RCH 2-5B Yr 2019 Study of Lincoln Purcellville Dispute This study authored by Larry Roeder in 2016 contains the summary of the dispute. In 1926, the Lincoln-Purcellville dispute arose over the replacement of Lincoln High School, which had burned down and needed to be rebuilt. Lincoln residents wanted to maintain the school in their community, while Purcellville residents argued for it to be relocated to their town. This conflict highlighted deeper issues of cultural clashes, with underlying prejudice against Quakers for their pacifist beliefs and non-traditional voting patterns. The dispute escalated beyond the School Board, involving county and state government officials as well as the courts, showcasing the evolving landscape of school administration in Virginia. Despite tensions, the conflict was ultimately resolved in favor of Lincoln, with the school reopening in March 1927. This event also shed light on broader issues of civil liberties and freedom of speech during a time of political upheaval and social change.
EWP 2-5B Yr 1926 June Circuit Court Evidence List
EWP 2-5B Yr 1926 Receipts and Expenditures for Mt. Gilead District In the school district of Mt. Gilead in 1926-27, expenditures totaled $37,069, with the majority going towards salaries of teachers at $29,080. Other significant expenses included standard electricity at $1,600, agricultural teacher salaries at $1,333, and rural supervision costs at $1,040. The district also allocated funds for home economics, elementary education, and transportation. The funding for these expenditures came from various sources, including state general funds, county taxes, district taxes, and other income.
EWP 2-5B Yr 1926 Blue Ridge Herald on Dispute In 1926, the Blue Ridge Herald reported on the destruction of the main building of Lincoln High School due to a fire of unknown origin. The community rallied together and began discussions about the reconstruction of the high school, with reports on new site selections and building plans. The school board finally chose the Lincoln site for the new high school building. Following extensive community efforts, the new Lincoln High School was dedicated in 1927. The dedication marked the culmination of a series of events from the fire to the rebuilding process.
EWP 2-5B Yr 1926 Cost Lincoln High School This document provides a detailed account of the costs associated with Lincoln High School's Department Salaries from 1910 to 1926. The data reveals an increase in expenses over the years, with a total of $73,309 paid out over the sixteen-year period. It is noted that the funds were paid out of public sources, including tuition. The information sheds light on the financial commitment required for the operation of Lincoln High School during this time period. Additionally, there is an estimation of salaries for the 1916-17 period, suggesting the continuous need for budget planning and allocation for educational institutions like Lincoln High School. Overall, this document provides valuable insight into the financial management and expenditure trends in education during the early 20th century.
EWP 2-5B Yr 1909 Feb Subscription to Lincoln HS In February 1909, members of the community in Mt. Gilead District number two, Loudoun County, Virginia, signed a document committing to financially support the acquisition of land and construction of a new High School Building. The signatories pledged to pay specified sums, with half due by April 15, 1909, and the remaining half by August 15, 1909. They agreed to waive the benefit of their respective Homestead Exemptions for this obligation. The School Board was to gather at least EIGHT THOUSAND DOLLARS in subscriptions by parties deemed financially able and planned to select a suitable location near the crossroads in Lincoln for the new school building. The total cost of the project, estimated at TWELVE THOUSAND DOLLARS, would be funded through various means, including the sale of existing school property and potential taxation. This document, signed on February 26, 1909, reflects the community's commitment to education and investment in the local school system.
EWP 2-5B Yr 1926 July 1 Papers for July 14 School Trustee Electoral Board This collection of papers contains official letters between District Superintendent O.L Omerick and Edwin Garrett, Esq. who represented community members appealing the decision to rebuild Lincoln School on its former site. The Appeal Hearing in Lincoln School Dispute was moved from July 9 to July 14, 1926, by the request of Edwin Garrett, Esq who represented community members appealing the School Board's decision on the location of the new high school. His request was granted by Superintendent Omerick. The School Board heard the appeals of F. Mercer Love, A.N. Adams and others regarding the School Board's Decision. The hearing was held at Lincoln on July 14, 1926, at 11:00am. There are 14 depositions of community members who spoke at the Appeals hearing regarding their opposition to the location of the new Lincoln high school. Also, there is an invitation to Superintendent Omerick to a luncheon on July 14 provided by the Ladies of the Lincoln Civic League.
