

extracted text
To the Loudoun County School Board
Leesburg, Virginia

At a meeting of the Vaterford Citizens sssociation held
in the school auditorium on the Z4th of January, 1949 the following

resolution was unanimously adopted:

The citizens of Waterford and surrounding terri-
tory have for the past eleven yesrs OT more (and more
particularly since their High School was abandoged)
worked with untiring energy to better the existing
school, with the purpose of making it one of the
outstanding grade schools in the county.

we feel that with this spirit clearly dgmgn-
strated over so long 2 period we are now justified
in asking the School Board to give us another teacher
4o sssist in teaching the seve:n grades now taught in

the school.

A very careful canvas has been made by responsible
representatives of the school and they find the


i hree
We now have 92 pupils in the school, using 2

rooms with three teachers. Seven of thesg pugi%shzzél
graduate this year to the eighth gradg. We W"d i
s minimus increasé this yoar in the first grade of =<
pupils which will leave tne enrollment at the beginning
of next year approximately 108. 1u first and sggon%

rade teacher is now teaching 21 pupils ln the firs
grade and 16 in the second grade,all in one ruom.
Next year this ssame teacher would have at least 2b in
the first grade and 19 in the second grade in one room.
This room will not hold these students, and in any case
44 pupils in two grades is far too great a burden for
one teacher. It will plainly be necessary to use the
4th room and t have another teacher. This increase

in the total number of pupils can be expected to con-
tinue, since the three highest grades are currently
very smell, while the prospects are that the incoming
first grades will continue to be large. -

We want also to point out that the great increase
in the budgets for 1949-50 and 1950-51 does not contem-
plate any %mmediate improvements in the schools in
gfigfggso? gis:g%g%, gfcggt somftaddition to our heating

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