EWP Gray Commission Image Page 020


EWP Gray Commission Image Page 020
Page 20 of the Gray Commission Report continuation of Appendix III details the voting procedures for the proposed constitutional convention, specifying that the electorate will only grant the convention authority to amend the Virginia Constitution regarding education funding for private schools. The section explains the ballot format, voting process, and responsibilities of election officials, including certifying results, reporting to the Governor, and publicizing the outcome. Additionally, it outlines State Board of Elections duties, funding for election expenses, and the immediate enactment of the Act due to its classification as an emergency measure.
Delegate only the foregoing powers; Code of Virginia section 24-141
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Civil Rights, Gray Commission
Gray Commission
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Loudoun County Public Schools
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extracted text

“The act also provides that the legal effect of a majority vote for a
convention will be that the people will delegate to it only the foregoing
powers, except that the convention will be empowered to ordain and pro-
claim said revisions and amendments adopted by it within the scope of
said powers without submitting same to the electors for approval, but the
convention will not have the power to either consider, adopt or propose any
other amendments or revisions.

“In the light of the foregoing information the question to be voted on
is as follows:

“Shall there be a convention to revise the Constitution and amend
the same?

“[1 For the convention.
“] Against the convention.”

§ 4. A ballot deposited with a cross mark, a line or check mark
placed in the square preceding the words “For the convention” shall be
a vote for the convention, and a ballot deposited with a cross mark, line
or check mark preceding the words “Against the convention” shall be a
vote against the convention.

§ 5. The ballots shall be distributed and voted, and the results thereof
ascertained and certified, in the manner prescribed by section 24-141 of
the Code of Virginia. It shall be the duty of the clerks and commissioners
of election of each county and city, respectively, to make out, certify
and forward an abstract of the votes cast for and against the convention
in the manner now prescribed by law in relation to votes cast in general
State elections.

§ 6. It shall be the duty of the State Board of Elections to open and
canvass the said abstracts of returns, and to examine and make statement
of the whole number of votes given at said election for and against the
convention, respectively, in the manner now prescribed by law in relation
to votes cast in general elections; and it shall be the duty of the State
Board of Elections to record said certified statement in its office, and
without delay to make out and transmit to the Governor of the Common-
wealth an official copy of said statement, certified by it under its seal of

§ 7. The Governor shall, without delay, make proclamation of the
result, stating therein the aggregate vote for and against the convention
to be published in such newspapers in the State as may be deemed requisite
for general information. The State Board of Elections shall cause to be
sent to the clerks of each county and corporation, at least fifteen days
before the election, as many copies of this Act as there are places of
voting therein ; and it shall be the duty of such clerks to forthwith deliver
the same to the sheriffs of their respective counties and sergeants of their
respective cities for distribution. Each such sheriff or sergeant shall
forthwith post a copy of such Act at some public place in each election
district at or near the usual voting place in the said district.

§ 8. The expenses incurred in conducting this election, except as
herein otherwise provided, shall be defrayed as in the case of the election
of members of the General Assembly.

§ 9. The State Board of Elections shall have authority to employ
such help and incur such expense as may be necessary to enable it to
discharge the duties imposed on it under this Act, the expenses thereof
to be paid from funds appropriated by law.

2. An emergency existing, this Act shall be in force from the time of
its passage.

Footnote: This copy of Chapter 2 of the 1955 Extra Sessiton ts substituted for the
proposed bill set forth in Senate Document No. 1, pursuant to H.J.R. No. 9 of the same