EWP 01 Civil Rights
Item Set
- EWP 1-7 Yr 1939 Social Economic Study of Negroes in Virginia
EWP 1-4-4 Yr 1957-5 Viginia Journal of Education Where we are on Integration
EWP 1-4-4 Yr 1956 8-26 Norfork City School Superintendent supports Segregation
- EWP 1-4-4 Yr 1956 6-4 Report on Appomattox Teacher Firings
EWP 1-4-4 Yr 1956 4-26 Fairfax Rejects integration
EWP 1-4-4 Yr 1956 12-29 Power of Placement now in Pupil Placement Board
EWP 1-4-4 Yr 1956 1-28 County Wide League Reject School Brd Conditions
EWP 1-4-4 Yr 1955 Supposedly an African American wants Segregation
EWP 1-4-4 Yr 1955 SegregatedBuildingProgram
- EWP 1-4-4 Yr 1955 Letter to Editor Negro likes Segregation
EWP 1-4-4 Yr 1955 Issues of Defenders of State Soverignty
- EWP 1-4-4 Yr 1955 12-16 Souths Model for Separate School
- EWP 1-4-4 Yr 1954 6-26 Delegate Robert Whitehead
EWP 1-4-4 John Tolbert Supports Integration
EWP 1-4-4 Counter to Emericks Analysis of Negro Contribution
- EWP 1-4-3 Yr 1955 12-19 Emerick to League of Women Voters
EWP 1-4-3 Yr 1955 12-12 League Women Voters Ask Questions on Amendment
- EWP 1-4-3 1956 1-1 Emerick to Senator Byrd Supports Amendment
EWP 1-4-3 1955 Dec 19 Emerick on Segregation
EWP 1-4-3 U Emerick on Negro Share of Education
EWP 1-4-3 Yr Perhaps 1955 Notes Constitutional AMendments to Implement Gray
EWP 1-4-3 Yr Abt 1956 Virginisa Education Association Supports Segregation
- EWP 1-4-3 Yr Abt 1955 Clergyman Favors Constitutional Amendment
EWP 1-4-3 Yr 1956 Notes on General Assembly
EWP 1-4-3 Yr 1956 Informatory Statement on Constitutional Convention Ballot
- EWP 1-4-3 Yr 1956 Feb SW Virginia School Superintendents Study Group
EWP 1-4-3 Yr 1955 Survey of School Superintndents Re Amending Constitution
- EWP 1-4-3 Yr 1955 12-29 Baptist Pastors Oppose Amendment
EWP 1-4-3 Yr 1955 12-22 Home Economics and Agriculture Teachers Discuss Amendment
EWP 1-4-3 Yr 1955 12-22 Former PTA President See Amendment as Futile
EWP 1-4-3 Yr 1955 12-19 Loudoun Bar Association
EWP 1-4-3 Yr 1955 12-16 Instructors of Vocational Agriculture
EWP 1-4-3 Yr 1955 12-14 State Superintendent's Advisory Committee
- EWP 1-4-3 Yr 1955 12-13 State Board of Educ on Constitutional Convention
EWP 1-4-3 Yr 1955 12-13 Mecklenburg COunty supports Gray Commission
EWP 1-4-3 Yr 1955 11-24 Phillips Favors Gray Commission
- EWP 1-4-3 Yr 1955 11-10 League of Virginia County Resolutions
EWP 1-4-3 Yr Prob 1955 Speaker Notes on Amendment Pro Segregation
- EWP 1-4-2 Yr 1955 Undated Legislation Proposed by Gray Commission
- EWP 1-4-2 Yr 1955 12-23 Meeting at Loudoun County HS on Gray Report
- EWP 1-4-2 Yr 1955 12-19 Loudoun County HS Meeting on Gray Report
- EWP 1-4-2 Yr 1955 12-11 Qs and As on Gray Commission
- EWP 1-4-2 Yr 1955 11-11 Gray Commission Report
EWP 1-4-1 Yr 1956 3-27 Congressman John Bell Williams of Mississippi against BRoiwn
EWP 1-4-1 Yr 1956 3-12 Senator George of George Against Brown
EWP 1-4-1 Yr 1955 Txt fo Supreme Court's Decision on Segregation
