EWP Cong Record 1956 March 27 002a


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The foregoing table will show that the
Negro erime rate is: 681 percent of the
white crime rate in the mtegrated States.
The Negro crime rate in the segregated

States, by contrast, is only 248 percent of

the white crime rate.
Where is the reign of terror?
Where is the Negro-a better citizen: in

‘an integrated society, or in a segregated - B

Each of the following States has less
than 100,000 Negro population: Maine,

New Hampshire, Vermont, Rhode Island,

Connecticut, Wisconsin, Minnesota;,

Iowa, North Dakota, South Dakota, Ne-
Montana, -

braska, Kansas, Delaware,

Idaho, Wyoming, Colorado, New Mexico,
Arizona, Utah, Nevada, Oregon, and
Washington—a total of 24 States. For
this reason, these States—along with
Michigan and Georgia—were not in-
cluded in the foregoing table. Again,
Michigan and Georgia were excluded be-
cause no reports had been made avail-
able to the Justice Department.

... In the 24 States with less than 100,000
Negro population, the 1950 census shows
a combined Negro population of 450,460.
Justice Department records show that in
1950, those States sent a total of 898 Ne-
groes to. prison on felony convictions,
making a rate—for those States—of 197
per 100,000 Negro population. It should
be noted that this rate is substantially
higher than the average of the other
States with larger Negro populations.
Even in States with the lowest percent-
age of Negro population, the Negro crime
rate is almost triple the rate in the
Southern. States.

The following table, again compiled
from official records of the United States
Department of Justice, shows a break-
down of offenses, by race, for which the
aforementioned convictions and im-
prisonments followed:

Male felony prisoners received from court,
' Federal and State institutions (ea:cept

Georgia and Michigan), 1950


Male felony prisoners received from court,
Federal and State institutions (except
Georgm and Michzga'n), 1950—Continued

£ Per-
Offense White| Negro | Other | ceng

Taces | Neoro

44 53.0

129 30.0

108 31.0

76 14.0

16 13.0

4 27.0

82 18.0

Pt -1 1,259 27 34 25.0

Commercialized vice..... 190 48 1 16.0

Other sex offenses_.___... 987 165 14 14.0

Druglaws.._.___...______ 1,049 940, 50 46.0
Carrying and possessing

weapons. . ____.____ 162 118 3 41.0

Nonsupport or neglect.__| 755 268 14 26.0

Liquorlaws ____________- :} 1,140 660 5 36.0
Immigration and nat-

uralization laws. 12 4 1.0

36 8 18.0

10 2|, 100

__________________ 421 27 22.0

145 6 20.0

Potals TSNS 38, 680 |16, 256' 689 29.2

=Note: The 1950 census shows the popu=
latlon of the United States to be dis-
tributed percentagewise as follows:
White, 89.5 percent; Negro, 10 percent;
other races, .5 percent.

These figures—except for the percent-
ages shown in the last column—are
taken from the Annual Report of the
Federal Bureau of Prisons, issued by the
Department of Justice, Mr. Herbert
Brownell, Attorney General, in 1954.

Negroes comprise 10 percent of the
total population of the United States.
Yet, as the above table shows, Negroes
committed more than half the homi-
cides, both murder and manslaughter,
in our country in 1950. This 10 percent
of our population is also respensible as
this table shows, for a disproportionate
share of the crimes committed.

This' is but another reason why 'the
Southern: people intend: to refain. their
segregated institutions..

_grated years that have followed,

- 3

what they probably don’t know about
themselves in this respect, I offer the fol-
lowing comparative analysis of prison
populations, as between my State of Mis~
Sissippi and New York State:

New Missis-
York sippi
Total Negro population (1950
QENSUS) daae.o. . oo e 918,191 986, 494
Negroes in prison.._.____________ 17,585 21,432
Negro- prisoners per 100,000 pop-
watlon_iceee - 0T T T 843 147
‘White prisoners per 1
ula JoD: i s ST 80 44

Nore.—These are the latest avaflable pnson popula-
tion figures available for the 2 States

These figures show that New York has
five times more Negroes per cap1ta. in
prison than Mississippi. Where is the
reign of terror? ;

Several weeks ago, I reported to the
House a breakdown of murders in Mis-
sissippi_during.1954. During. that year,
8 white persons were killed by Negroes;
6 Negroes were killed by white persons;
and 182 Negroes killed members of their
own race.

Mr. Speaker, the Presuient, the
NAACP, and the left-wing press hail the
District of Columbia as the ideal ex-
ample of integration. Some have gone
so. far as. to call the District a utopia
of integration. The facts just do not
support these allegations.

The Census Bureau reported in -1950
that the population of the District of
Columbia was about 65 percent-white
and 35 percent Negro. What the ratio
may be today is anyone’s guess, as-there
has been a general exodus of white peo=
ple away from the District in the inte-
the segregated areas of nearby Virginia
and Maryland.

The following tables, except for the

1543 ‘M) Speaker, as T-mentioned before percentage column, are official reports
- ; i |other | Per g great -deal of the current anti-Seuth of arrests on felony charges, by sex and
Offense White Negro races. | Cent = . % = s 1
= |Negro and ‘anti-Mississippi propaganda is com- race,in the District of Columbia for the
ing from the State of New York, and'New fiscal year 1955, taken from the 1955 an-
2?2 ‘fg k %’8 York City in particular. For that reason, nual report of the Metropolitan Police
1,918 251 350 and in order to reveal to New Yorkers Department, Washington, D. C.:
Arrests by sex, color, and nativity, District of Columbia, fiscal year 1955
Total persons : . Foreign-born
— { ogfil charged Native white S Negro All others =
ense 0° = >
sexes Negro
..Male_ | Female | Male | Female | Male Female Male Female Male Female
1. Criminal homicide: 2 = = = =

(@) Murder______..._. 49 | 42 7 5 21 84
(b) Manslaughter__ . 3 4 2 ot 50
(¢) Negligent homic; 20 | . 19 ) 1 65
2. Rape:sc_..___._=_ =T 165 165 20 g 90
a) Attempted rape.... 40 40 9 2 77
3. Robbery._.__.....__.._______ 908 836 121 5 86
(a) Attempted robbery. 79 77 I T e 85
4, Aggravated assault___._.__.. 3,597 2,661 305 T 19 2 - 90
5. Housebreaking: -_-:-oco -oooooo 2,426 2,323 47471 15 I ceeecs 79
(a) Attemptad housebreakmg- 116 _ 112 19 ? 83

_6. Larceny-theft: Een =
(a) $100 and over...._.. e 470" 433 37 106 15 4 1 324 Dl e o 73
(b) Under $100-. ... 2, 575 2,222 353 498 98 3] 25 1,719 230 76
7. Autetheft. Sooiiuiiad lu loioitloalme 1623 617 6 163 1 - Ty 4 5 73
Potale oo it e 11,072 9, 551 1,521 1,739 | 208 41 28 7,769 1,284 2 1 82



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