Sterling Colored
Opening and Closing
Opening TBD
Closed 1947: See EWP 9.2.3 Sale of Property, September 6, 1947 for $3100. n 9.2.3 Banneker, 1947: Sterling, St. Louis, Purcellville (col), Hillsboro (col), Lincoln (col), Rock Hill, Powell’s Grove, Hughesville and Marble Quarry. See also Loudoun Discovered, Vol 3, pg. 87-89.
Physical and Map Location
Walking was a common method of school transportation even before the creation of Loudoun County Public Schools (LCPS). It’s believed that students who lived within 3 miles of a school could walk from their home to school. The figures at and show the locations of the school with a circle representing the area from which students could have walked, back and forth from their home to the school. Travel by horse was also used and could have extended the travel distance.
- 1893/1894: James F. Jackson was the “colored” instructor for Sterling and operated on a 3rd grade certificate. He also was from Sterling. Source: Lists of Teachers, 1892-1975 (1893 1894 Colored Reel 4418 Census of Colored Teachers 1893/94 – March 30, 1894), Richmond, Virginia, USA: Virginia Department of Public Instruction/Education.
- 1894/95: Mr. Jackson continued to instruct at Sterling. Source: Lists of Teachers, 1892-1975 (1895 Colored A Census of Colored Teachers 1894/95 – Done Dec 10, 1894), Richmond, Virginia, USA: Virginia Department of Public Instruction/Education.
- 1895/96: Robert A. Jones of Willard, Fairfax County, worked as the “colored” Instructor at Sterling on 3rd Grade certificate. Source: Lists of Teachers, 1892-1975 (1895 Colored A Census of Colored Teachers 1894/95 – Done Dec 10, 1894), Richmond, Virginia, USA: Virginia Department of Public Instruction/Education.
- 1896/97: Mr. Jackson, continued on a 3rd grade certificate. Source: Lists of Teachers, 1892-1975 (1897ColoredCombined Census of Colored Teachers 1896-97 – Done Dec 15, 1896), Richmond, Virginia, USA: Virginia Department of Public Instruction/Education
Insurance and Physical Description