by Loudoun County Public Schools. In Broad Run District

The referenced area for the colored school would best be identified as “abeam the approach end of Runway 1C” . The
small roadway to the west of red marking is Tracon road. As for the white school, that area would best be identified as
the “ R26-28 remote aircraft parking area on Taxi-lane Foxtrot”.