EWP 1 Tenth Amendment 001


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extracted text
Speech delivered by, William J. Story, Jr. *Jr ;
Superintendent, South Norfolk City Schools i&fib\
on W.T.ARe TV = August 26, 1956, at 2:00 p.m. ‘

I would not be presumptuous enough to say to the viewers of this program
that I was trying to convince them of the righteousness of what the Governor
advocates for public education. I believe it is sufficient to say that a great
Governor and an eminent group of legislators are going to Richmond determined
to preserve the inherent rights of the parents of Virginia, to send their
children to separate schools. On their honor and their integrity I am quite
willing to rest the case for Virginia.

However, since no issue more important has ever faced a general assembly,
I should like to discuss with you the great problem that confronts our leaders.

Cur country is governed by law not by men., Our founding fathers knew that
men are fallible, that councils err, and that human nature requires certain
restrictions., In order, therefore, for all to know and understand the nature
of our Government, these laws, these restrictions, were placed in the Constitution
wvhere all could see, and all could understand., Certain rights were given to
+he Federal Government, certain duties were given to the Courts, certain rights
1o the states.

Before this Constitution was ratified, our liberty-loving fathers attached
to this document a Bill of Rights; considerations dear to the people that had
fought the tyranny of George III, and with strong English pride they declared
for themselves rights that other Englishmen had won over the centuries snd added
to history a few that they themselves knew from bitter experience to be right
ard just. This Bill of Rights is dear to us, not only because of the rights
granted to the individual citizens, but because we know that they came into being
as a result of sacrifice and bloodshed long ago and far away.

A1l rights not specifically granted to the Federal Government are reserved
to the states or to the people. Thus, the tenth amendment to the Constitution
speaks to men who love freedom.

The right to worship freely, to free speech and press, are the important
and dear considerations guaranteed to us by the first amendment.

The right to trial by jury was guaranteed by the seventh amendment. On the
strength of this Constitution, on the energy and inte¢rity of our people, America
grew great,

From 1861 to 1865 a long and terrible war was fought to determine whether
or not the tenth amendment of the Constitution gave states the right to secede
from the Union. Two hundred and fifty thousand of the sons of the "Old South"
gave up their lives to prove this to be true. The end came at Appromattox Court
House. No longer did a state have the right to secede., Footsore and wesry the
Confederate soldiers turned southward with the full knowledge that though they
had been defeated they left the field of battle with an honor and integrity
that still rings through history. But the tenth amendment still remained an
important part of our Constitution.

A The fourteenth amendment was passed when the South was under military

occupation. Northern bayonets kept in power and motley group of carpetbaggers,
scalawags, and recently freed Negroes. Before a state could return to the
Union this amendment had to be ratified., Puppet govermments quickly ratified
this emendment.


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