EWP 001 Yr 1955 League Of Va Counties 003


EWP 001 Yr 1955 League Of Va Counties 003
League met In Roanoke 10 Nov 1955 and was opposed to public funds being used for integration.
League of Virginia Counties, Roanoke
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extracted text
House Bill No. 1 2

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questions from consideration by said convention save and except those
essential to the adoption of those revisions and amendments specified in
this Act; and,

Whereas, in order to avoid heated and untimely controversies through-
out the State as to what other matters, if any, may or should be acted
upon by said convention, it is believed to be in the public interest to submit
to the electors the sole question whether a convention shall be called
which will be empowered by the people to consider and act upon said
limited revisions and amendments only, and not upon any others:

Now, therefore, be it enacted by the General Assembly of Virginia:
1. § 1. That at an election to be held on such day as may be fixed by
proclamation of the Governor (but not later than sixty days after the
passage of this Act) there shall be submitted to the electors qualified to
vote for members of the General Assembly the question “Shall there be a
convention to revise the Constitution and amend the same?” Should 3
majority of the electors voting at said election vote for a convention, the

legal effect of same will be that the people will thereby delegate to it only

the following powers of revision and amendment of Section 141 of the
Constitution and no others:

A. The convention may consider and adopt amendments to Section 141
of the Constitution of Virginia necessary to accomplish the following pur-
poses, and no others:

To permit the General Assembly and the governing bodies of the
several counties, cities and towns to appropriate funds for educational
purposes which may be expended in furtherance of elementary, secondary,
collegiate and graduate education of Virginia students in public and
nonsectarian private schools and institutions of learning in addition to
those owned or exclusively controlled by the State or any such county, city
or town.

B. The convention shall be empowered to proclaim and ordain said
revisions and amendments adopted by it within the scope of its powers as
above set forth without submitting same to the electors for approval, but
the convention will not have the power to either consider, adopt, or propose
any other amendments or revisions.

§ 2. The judges of election and other officers charged with the duty
of conducting elections at each of the several voting places in the State are
hereby required to hold an election upon the said question of calling the


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