EWP 2-5B Yr 1926 May 10 Bazile Opinion On May 10, 1926, Assistant Attorney General Leon M. Bazile of Richmond, Virginia, responded to a letter from Commonwealth's Attorney Cecil Connor of Leesburg regarding a dispute over the location of a new high school in the county. Bazile explained that under the relevant Code of Virginia sections, the division superintendent of schools had the authority to approve or disapprove plans and specifications for school construction. In this case, Bazile argued that as the site had been selected seventeen or eighteen years prior, the division superintendent did not have jurisdiction to disapprove the old site for the school. He suggested that the school trustee electoral board had jurisdiction to consider the appeal from the heads of families who had complained about the location and recommended that they proceed with the appeal process under the appropriate legal provisions. Bazile's response highlighted the complexities of educational governance and decision-making processes in local communities during the early 20th century.
EWP 2-5B Yr 1926 July 12 Enrollment Statistics In a letter the Division Superintendent Omerick responded to Mr. J. T. Hirst of Purcellville, Virginia, providing enrollment numbers dated July 12, 1926, for several elementary schools for the 1925-26 school year. The letter listed enrollment figures for Hillsboro, Purcellville, Hamilton, Lincoln, North Fork, and Philomont. It noted that there were 126 pupils enrolled in the high school department at Lincoln in September 1925, with a total enrollment of 127 for the year. The report indicated that 25 students graduated and 7 dropped out from the high school department at Lincoln. Additionally, promotions from the seventh grade were detailed for each school. Also, Historical enrollment numbers from 1910 were provided for Lincoln, Purcellville, and Hamilton.
EWP 2-5B Yr 1926 May 1 Mr. Smith Opinion on location of high school in Mt. Gilead District Letter written by Mr. T. Smith submitting his opinion on location of high school in Mt. Gilead District dated May 1, 1926. Mr. T. Smith indicated he would abide by the decision of the school board as to the location of the new High School.
EWP 2-5B Yr 1926 June 18 Circuit Court Order
EWP 2-5B Yr 1926 June 5 School Construction Guidelines
EWP 2-5B Yr 1926 July Emerick and Hart on a Proposed study
EWP 2-5B Yr 1926 Enrollment of Lincoln Elementary Probably
EWP 2-5B Yr 1926 Law of Lincoln Purcellville School Case
EWP 2-5B Yr 1926 June 22 School Board Appeal of Court Order
EWP 2-5B Yr 1926 List of Subscribers for Love Portion of Purcellville
EWP 2-5B Yr 1926 John Ward
EWP 2-5B Yr 1926 Lincoln HS Plot 1910 Building
EWP 2-5B Yr 1926 May 20 Exchange of Letters
EWP 2-5B Yr 1926 May 14 Long Opinion
EWP 2-5B Yr 1909 Feb 26 Contributions for Lincoln HS
RCH 2-5B Yr 2019 Combined edits Roeder Study
EWP 2-5B Yr 1909 June Circular re Purchase of Lincoln Lot
EWP 2-5B Yr 1926 April 26 School Trustees No Authority
RCH Research Paper on Lincoln Dispute
EWP 2-5B Yr 1925 Student Census
EWP 2-5B Yr 1926 April 26. Emerick vetoes Lincoln
EWP 2-5B Yr 1926 April 10 Fleet James Testimony
EWP 2-5B Yr 1926 April Mrs Janney Testimony
EWP 2-5B Yr 1926 June 16 Emerick Testimony to Circuit Court
EWP 2-5B Yr 1926 June 23 Letter to Emerick
EWP 2-5B Yr 1926 April 10 Minutes Loose File
EWP 2-5B Yr 1910 to 1926 Lincoln HS Salaries
EWP 2-5B Yr 1926 Hamilton Petitions
EWP 2-5B Yr 1926 June 10 Sidney Hall to Emerick
EWP 2-5B 1910 List of 1910 Attendees at Lincoln
EWP 2-5B Yr 1926 LTM News Reports on Lincoln Purcellville Dispute
EWP 2-5B Yr 1926 Mt Gilead Receipts and Expenses
EWP 2-5B Yr 1909 May 19 Survey of Lincoln
EWP 2-5B Yr 1926 Statement Supporting Purcellville
EWP 2-5B Yr 1926 May 1 Exchange Wilbur Hall and Attorney General
