EWP 1 Parker (2)


EWP 1 Parker (2)
EWP Parker (2)
legal, complaint, racial discrimination, public school system, Norfolk, Virginia, African American, teachers, principals, salaries, qualifications
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The allegations of the complaint as to discrimination, which are
denicd in the answer, but whish must be taken as true on the motion to dis-
miss, arc as follows:

111, Defendants over o long period of years have consistently
pursued and meintained and are now pursuing and maintaining the policy,
custom, and usnge of peying lNegro teachers and principals in the public
schools of Norfolk lcss salary thon white teachers and principals in said
public school system possessing the same professional qualifications, cer-
tificates and cxperience, oxercising the same duties and performing the
same scrvices ng Negro tcachers and principals. Such discrimination is
being practiced against the pleintiffs and 211 other legro teachors and
principals in lorfolk, Virginia, and is based solely upon thieir race orf

n12, The plointiff Alston and all of the members of the plain-
tiff association and all other Negro tonchers and principals in public
schools in the City of Norfolk arc tcachers by profession and arce specially
traincd for their calling. By rules, regulations, practice, usage and cus—
torn of the Commonwcalth acting by and through the defendents as its agents
and sgencies, the plaintiff Alston and all of the members of the plaintiff
association and all other Negro tcachers and principals in the City of Nor-
folk are being denied the cqual protection of the lows in that solely by
reason of their race, and color they are being denied compensation from
public funds for their scrvices as teachers equal to the compensabion pro-
vided from public funds for and being paid to white tcachers with equal’
qualifications and expcrience for equivalent services pursuant to rules,
regulations, custom and practice of the Commonwealth acting by and through
its agents and ~gencies, the School Board of the Gity of Norfolk and the
Supcrintendent of Schools of Norfolk, Virginia.

v13, Plaintiff, Melvin O. Alston, has been employed as 2 regu-
lar male teacher by the defendants since Scptember, 1935, and is in his
fifth year of expericnce as & regular teacher in the Booker T, VWashington
High Schocl, 2 public high school maintained ond operated under the direct
control, supervision, rules and regulations of the defendants, He success-
fully complcted the course of instruction provided at Virginia State Collcge
for Negroes, &n acerodited college maintaining and operated by Lhe State 61
Virginia for the instruction and preparation of Ncgroes as teachers in the
public schools of the States, He holds a Colleglate Professicnal Certificate,
the highest certificate issued by the Virginia State Doard of Education for
teaching in the public high schools of Virginia, In order to qualify for
this certificate plaintiff has mmmfhfitmcsmmx@qflmmumsasthwe
exncted of all other teachers, whitc as well as Negro, qualifying therefor,
and he cxcrcises the same duties and performs services substantially equil-
valent to thosc performed by other holders of thc said certificate, white

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