EWP 1 Williams 005


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extracted text
Mr. Speaker, there is even another rea-
son which causes southerners to reject
integration. This is not a pleasant sub-
ject, but it is true, nevertheless. It is a
fact that the Negro rate of illegitimate
births is about 11 times greater than the
white race, and that a substantial num-
ber of Negro schoolchildren are illegiti-


first table was prepared by the District of
Columbia Department of Public Health,
and is one of their official publications.
The second was taken from a book by Mr.
W. E. Debnam, a North Carolina writer,
and appears in his book, Then My Old
Kentucky Home, Goodnight. I cannot
vouch for the accuracy of the figures in
the second table, but believe them to be

At this point, I include two tables. The substantially true:
Reported illegitimate live births, by race: District of Columbia, 1946-5/
All births Illegitimate births Percent
v e
ear irths
e Non- : Non- that are
Total White white Total White white vlvlg?t-e illegiti-
22,954 17,125 5,829 01,954 483 1,471 75 25
25, 929 18,897 7,032 | . 2,192 563 1, 629 74 23
28, 622 20, 285 8,337 2,249 - 623 1,717 7 21
27, 867 18, 919 8,948 2, 628 525 2,103 80 23
27,382 18, 261 9,121 2,424 417 2,007 81 22
28, 926 19, 090 9, 836 2,801 605 2, 296 82 23
30, 460 20,077 10, 383 3,068 | 5562 2, 516 82 24
5 5 ;0461 =3;39 bl - 2,804 83 260,
31, 936 20, 420 rll, 516 -3, 669 620 3,049 83 26.6
32, 346 20, 441 11, 905 3,745 617 3,128 84 26

Source: District of Columbia Dept. of Public Health,

On December 28, 1955, Mr. Gerard M.
Shea, Director of Public Welfare for the
District of Columbia, furnished my of-
fice with the following information re-
garding welfare recipients: -

1. The number of colored recipients of
welfare (all phases) in the Dlstrlct of Co-
lumbia is 13,800.

2. The number of white recipients of wel-
fare (all phases) in the District of Columbia

- s 4,700.

3. The number of colored illegitimate
children receiving aid from the Department
is 2,750.


Biostatics and Health, Education Division, Mar. 8, 1956.

4. The number of white illegitimate chil-
dren receiving aid from the Department is

Mr. Speaker, it has not been my pur-
pose in presentmg the foregoing to es-
tablish one race as a super race, or to
present the other as a race of degener-
ates. I do not hold to either of these

Perhaps some of the facts in the fore-
going dissertation may appear to be
cruel, but they are no less cruel than the
lies that have been spread about my
people and my State. At least, the fig-

legitimacy | Ilegitimacy
State percentage of | percentage of
total white | total Negro
births births

Alabama _ 1.33 21.07

Delaware_ 1.92 28.99

Florida__ 1.88 24.02

Georgia. 1.44 20.39

Illinois.___ 151 20. 98

Indiana..._.__.. 1.54 14.07

Jowa —---l - 1.49 13.02

Kansas 1.24 12.34

Kentucky.._ 2.30 18.34

Louisiana. __ 1.19 17.92

Maine_____. 2.74 23. 53

Michigan_ 1.57 13.02

Minnesota 1.58 17.94
Mississippi. - .92 18.10

Missouri_. 1.48 21. 68

Montana._, 1.26 13.92

Nevada._ 1.25 11. 64

New J ersey_ 1.10 13. 54

North Carolina._ - 2.18 20. 07

North Dakota.. 1.88 13.76

hi 1.69 14. 60

1.21 13.19

1.89 18.77

1.58 14.23

1.73 o 18,11

1.28 16. 26

2.22, 21.13

112 - 16. 98

.95 2.16

2.24 20. 62

1.34 9.19

3.85 17.19

1.53 12.00

.87 7.20

ures I have presented are based on fac-
tual studies by impartial agencies, and
are taken from official Government files.

I have presented this information with
the hope that the truth may open the
eyes of those who have been blinded
by leftwing: propaganda and brain-
washed by a biased press.

The foregoing is unvarnished truth.
It might be well to mull over the old

There are none so blind as those who will
not see.



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