EWP 2-5B Yr 2019 Draft Study of Lincoln Purcellville Dispute
EWP 2-5B Yr 1926 June 18 Description of Lincoln Graded
EWP 2-5B Yr 1926 May 29 Harris Hart to Emerick
EWP 2-5B Yr 1926 ND Proceedings of the Meeting of the School Board
EWP 2-5B Yr 1926 June 9 Raymond Long to Emerick
EWP 2-5-B Yr 1930 Paxson patron willing to have kids half day at Yellow School House
EWP 2-5-B Woodland Yr Unk Keep School Open
EWP 2-5-B Yr 1938 Waterford HS Protest Closing
EWP Waterford 1938
EWP 2-5-B Yr 1924 Waterford Request Denied to Fire Ms Baber
EWP 2-5-B Yr 1931 Location Unknown Petition at School Board Meeting
EWP 2-5-B Yr 1921 Sunny Ridge wants to stay open
EWP 2-5-B Yr 1931 Tankersfield
EWP 2-5-B Yr Unk Smith Willie
EWP 2-5-B Yr 1925 Purcellville Graded School wants Good Friday off
EWP 2-5-B Yr Abt 1926 Unison Bloomfield Keep Mary Abell
EWP 2-5-B Yr May 11 1931 Religious Leaders Complain
EWP 2-5-B Yr 1926 Middleburg White PTA wants Dentist for Children
EWP 2-5-B Yr 1924 Philomont Asks for Teacher and Principal
EWP 2-5-B Yr 1931 Paeonian Springs wants return of Hannah Ellmore
EWP Petition Mountain Gap White 001
EWP 2-5-B Yr 1950 Mt Gilead District wants a new Bus ROute
EWP 2-5-B Yr Unk Purcellville Vicinity want HS in Leesburg and Purcellville
EWP 2-5-B Yr Unk Lucketts HS Hir Mr. Gum as Trustee
EWPEWP 2-5-B Yr UNK Lovettsville wants Souder reappointed
EWP LeithtonColoredandWhite
EWP 2-5-B Yr Unk Little River Purpose of Petition Unknown
EWP 2-5-B Yr Unk Middleburg Graded wants removal of Marianna Rainey
EWP 2-5-B Yr 1926 Edgegrove School Wagon Wants change in Direction
EWP Map of Student at Airmont
EWP 2-5-B Yr 1955 Petition 84 Aldie Rehire or Fire Mrs. Knight
EWP 2-5-B Yr 1940 Feb Taylorstown Request Not to Close School
EWP 2-5-B Yr Jan 1930 Emerick School wants to Retain E.D. Turner
EWP 2-5-B Yr 1929 Cool SPring wants to be reopened.
EWP 02-5B Yr 1945 Petition for school bus route change to Round Hill Elementary (Formerly Sunny Ridge Elementary) August 11, 1945 request for school bus route change by the White Round Hill Elementary patrons (formerly Sunny Ridge Elementary). Also April 14, 2016 description of the Sunny Ridge School after its purchase by Mrs. Meta Watts Smith several years before 1949.
EWP 2-5-B Yr 1928 Ashburn High School wants to keep N.C. Starker
EWP 2-5-B Yr 1931 Brooklyn Wants Removal of Teacher
EWP 2-5-B ABout 1934 Woodburn Wants to Stay Open
EWP 2-5-B Yr Unk Hillsboro School wants Bus Service
EWP 2-5-B Yr 1927 Ashburn Victor Harding wants changes in discipline school hours and transport.
EWP 2-5-B Yr Unk Purcellville Req Two HSs Leesburg and Purcellville
EWP 2-5-B Yr 1927 Aldie Regarding Firing of Tyler
EWP 2-5-B Mountville Yr 1931
EWP 2-5-B Yr Unk Petition 66 Protest Closing of Airmont
EWP 2-5-B Yr 1926 May Airmont Wants to Stay opn
EWP 2-5-B Yr Unk Leesburg District wants Yeager Gum as Trustee
EWP 2-5-B Yr 1927 Lenah want Mrs. D. Hutchison Returned.
EWP 2-5-B Yr 1944 Unison Bloomfield Request to Rebuild
EWP 2-5-B Yr 1944 Evergreen Mills Road School Bus wants Tire Change
EWP 2-5-B Yr 1948 Jun Arcola Wants an Auditorium
EWP 2-5-B Yr 1923 Petition 67 Airmont wants to stay open. Doesn't like trucks or wagons.
EWP 2-5-B Yr 1935 Little River Protests Closing
EWP 2-5-B Yr 1926 Carter want reappointment of Mary Hemsley
EWP 2-5-B Yr 1930s Leesburg Graded wants Urcell Bradfield
EWP 2-5-B Yr Jan 29 1928 Ashburn Wants removal of NC Stark
EWP 2-5-B Yr 1937 March 9 Waterford Protests Closing of HS
EWP 02-5 B Yr 1948 Request School Buses for Aldie Children on Route 632 May 8, 1948 and May 22, 1948 correction petition from Susan M. Cromer to Loudoun County Board of Supervisors. Petition request school bus transportation for Aldie children living on route 632. Petition contains parents names and ages of children to be transported.
