EWP 1 Resolution 003


EWP 1 Resolution 003
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extracted text
2. The Council further asserts that no political subdivision or other agency
or public body of the State has any authority whatsoever to finance, tax or
issue bonds for, establish, operate or maintain any public school or schoocls

on an integrated basis with respect to white and colored chiidren, and that the
Ctate is completely without authority to vast any such power in any such pol--
itical subdivision, agency or public body, since the pecple of Virginia have
never parted with this "reserved" pover.

3., The Council further asserts that all public school power has autcmatically

returned to the people of Virginia and that neither the State, State Government

nor any political subdivision of the State now has any legal authority whatso-
ever to finance, tax or issue bonds for, establish, ooerate or maintain any
public schools, or to apply for, accept or utilize any Federal aid for public

4. The Council further asserts that at no time has the State Government or
any county, city, town, or political subdivision of the State, incluaing any
school board, had any authority under State law to accept or contract for or
assure that it would utilize any Federal financial aid for construction of
public schools, under and in accordance with existing Federal laws, under reg-
ulations, policies and requirements, including, particuiarly, Federal wage
laws, and the labor standards regulations of the Secretary of Labor, United
States Department of Labor.

5. The President of the Council is hereby authorized to transmit a copy of

this Resolution to the Governor of Virginia, the Attorney General of Virginia,
each member of the General Assembly, each member of the Supreme Court of Appeals
of Virginia and circuit court judge of the State, each Commonwealth Attorney,
each member of the U. S. Congress froun Virginia, all members of the U. S. Con-
gress who signed or agreed to the recent so-called "Manifesto" concerning ctates
rights, such other public officiazls as he may desire, to all Citizens' Coun-

cils, and to such other persons as he may deem appropriate.

- s A e

ADOPTED: APRIL 26, 1956.


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