EWP Cong Record 1956 March 27 003


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Arrests on felony charges, District of Columbia, fiscal year 1955

: 1a | Juvenile age 17 and 2. | Juvenile age 17 and
Adult and juvenile Percent Adult and juvenile ander Percent
Negro Offense Negro
= juvenile juvenile
‘White Negro Negro ‘White ‘White Negro Negro White
Murder - ... L .. 7 42 3 0 100 || Embezzlement and fraud.... 84 43 1 0
Manslaughter .................... 2 2 0 Oisisiaiis Stolen property..-.---- 7 17 4 1
............................. 20 145 33 0 100 || Weapons_____._. 12 24 0 0
Attempted Tape. e iiliill il 9 31 6 1 86 || Prostitution.._._... 9 15 0 0
...................... 126 782 261 9 97 || Other sex offenses.. 58 76 14 3
Attempted robbery.. s 12 67 30 0 100 || Druglaws___.___ 299 365 6 | 0
Aggravated assault. . 397 3,200 12 88 || Liquor laws___ 1 137 1 0
Housebreaking__.... 500 1,926 715 207 77 || Gambling_______ 117 417 1 0
Larceny—theft_ ... 125 345 48 4 92 122 156 11 12
Auto theft________. 168 455 204 121 90
Other assaults_____._______ 67 141 13 b 61 Totalee . siamere . o0 2,427 8, 466 1,438 376 79
Forgery and counterfeiting_._.... 285 80 3 1 75 i

It should be noted that the above tables
dealing with arrests on felony charges
are broken down by race, and by adult
and juvenile categories.

Mr. Speaker, these facts speak for
themselves and require no explanation
on the part of anyone. The people of the
District of Columbia are entitled to this

Mr. Speaker, there are many other

Gonorrhea reported by

reasons why the people of the South,
who know the problems involved, will
never submit to integration in their pub-
lic schools, the Supreme Court’s fiat

Mr. Speaker, are there differences be-
tween the races with respect to moral
standards: do the two races really ap-
ply a double standard of morals? Why
do so many white people object to send-

ing their children to integrated schools,
even in the enlightened District of

I think it well that all should know
the facts, and as amazing and distaste-
ful as they are, I submit the following,
which is an official report of the District
of » Columbia Department of Public

all sources by sex and color, school age and under, fiscal year 1956

Grand total White "Colored

Total | Male |Female| Total | Male |Female| Total { Male |Female
Total 854 270 584 20 7 13 834 263 571
Under 6 11 1 10 1 Arfaso=n e 10 |-oCos 10
...... 3 ieczaan 3 Jifecisets 3
7 1 Pefes Sl mdn s o Fdmgas o 1
8 : o T e -
9 1 i : : 1 i
10 | e alan s
11 2 2 : 3 2 lgiiand 2
12 6 6 Bl 6
13 23 4- 19 1 1 22 4 ‘18
14 66 11 55 5 4 61 10 51
15 127 22 105 4ot 4 123 22 101
16. 241 80 161 4 2 2 237 78 159
172 373 152 221 5 3 2 368 149 219

Source: Preventable and Chronic Diseases Division, Venereal Disease Section, District of Columbia Department of Public Health.

An analysis of this table shows that,
of 854 cases of gonorrhea among school-
age children reported in 1955, 834—or
97.8 percent—were Negro.

This is but another reason why South-

ern States will never submit to inte-
grated public schools.

The adult pattern of venereal disease
is no different. In the Nation’s Capital,
Negroes account for 95 percent of the
venereal disease cases reported. The

following, also taken from an official
report of the District of Columbia De-
partment of Public Health, shows con-
ditions with respect to adult venereal

Number of cases of venereal diseases reported,! by color and diagnosis, fiscal year 1956

White Colored
~—~Piagnosis s — s i R
January- July- January- July-
June December June December

Total early 11 16 190 256
Prlmary and secondary . Q@) (6) (24) (20)
Early latent (10) (10) (166) (236)

Late latent and other late 158 174 740 948
Congenital 2 7 2 30 31
Total syphilis 176 192 960 1,235
Gonorrhea 128 143 4,734 5, 509
Chancroid - 2 2 36 55
Lymphogranuloma venereum. 1 2 38 30
Granuloma inguinale. 13 11
Total venereal diseases. 307 339 5,781 6,840

1 Includes new cases previously treated and untreated.

3 Cases under 1 year of age reported by clinics: 1:colored male; 2 colored females.


No correction made for

Source: Monthly Morbidity Reports (form 8958-B), Division of Preventable and

Chronic Diseases, Venereal Disease Section, District "of Columbia Department of

Public Health.


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