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county School goard:

Members of the Loudoun

L mwanink.

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We the citizens committee, have been app01nted by ‘the Coun ¥

wide League to, again, bring tio wyour attention some of the many

s now existing at the pouglass High 3chool, and

which has existed for a number of yearsSe

mThe aim of any school is to provide the opportunity for tile

greatest possible development of the child as an individval and

as a member of socletye. Fundamentally, the educetional programn
results in improvement in opportunities, ideals, and general

conduct of the learner and in their efforts to select and engage

in some useful occupation with sufficient success to insure securlty
and peacee.

To accomplish these objectives, it is very essential that
the school plant be adequate. The school plant in a great
measure, determines the courses which are taught, the teaching
materials which are used, the quality of the teachers who are
employed, and the extent to which the general atmosphere of the
school is condusive to learning. |

We believe that you will agree with the above point of
view. However, in 1948, and again in. 1950 we brought to your
attention many negative conditions which prohibited Douglass
High School from satisfying this point of view. Ve have come
to the point now where something must be done in the very near
future, if this school is to retain its present rating of the

state poard of Education.