EWP 2-5-B Yr 1950 Middleburg PTA and Lions Club was Central High School
EWP 2-5-B Yr Unk Map of Lenah Perhaps 1926
EWP 2-5-B Yr 193738 Luckets HS wants to stay open
EWP 2-5-B Yr Unk Waterford Protest Sending kids to Lovettsville
EWP 02-5B Yr Unk Petition for school bus route change to Oak Hill and Lucketts Elementary Yr Unk, Petition by the patrons of Oak Hill and Lucketts Elementary for school bus route change.
EWP 02-5B Yr 1930 Petition to keep Paxson school open March 17, 1930 petition from the mother of a child attending the Paxson school to keep the school open (if only for half a day) vs. bussing children to another school.
EWP 2-5-B Yr Unk Aldie School Wants Alice Hutchison Back
EWP 2-5-B Yr FY 1930 1931 Cool Spring Wants a Teacher to stay open full time
EWP 2-5-B Yr 1921 Mountain School wants to be reopened.
EWP 2-5-B Yr 1947 Unknown School wants Mrs. Tucker removed.
EWP 2-5-B Yr Unk Pleasant Valley Request Additional Teacher
EWP 2-5-B Yr 1924 Round Hill HS wants Purcell appointed Principal
EWP 2-5-B Yr 1917 Unison Bloomfield Petition to keep H.H. Otley
EWP 2-5-B Yr Unk Petition to Close Mountain Gap White School
EWP 2.2.B Yr 1930 Apr Clark's Gap wants to stay open
EWP 2-5-B Yr 1932 Hillsboro School does not like Transport Plan
EWP 2-5-B Yr April 1923 Colemans Wants to Stay Open
EWP 2-5-B Yr 1929 30 Unison Bloomfield Hire Mary Wharton
EWP 2-5-B Yr 1927 Aldie School Decision to Fire WH Tyler
EWP 2-5-B Yr 1939 Pleasant Valley Need Transportation
EWP 2-5-B Yr 1929 Philomont Want to Keep School Open
EWP 02-5B Yr Unk Petition for a school bus to Lucketts school Yr Unk, petition for a school bus for children attending Lucketts school
EWP 2-5-B Yr 1928 Lenah Protests Closing
EWP 2-5-B Yr 1949 Waterford Elementary Wants Additional Teacher
EWP 2-5-B Yr 1922 Silcott Springs wants Myrtle Piggott
EWP 02-5B Yr 1930 Petition to keep Paxson school open and not have young students ride on the bus with Round Hill High School students March 17, 1930 letter from Mrs. Walter Parks to Superintendent OL Emerick joining in on the petition to keep Paxson school open instead of closing it and having elementary school students ride on the bus with Round Hill High School students.
EWP 2-5-B Yr 1931 Unknown people perhaps from Middleburg petition School Board
EWP 2.7 Yr 1947 Consolidation and Waterford
EWP 02-5B Yr 1924 Petition for school bus to Round Hill High School for Bluemont students February 9, 1924 petition from patrons of Bluemont students attending Round Hill High School for school bus transportation.
EWP 2-5-B Yr Unk. Perhaps 1940s Ashburn wants to keep Alice Cooper Cady
EWP 2-5-B Yr 1926 Taylorstown Please fire a Teacher
EWP 2-5-B Yr 1926 Petition 79 Aldie School May 7, 1926 Prob Complaint About W.H. Tyler
EWP 2-5-B Yr 1927 May Aldie HS Letter re Tyler from Warren F
EWP 2-5-B Yr 1924 25 Daysville Wants to Stay Open
EWP 2-5-B Aldie School Yr Unk
EWP 2-5-B Yr 1950s Arcola Thanks to Mrs. Elise Wilson
EWP 2-5-B Yr 1917 Hillsboro wants to retain Ruth Comphur
EWP 2-5-B Yr Abt 1934 Oak Hill Wants to Stay Open
EWP 2-5-B Yr Unk Leithton Opposed to Consolidation
EWP 2-5-B Yr 1925 Ryan School Elect Mary Cramm Teacher
EWP 2-5-B Yr 1933 1934 Little River Requests Mary H. Megeath
EWP 2-5-B Yr 1922 1923 Cannon Chapel Wants to Keep Nina Fletcher
EWP Emerick Testimony
EWP 2-5-B Yr 1928 Pleasant Valley wants to keep Mrs. Grossclose
EWP 2-5-B Yr Unk Lovettsville Support Charles Souder for School Board
EWP 2-5-B Yr Unk Sterling wants no change in faculty
EWP 4.3 Yr 1931 Role of Petitions in Hiring
EWP 2-5-B AY 1929 1930 North Fork wants to stay a two room school
