Dre &idney Be Hall
Department of LDducatlon
Richmond, Virginia
Dear Dr. Halls '
- I have your letter of December 27th inclosing copies
of the resolution adopted by the State Board of Education
in reference to the differentialities in selaries of white
and colored teachers. 7Thls resolution on its face would
make 1t appear that after the current yeser all countles and
cltles -ust srrange to pay white and colored teachers on the
same besise Of course, I understaad perfectly well thet
this is purely a matter for local school bosrds towwork out.
However, since the state 1s paylng a large share of teachers
in Virginia, 1t would seem to me very much in order that
there Le some state leadershlp in th's matter looking towsrds
the adjustment of the differences in salaries on account of
rece and color over period of years, so that there will
be no necessity in any division for there to be & reduction
in the salaries of white teachers, Some help in this matter
might be obtained by having someone in your depertment
contact the negro leaders In the stete and have them make
suggestions to local teacher’q aéssoclationg and that they work
this problem out over, shall we say, a three year period.