EWP 2.5.B AY 1929 1930 North Fork wants to stay a two room school
EWP 2.5.B AY 1929 1930 North Fork wants to stay a two room school
petition, North York School, North Fork, county School Board, two-room school, Meta Stephen, Elizebeth Jennings, Bessie Payne, students, teachers, community members, dedication, education, rural areas, historical context, early 20th century
/Volumes/T7 Shield/EWP/Elements/EWP_Files/source/Ingest Two/EWS Special Projects/Lost_Letters Project/Ed Washington Folder/2.5B White Petitions/2.5.B North Fork/1041387_2.5.B_AY 1929 1930_North Fork wants to stay a two room school.pdf