The school board of this county has considered
the case peferred to DYy Ce Te Dean, Clifton, Virginia
g number times, There are not sufficient ch'ldren
to operate 8 legal schools Qur board hes followed
the uniform practice of providing transportation
- whenever & legal school 1s closed and we glso have
e regulation of our board providing for en sllowance
s s8id for tpansportation to &1l psrents having A
ehildren who live threc or more miles firom schoole.
No distinetion 1s made in this on =secount of color.
We do not haul white end colored children in the
same Sus and we heven't thought of allowing both races
to attend the same schoole These two things ere what
ere really in the minds of the colored people gend their
white friends gpo ere aglitating this question the
mesks This 1s course i1 a guess, but 1t is based
on &.1ittle bit of informatione '