

extracted text
Thoughtful educato 1
& D ! rs now believe that in <
i 3 : | at in the post-we iod
oyt Litgg%u aggunt of accumulated school buildgng ngigapir%o% Ehere
ary Ffund and morc¢ will be rcquired to carc %o; %ggs hggcall
’ 288 36 S,
In our ow we arc goi ind
+ain Sducatigzno?oggzzrdghzigriglg% tod§1nd gcople who ere intsrested in
e - . : ' emanding additional buildi scilitie
the Aldio, Leesburg, Lincoln and Love%tsvillo high scigggg gi;éégfiii

when the enrolment d $ o .
st apeils rop of 200 high school pupils during the war is roc=-

The school board is buildi '

= ! ng a new clcmontary school building =
AfhPuTE{ has planned for a ncw building at Stcrling and has Unégi cgn-
sidoration & now building =t Unison-Bloomfield. '

?hose arc all white schoolc. The very nature of the development of
our 1deolog}os and of the intérproctetion of the Constitution will in-o '
cvitably bring throughout Virginia an upsurge of improvement in school
buildings for colored childrcn.

In Loudoun Qounty our Douglass High Scheool is trying to care for the
work of seven high school teschers ond onc hundred forty pupils in a
four-room school. Most of our buildings which housd colorcd children
in clemcntery schools arc poor. Scveral arc not owned by the Board.

whon the following school buildings were crccted the Litcrary Fund
was cithcr not available at 211 or until a year or two after our pcople
wished to ercct the buildings, or only part of thc cost was available.
~n the casc of oach building the work was dcfcrred, oOr 2 part or all of
the moncy wes borrowcd from othecr sourccs than this fund at o much high-
cr ratc of intercst, or both-- Aldie, Ashburn, Bluemont, Hamilton,
Loesburg, Lincoln High, Lovettsville, Purcellville, and Douglass High.
The means used to finance 11 or part of these buildings temporerily,

or permanently from sources other than the Litcrary Fund could not now
be cmpleyecd on sccount of chenges in the statubcs or the Constitution.

There arc those who edvocete 2 direct tax to accumulsto in sdvence
n fund for school building construction. But will we ever do that?

Those of you who &re worried about debts - Town, County, City,
State, Federal or even your own might well reflect that this County is
a part of Virginia and if all of the debts of the Counties and cities
for schools could consist of money berrowed from a fund which Virginia
owns outright then there would be no net debt for schools.