- EWP 1-4-1 Yr 1954 Answers For Action Schools in the South
- EWP 1-4-1 Yr 1954 5-28 State Brd of Educ Ignores Brown v Brd of Educ
EWP 1-3 Yr 2017 Feb Religious Breakdown of Teachers 1900 1950
- EWP 1-3 Yr 1973 LCPS On Religious Studies in LCPS Curriculum
EWP 1-3 Yr 1950 2-3 Emerick on History of Bible Reading Loudoun Schools
- EWP 1-3 Yr 1949 2-11 Intl Council of Religious Education on Supreme COurt
- EWP 1-3 Yr 1948 9-10 State Brd of Educ on Va Council of Churches Plan
EWP 1-3 Yr 1948 8-10 School Board on Weekly Religious Education
EWP 1-3 Yr 1948 7-9 Weekday Religiou Education
- EWP 1-3 Yr 1948 7-13 Superntendent of Virginia on Weekday Religious Instruction
EWP 1-3 Yr 1948 5-8 Emerick Can Religious Education Continue
- EWP 1-3 Yr 1948 5-31 Emerick to Richmond How Loudoun Teaches Religion
EWP 1-3 Yr 1948 5-25 Religion and Public Schools
EWP 1-3 Yr 1948 5-18 Impact of Supreme Court Decision on Prayer and Religious Teaching
EWP 1-3 Yr 1948 3-19 NEA News on Supreme Court Re Religion
- EWP 1-1 Loudoun Times Mirror
EWP 1-1-3 Yr 1940 April 8 Lewis Rector and Geo Brown Propose Purcellville
EWP 1-1-3 Yr 1940 12-19 Action in Circuit Crt on Gibbons Donation
EWP 1-1-3 Yr 1940 12-11 School Brd Appoints Harrison to handle Gibbons Lot Transfer
EWP 1-1-3 Yr 1942 May 9 Arthur Wright Southern Educ Foundation declines invite
EWP 1-1-3 Yr 1942 May 8 Dabney Lancaster Declines invitation
EWP 1-1-3 Yr 1942 April 30 Emerick Declines Invitation to Dedication
EWP 1-1-3 Yr 1942 April 27 Invitation to Emerick to Speak at Douglass
EWP 1-1-3 Yr 1940 12-4 County Wide League to transfer Gibbons Lot to County
EWP 1-1-3 Yr 1940 12-22 Cnty-Wide League Opinions of Transfer of Gibbons Lot
EWP 1-1-3 Yr 1940 12-17 Emerick Acknowledges Donation of Gibbons Lot
EWP 1-1-3 Yr 1940 12-17 County Wide League Gives Warrenty Deed on Gibbons
EWP 1-1-2f Yr 1955 1-13 Emerick to Richmond Times Dispatch On Funding Salairies
EWP 1-1-2f Yr 1940 Dec 30 Emerick to Sidney Hall asking for 3 year Delay
EWP 1-1-2e Yr 1946 April 3 Emerick to Newman with Certificate of Salaries
EWP 1-1-2e Yr 1934 3-12 12 Emerick to Gresham Supervisor Negro Education
EWP 1-1-2d Yr 1940 Nov 29 Va Attorney Genrsal on Norfolk Matter
EWP 1-1-2d Yr 1940 June 18 US 4th Circuit Appeal Norfolk Matter
EWP 1-1-2a Yr U (Prob 1940) School Brd Denies Equal Salaries Absent Appropriation
EWP 1-1-2a Yr 1941 Mar 6 LC Teachers Association Accepts Salary Proposal
EWP 1-1-2a Yr 1941 Jan 10 LC School Brd responds to Emerick with Equalization Proposal
EWP 1-1-2a Yr 1941 Feb 13 Emerick to Various Teachers on Salaries
EWP 1-1-2a Yr 1940 Dec 18 Emerick to Teacher Assoc of Loudoun who rejected proposal
EWP 1-1-2a Yr 1940 Dec 11 Problem Funding Equal Salaries
EWP 1-1-2a Yr 1940 Dec16 Teachers Refuse Equalization Proposal Ask to negotiate
- EWP 1 Statue Label
- EWP 1 Papers of WD Gresham
- EWP 1 List of Files in Archival Boxes
- EWP 1 Appears to be a letter from William McKinley Jackson
