Pleasant Valley White
Opening and Closing
- 1917: The school was constructed as a two-room frame structure for the cost of $2,000.
- 1932: Photo is from 1932. Instructor is likely Miss Ruth E. Dillon of Purcellville. She had four years of experience at the time and had been educated at the University of North Carolina.
- 1939/40: The Building was sold on 22 July 1939 for $1500 to Roger Crosen. Source: EWP 8.1 Loudoun County School Budget for Fiscal Year starting July 1, 1940, Pg 15a.
Physical and Map Location
25224 Poland Rd , Chantilly
1928, April. Request to keep Mrs. Groseclose as the instructor. This was Mrs. Carries Groseclose of Herndon, born in 1877. Graduated from Hyattsville, High School and attended STC Fredericksburg and University of Va.
Undated. Wanted a second teacher to help Mrs. Loury, the current teacher with the 39 pupils.
1939. See transportation petition.
1939, September 19. Residents east of Pleasant Valley, known as "Blue Spring Road," which was reecently graveled. With a two mile radius were nearly twenty children of school age, several of whom were sm all and have to walk to the pike and then wait for the school bus. When the winter sets in, that was seen as practically impossible, as a result the residents wanted the bus to go out to Blue Spring Road.
Walking was a common method of school transportation even before the creation of Loudoun County Public Schools (LCPS). It’s believed that students who lived within 3 miles of a school could walk from their home to school. The figure at shows the location of the school with a circle representing the area from which students could have walked, back and forth from their home to the school. Travel by horse was also used and could have extended the travel distance.
Paper Term Reports for Pleasant Valley Elementary, White, Broad Run District, 1924/25 – 1938/39 in Edwin Washington Archives, 6.3.2 Box 4.
- 1920/21 Mrs Caroll Hutchison
- 1920/21 Miss Edith C. Smith, Born May 21, 1899.
- 1921/22. Alma Roller
- 1922/23 Ellen Collier and Zelma Roller
- 1923/24 Miss Creaola Daniel
- 1923/24 Zelma Roller
- 1924/28 Mrs. Groseclose. She taught grades 5-7 in 1924/25-1925/26, then grades 1-4 until 1927/28.
- UNK: Mary Hixon
- UNK Mr. Gallaher.
Insurance and Physical Description