EWP 2-5-B Yr Prbably 1944 45 Philomont wants to Stay Open
EWP 2-5-B Yr 1931 Middle Community League opposed to reductions in Salary
EWP 2-5-B Yr 1949 Middleburg PTA wants additions to School Building
EWP Waterford Incident
EWP 2-5-B Yr 1932 Sycoline Upset over short school days and wants changes
EWP Waterford High School 1937 001
EWP 2-5-B Yr 1949 Sunny Ridge Property Access
EWP 2-5-B Yr 1932 Cool Spring wants transport ot Leesburg
EWP 2-5-B Yr 1952 Petition 83 Aldie HS wants Pamela Skinner and Virginia Elgin
EWP 2-5-B Yr 1930 31 Keep Sycoline Open
EWP Waterford High School 1937
EWP 2-5-B Yr 1918 Lovettsville HS wants removal of Milton S. Harper
EWP 2-5-B Yr 1928 Pleasant Valley Request to Keep Teaccher
EWPEWP 2-5-B Yr 1930 Waterford Protest Waterford not be accredited HS
EWP SpiritualValues
EWP 2-5-B Yr Unk Aldie Graded School Protest over Salaries
EWP Spiritual Values Petition
EWP 2-5-B Yr AY 1924 25 Woodland Keep Charles Shumaker
EWP 2-5-B Yr 1944 Hillsboro wants Zella Potterfield Removed
EWP 2-5-B Yr U Lucketts HS and Leesburg District want Dyer Gum as Trustee
EWP 2-5-B Yr 1931 Leithton wants Rebie Piggott to replace Alice Underwood
EWP 2-5-B Yr Abt 1938 Milltown wants to stay open
EWP 02-5B Yr 1936 Patrons of Closed Mt Gilead School request school bus transportation & refusal response from School Board August 1936 request from patrons of closed Mt Gilead School (illegible) for school bus transportation and August 13, 1936 response from school board refusing the request.
EWP 02-5B Yr Unk Petition for school bus service to Aldie school for students living north of Little River Turnpike (Rte 50) Yr Unk, petition for school bus service to Aldie school for children living north of Little River Turnpike (Rte 50) and VA Department of Historic Resources Information Sheet for Gilberts Corner Gas Station.
EWP 2-5-B Yr 1931 Sept Petition 69 Airmont Opposition to Colored Using School Room
EWP 2-5-B Yr 1927 Leesburg High School wants Metzger as Latin Teacher
EWP 2-5-B Yr 1923 Colemans Wants to Stay Open
EWP 2-5-B Yr 1938 Sterling White Asks to Remove Mrs Mildred Rawlings
EWP 2-5-B 1927 Emerick School Wants to Expand Teachers and Curriculum
EWP 2.7 Yr 1944 Nov 29 Consolidation Unison Bloomfield and Others
EWP 2-5-B Yr 1936 37 Arlington wants to stay open
EWP 2-5-B Academic Year 1934 35 Woodburn Wants to Stay Open
EWP 2-5-B Mountville Yr 1930 Request for New Building
EWP 2-5-B Yr 1939 April Aldie HS Please keep Earlyn Weeks
EWP 2-5-B Yr 1924 25 Daysville Protests Closing
EWP 2-5-B Yr 1924 Bears wants to Stay Open
EWP 2-5-B Yr 1928 Lovettsville Request Charles Souder be reappointed to School Board - Copy
EWP 2-5-B Yr 1933 Woodburn Please hire Mary R Thomas
EWP 2-5-B Yr 1930 Waterford HS Protest possible closing of High School
EWP 2-5-B Yr 1928 Round Hill HS Teachers want off for Apple Blossom Festival
EWP 2-5-B Yr Unk Former Patrons of Bolington want Wagon to Lovettsville
EWP 2-5-B Yr 1927-28 Round Hill HS wants to keep Myrtle Blocker
EWP 2-5-B Yr 1929 Emerick Response to Philomont Wants to Keep School
EWP 2-5-B Yr 1948 Arcola Wants to Educate Retarded and Handicapped
EWP 2-5-B Lovettsville To Reappoint Charles Souders to School Board
Aldie Mill 1927
White Petition Unk 1927 05 06 Response
White Petition Purcellville 1925 03 09 Holiday Request
White Petition Pleasant Valley Unk Date Request for 2nd Teacher
EWP 2-5B White Petition Pleasant Valley 1939 09 19 Bus Request
White Petition Pleasant Valley 1928 04 18 Teacher Request
White Petition Philomont Unk Date Request to Keep School Open
White Petition Philomont Unk Date 2 Teacher Request