- EWP 1-1-1 Yr 1940 Analysis of Jackson letter
- EWP 1 Papers of WD Gresham
- EWP 1 1-1 False Statements of Equality
- EWP 1 Civil Rights Catalog New Chapter One Tony July2016
- EWP 1 Civil Rights Catalog 2016 July 11 Tony
- EWP 1 Chapter 1 with proposed organization of files May27
- EWP 1 Chapter 1 with proposed organization of files jun2
- EWP 1 Chapter 1 with proposed organization of files
- EWP 1 Chapter 1 civil rights folders reorganized
- EWP 1 Chapter 1 civil rights folders
- EWP 1 Memos for section 1-8 Misc
- EWP 1 Memos for section 1-7 Misc
- EWP 1 Memos for section 1-7-4 Segregation Integraton
- EWP 1 Memos for section 1-7-3 VA Constitution amendment
- EWP 1 Memos for section 1-7-1 Brown general
- EWP 1 Memos for section 1-4-4 Segregation Integraton
- EWP 1 memos for section 1-2 religious education
- EWP 1 Memos for section 1-1-3 Colored High School
- EWP 1 Memos for section 1-1-2 Equal Salaries
- EWP 1 Memos for section 1-1-1 equal education
- EWP 1 Civil Rights Folder
- 1-1-1 Yr 1940 May 4 Richardson002
- 1-1-1 Yr 1940 May 4 Richardson001
- 1-1-1 Yr 1948 5-4 Richardson B
- 1948 1-1-1 Yr 1948 5 -4 Archie Richardson A
- 1-1-1 Yr 1948 5 -4 Archie Richardson A
- EWP 1 DSC 0031
- EWP 1 DSC 0030
- EWP 1 DSC 0029
- EWP 1 DSC 0028
- EWP 1 DSC 0027
- EWP 1 DSC 0026
- EWP 1 DSC 0025
- EWP 1 DSC 0024
- EWP 1 DSC 0023
- EWP 1 DSC 0022
- EWP 1 DSC 0021
- EWP 1 DSC 0020
- EWP 1 DSC 0019
- EWP 1 DSC 0018
- EWP 1 DSC 0017
- EWP 1 DSC 0016
- EWP 1 DSC 0015
- EWP 1 DSC 0014
- EWP 1 DSC 0013
- EWP 1 DSC 0012
EWP 1 Emerick One Room Schools 003
EWP 1 Emerick One Room Schools 002
EWP 1 Petition (10)
EWP 1 expenses (5)
EWP 1 1940 Salary Procedure
EWP 1 1940 Salaries (10)
EWP 1 1940 Salares
EWP 1 1940 Petition Equal Pay.03
- EWP 1 1940 Mar 8006
EWP 01 March 16, 1940 page from Houston, Houston & Hastie letter to Superintendent Emerick on school bus transportation for Black students
March 16, 1940 page 3 of a letter from the law firm of Houston, Houston & Hastie to Superintendent OL Emerick. In face of the inequities in school bus transportation between Black and White students, this page discusses "the obligation of the county to furnish Negro school children bus transportation on equal terms with white children similarly circumstanced." -
EWP 1 1940 Mar 8004
EWP 1 1940 Gibbons Tract (3)
EWP 1 1940 Dec 4 Douglass (2)
EWP 1 1940 Dec 4 Douglass
- EWP 1-4-3 Constitutional Amendment 001
- EWP 1 Wanzer
EWP 1 IMAG0043
EWP 1 IMAG0040
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- EWP 1 IMAG0030
EWP 1 IMAG0029
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EWP 1 IMAG0024
DUPLICATE FILE (EWP 01 March 16, 1940 page from Houston, Houston & Hastie letter to Superintendent Emerick on school bus transportation for Black students) -
EWP 1 IMAG0022
EWP 1 IMAG0021
EWP 1 IMAG0020
EWP 1 1-1-1 Yr 1940 Mar 16 (2)
EWP 1 PTA Salaries (2)
EWP 1 IMAG 0163
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