EWP 1 Parker (4)


EWP 1 Parker (4)
EWP Parker (4)
historical, discriminatory, salary allocation, teachers, principals, public school system, Norfolk, Virginia, racial equality, constitutional principles
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Normsl Certificate $ 850,00 $ 1,425.00
Degrece 937.00 1,425.00
High School i
Yiomen 970.00 1,900,00
Men 1,200,00 2,185,00

The practical application of this salary schedule has been, is, and will
be to pay Negro teachers and principuls of equal qualifications, certifica-
tion and expcrience with white teachers and principals less compensation
from public funds solely on cccount of their race or color,"

119, The salaries of all teachcrs and principals in the public
schools of the City of Norfolk, including the salarics of petitioners, are
paid out of the public school fund. This fund derives from two sources:
The Commonwealth of Virginia and the City of Norfolk (Virginin School Code,
Chepter 33, Scction 646); all of szid public school fund is raised by moans
of taxation upon the inhabitants of Virginia and their property (Constitu-
tion of Virginia, Article IX, Scctions 135, 136; Virginia School Code,
Chapter 33, Sections, 657, 698, 699; Chapter 35, Section 782), Pursuant
to these statutes all that portion of the public school fund which derives
dircctly from the state is uscd exclusively for the payment of teachers'!
snlaries (Virginia School Code, Chapter 33, Section 701, )"

Thot on unconstitutionel discriminttion is se¢t forth in these
paragraphs hardly admits of argument., The allegation is that the steate,
in paying for public services of the same kind and character to men and
women equally qualified ~ccording to standards which the state itself pre-
scribes, arbitrarily pays lcss to Negroes than to white persons. Phis s
as clear o discrimination on the ground of race as could well be imagined
and falls squarcly within the inhibition of both the due process and the
equal protection clauses of the l4th Amendment, As was said by Mr. Justice
Harlan in Gibson v, lississippi 162 U. S. 565,591

"Underlying all of thoese decisions is the- principle thzt the Con-
stitution of the United States, in its present form, forbids, so far as civil
and political rights arc concerned, discrimination by the General Government ,
or by the States, against eny citizen because of his race, All citizens are
equal before the law, The guarantees of life, liberty and property are for
all persons, within the jurisdiction of the United Statcs, or of any State,
without discriminction against any because of their race, These guarantees,
when their violation is vroperly presented in the regular course of proceed-
ings, must be enforced in the courts, both of the Nation and of the State,
without reference to considerations based upon raes

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