EWP 11 Yr 1923 to 1961 Insurance Record Book Corrections Pages 134 to 137
EWP 11 Yr 1923 to 1961 Insurance Record Book
Hand-written record of insurance provided on white and "colored" schools. The name of the school and its racial makeup is provided and whether the school was owned by the School Board, name of insurance firms and agents, insurance coverage for the building and contents, term of insurance and other essential data,
EWP 11 Yr 1923 to 1961 Insurance Book See Bk for Corrections
EWP 11 Yr 1940 Insurance Photos
EWP 11 Yr 1940 Insurance Analysis
EWP 02-2 October 10, 1955 School Board Meeting Agenda
October 10, 1955 School Board Meeting Agenda includes school bus route changes, comparison of one, three and five year insurance plans, school construction and additions
EWP 11 Yr 1950 to 1951 Insurance Buses and Safety Rules
EWP 11 Yr 1950s School Funds and Property
EWP 11 Yr 1950-1956 Insurance Policies, Costs and associated correspondences
1950 - 1956 Insurance Policies, costs and correspondences including fire insurance, teacher sickness and accident insurance, student accident insurance, boiler insurance, football accident insurance, theft insurance.
EWP 11 Yr 1949 to 1954 Insurance Evaluation Sheets
EWP www
EWP 11 Yr. 1896 Fire Insurance Ink Pad
EWP 11 Yr. 1940 (Location Unknown)
Possibly Hillsboro Colored School
EWP 11 Yr. 1928-1961 LCPS Insurance (6)
EWP 11 Yr. 1928-1961 LCPS Insurance (5)
EWP 11 Yr. 1928-1961 LCPS Insurance (4)
EWP 11 Yr. 1928-1961 LCPS Insurance (3)
EWP EWP 11 Yr. 1928-1961 LCPS Insurance (2)
EWP 11 Yr. 1940 Conklin Colored School
Photo originally labelled "Mountain Gap School"
EWP 11 Yr. 1940 Loudoun Valley
Photo of Loudoun Valley Community center in 1940 when it was a school
EWP loudounvalleycommunitycenterphoto5a - duplicate
EWP 11 Yr. 1940 Lincoln Colored School
EWP 11 Yr. 1940 Lincoln Colored School - Duplicate
EWP 11 Yr. 1940 (Location Unknown)
EWP 11 Yr. 1940 (Location Unknown) - Duplicate
EWP 11 Yr. 1940 (LOCATION-Hughesville)
EWP 11 Yr. 1940 (Waterford - School Name Unknown)
EWP 11 Yr. 1940 Round Hill White School
EWP 11 Yr. 1940 Mountain Gap White School
EWP 11 Yr. 1940 Middleburg White School
EWP 11 Yr. 1940 Lovettsville Teacherage
EWP 11 Yr. 1940 Lovettsville Shop
EWP 11 Yr. 1940 Hillsboro White
Often called Locust Grove Academy
EWP 11 Yr. 1940 (Hamilton - School's name unsure)
This is the building which replaced the Black school in Hamilton.
EWP 11 Yr. 1940 Third Bluemont School
EWP 11 Yr. 1940 Waterford Auditorium
EWP 11 Yr. 1940 Unison Bloomfield
EWP 11 Yr 1940 Taylorstown White School
EWP 11 Yr 1940 Sunny Ridge White School
EWP 11 Yr 1940 Sterling White School - Duplicate
EWP 11 Yr 1940 Round Hill White School
EWP 11 Yr 1940 Purcellville White School
EWP 11 Yr 1940 Philomont White School
EWP 11 Yr 1940 Lucketts White School
Today the Lucketts Community Center
EWP 11 Yr 1940 Lovettsville White High School
EWP 11 Yr 1940 Lincoln Shop
EWP 11 Yr 1940 Lincoln High School
EWP 11 Yr 1940 Lincoln Grade School
EWP 11 Yr 1940 Hillsboro White School - Duplicate
EWP Barker Hildred Pville 30 35
EWP 11 Yr 1940 Ashburn White School
EWP 11 Yr 1940 Aldie Shop
EWP 11 Yr 1940 Aldie Old School
EWP 11 Yr. 1940 Aldie New School
EWP 11. Yr. 1940 White School Bluemont
1940 Insurance Description of the third White school at Bluemont, on land donated by Dr. Rufus Humphrey in 1921. That structure is now the local community center in Bluemont. The staff at the community center were very helpful to this project.
EWP 11 Yr 1940 Waterford White School Auditorium
EWP 11 Yr 1940 Unison Bloomfield White School
EWP 11 Yr 1940 Taylorstown White School
EWP 11 Yr 1982 Sterling White School
EWP 11 Yr 1940 Sterling White School - Duplicate
EWP 11 Yr 1940 Sterling White School
EWP 11 Yr 1940 White School Round Hill
EWP 11 Yr 1940 Philomont White School - Duplicate
EWP 11 Yr 1940 Lucketts White School - Duplicate
Today the Lucketts Community Center
EWP 11 Yr 1940 Lovettsville White High School - Duplicate
EWP 11 Yr 1940 Lincoln Shop - Duplicate
EWP 11 Yr 1940 Lincoln High School - Duplicate
EWP 11 Yr 1940 Lincoln Grade School - Duplicate
EWP 11 Yr 1940 Lincoln Cottage
EWP 11 Yr 1887 Second Bluemont School
EWP 11 Yr 1940 Hillsboro White School
EWP 11 Yr 1940 Hamilton White School
EWP 11 Yr 1940 Balcony of Hamilton White School
EWP 11 Yr 1940 Emerick Elementary School
EWP 11 Yr unknown Third Bluemont School
Undated photo of the third school
EWP conkiln 1924
EWP 25974 Elk Lick 019
EWP 20140810 112234
EWP 2013 1202 095758
EWP 2013 1107 095609
EWP 2013 1107 095556
EWP 2013 1107 095542
EWP 11 Yr 1932 Pleasant Valley White School
Photograph of Pleasant Valley school in 1932. Current owners are sensitive about privacy.
EWP 11 Yr 1940 Aldie Photos Insurance photo of Aldie White School shop
EWP 11 Yr U Accident Insurance for Children and Teachers
EWP 11 Yr 1956 June Loudoun County Hospital Inquiry
EWP 11 Yr 1956 June Insurance for Emerick and sister.
EWP 11 Yr 1956 June Injury by Roberta Quander
EWP 11 Yr 1956 June IDouglass HS Children Illness
EWP 11 Yr 1954 June Sterling Fire Loss
EWP 11 Yr 1954-55 Student Protection Plan
EWP 11 Yr 1950 May 22 Douglass Elementary Fire Loss
EWP 11 Yr 1945 Jan Unison Bloomfield Fire Loss Aug 1944
EWP 11 Yr 1923 1961 Insurance Book
EWP 11 Yr 1943 Aug Round Hill Colored School Fire Loss.