EWP 1 Williams 002


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st | Rateot it | nae
Negro = it ate of White popu-| ! Rate of : i Percent of a
Btate ogro popa: | o prison | Nogro folony | Whito POBU-| prison on | white felony | CRRESL | telony pris- | (LTS
A census on felony. | prisoners per| eefiéus + felony -. | prisoners per N - 195(') oners te
chilgrsgoes, 100,000, 1950 charges, | 100,000, 1950 | ~°8%% Negro, 1950 bt
. - Percent
California. - oo oo oo oaeneee 462, 172 596 129 9,915,173 2,472 25 4 19 516
District of Columbia: - caameaaiooiocooos 5 444 158 517, 865 ~ 136 26 35 80 608
1llinois 645, 980 -639 99 8,046, 058 1,225 15 7 32 660
INdiana - - oo e m e eeeeeee 174, 168 189 108 3,758, 512 944 .25 4 17 - 432
Kentucky--. 201, 921 277 132 2, 742, 090 ;088 39 7 21 338
Mgn‘ylaqd-- 385,972 1,484 386 1, 954, 975 993 51 16 60 757
Missouri__- 7, 088 13 139 3, 655, 593 1,133 31 8 27 448
‘New Jersey 318,565 478 150 4, 511, 585 888 19 7 35 89
New York. 918,191 1,051 114 13, 872, 095 1,818 13 6 37 877
Ohio____.__. 513,072 2 179 7,428, 222 1,729 23 6 35 778
Oklahoma__ 145, 503 143 2,032,526 892 44 7 19 325
Pennsylvania , 493 £ 77 9, 853, 848 933 9 - 6 35 855
‘West Virginia.._ 114, 867 93 : 81 1, 890, 282 609 32 6 13 253
Total. focnccaicmmamactoacaaioctancan 5,096, 787 7,287 143 70, 178,824 14, 860 21 6.7 33 681
979, 617 790 80 2,079, 591 - 719 35 32 | 52 229
426, 63! 282 66 1, 481, 507 403 27 =22 41 244
603, 101 620 102 2, 166, 051 895 41 22 41 249
882, 428 642 |- 72 1, 796, 683 515 29 33 55 248
986, 494 530 53 1,188,632 222 19 45 70 279
1, 047, 353 622 59 2,983,121 633 21 26 50 . 281
822,077 183 22 1, 293, 405 420 32 39 30 1145
530, 603 334 63 2, 760, 257 691 25 ~16 32 252
977,458 867 88 6, 726, 534 2,125 32 13 30 275
734,211 Ml 128 2, 581, 555 800 35 22 54 - 366
7, 989, 981 5,811 72 25, 057, 302 7,423 29 24 44 248

1 White over Negro.

Note: The States of Michigan and
Georgia are omitted from the above

table, inasmuch as those States did not

submit prison reports to the Depart-
ment of Justice for the year 1950. -

An analysis of the above table is most
enlightening. - s .

‘The top portion of the table lists the
-13 States of the Union which have more
than 100,000 Negro population, with the
exception of Michigan. The bottom
_portion of the table consists of the seg-
regated Southern States, with the ex-
ception of Georgia. :

Tt should be noted that the integrated
States show a substantially higher in-
cidence of Negro crime in proportion to
Negro population than the segregated
States. In fact, this table reveals that
the per capita crime rate among Negroes

-in the integrated States is 199 percent—

or double—the rate in the segregated
States. The cases enumerated in the
foregoing table are convicted felony
cases, and the figures do not reflect ar-
rests or misdemeanor convictions.

These fizures must prove conclusiv
1 or 2 premises: Either that Negroes are
more law abiding in a segregated society,
or southern courts are far more lenient
with Negro defendants. This, in my
opinion, puts the lie to the left-wing and
NAACP propaganda to the effect that
a “reign of terror” against Negroes pre-
vails in the South.

Much of the propaganda assault made
against the Southern people originates
in the State of New York. To those
from that State who would criticize the
South, I suggest a look at the record.

In 1950, New York courts sent more
Negroes to the penitentiary than the
courts of Arkansas, Mississippi, and
South Carolina combined, in spite of the
fact that the total Negro population of
those three States exceeds that of New
York by 1,317,019.

According to the 1950 census, Missis-
sippi’s Negro population exceeds New
York’s Negro population by 68,303. Yet


official Justice Department figures show

that New York sent twice as many Ne-

groes to prison in 1950 than Mississippi.
Where is the reign of terror, if such


. Integrated Ohio sent more Negroes to

" prison in 1950 than did the segregated

-States of Arkansas, Tennessee, and
South Carolina combined. Those three
Southern States, according to the 1950
census, ‘have a Negro population that
‘exceeds that of Ohio by 1,266,24T7.

‘Again; where is the reign of terror, if
such exists?

The foregoing table will show the

startling fact that the integrated States
sent more Negroes to the penitentiary in
-proportion to their overall Negro popu-
lation than the segregated States. Per
100,000 Negro population, this rate
ranges, in the Northern States, from 77
in Pennsylvania to 386 in Maryland. ' By
contrast, the rate in the segregated
Southern States ranges from 22 in South
Carolina to 128 in Virginia.

The foregoing table, summarized, will -

also show the following comparison be-
tween the segregated Southern: States
and the integrated Northern States cited
therein: :

Negro prison rate per 100,000 population

0 to 50

51 t0 100 | 101 to 150 | 151 to 200 ‘ Over 200

Integrated States.
Segregated States- - oo oo cammmmmmammome oo

_______ 3 7 2
7 Qs ok

It should be noted that the white
prison rate per 100,000 white popula-
tion is practically the same in all the

grated States and 29 in the segregated
States. : <

These 1950 figures furiher analyzed
show the following: :

On a per capita basis, New York sent
9 times as many Negroes to the peniten-
tiary as whites; Pennsylvania sent 8%
times as many Negroes to prison as

New Jersey’s populatior is 7 percent

Negro, but 35 percent of their felony .

_convictions were Negro. In other words,

7 percent of their population was re-
sponsible for 35 percent of their major

The same pattern holds true prac-
tically throughout the integrated States.
Among the Southern State_s, South

Negroes to prison on a per capita basis.
On the basis of 100,000 population by
race, South Carolina sen:; 145 percent
more whites than Negroes to prison.
This is the only State in the Union,
according to available statistics, where
this condition prevailed. In Mississippi,
on a per capita basis, less than three
times as many Negroes than whites were
sent to prison. The same rate in New
York is three times that of Mississippi.

Where is the so-called reign of terror?

In a range distribution, note the fol-
lowing breakdown, showing the percent-
age of the per capita Negro crime rate
to that of the white crime rate:

Negro rate (percentage) over while rate, per 100,000 population

0 to 100 | 101 to 200 | 201 to 300 | 301 to 400 | 401 to 500 Over 500
Integrated States.. 1 2 2 8
Segregated States. - cecemaceoocccccaaoa- J s 8 gl e eeta s



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