EWP 1 Dowell Howard 001


EWP 1 Dowell Howard 001
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Loudoun County Public Schools
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Superintendent of Public Instruction

I have spent approximately 36 years of my life dedicated to the cause
of public education in Virginia. My interests and efforts have been and;con@inuer
to be in the hopes and aspirations of the parents of approximately 725,000 child-
ren. My concerns in this critical period are for these children and for the :
approximately 27,000 teachers of both races.

I would be less than loyal to my belief and to my responsibility as
State Superintendent of Public Instruction and to the people of Virginia if I
did not emphasize my concern over the effects any steps taken in Virgiria may
have on the continued progress of our public schools.


It is my firm conviction that in the last analysis the future of ou "
system of government rests largely upon the school system in the various states.

The task of the Commission on Public Education and the Governor of
Virginia has been and continues to be a most difficult one. I am conscious of
the varied and extreme points of view expressed to the Governor and to the
Commission. I know of their grave concern in considering the best interests of
the children of Virginia. A

In their recommendations the Commission has not recommended the repeal
or any changes whatsoever in Section 129 of the Constitution which provides, "The
General Assembly shall establish and maintain an efficient system of public free
schools throughout the State.!

They have not proposed that the compulsory attendance law be repealed
but that it only be amended to provide that ™no child be reguired to attend an
integrated school."

They have made no recommendations that funds be withheld should an
integrated school become a reality in any section of Virginia,

They have proposed that a great deal of local autonomy be permitted .
giving the localities much leeway in meeting the problem as it is peculiar to
them. This is indeed as it should be. For all of this I am sincerely grateful.

The question before the people of Virginia at the moment is shall there
be a Convention tc revise and amend Section 141 of the Constitution of Virginia.
The bill making this possible was recommended by a Commission of 32 members of
the General Assembly representing all sections of Virginia, presented by Governor
Stanley, and voted upon favorably by an overwhelming majority of membership of
both the House and Senate.

The discussion on the floor of both Houses manifested a grave concern
fo? the public schools of Virginia and a widespread assurance that the step
being taken was for the best interest of the public schools taking into considera-

tion the extremely critical areas. \ &
v ¥



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