EWP 1 Yr 1955 League Of Va Counties 004


EWP 1 Yr 1955 League Of Va Counties 004
League met In Roanoke 10 Nov 1955 and was opposed to public funds being used for integration.
League of Virginia Counties, Roanoke
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extracted text
3 House Bill No. 1

convention, on the day fixed therefor by proclamation of the Governor, at
all election precincts in the State, but the several electoral boards may, in
their discretion, dispense with the services of clerks of election in such
precincts as they may deem appropriate. Copies of the Governor’s procla-
mation shall be promptly sent by the State Board of Elections to the
secretary of each electoral board and due publicity thereof given through
the press of the State and otherwise if the Governor so directs. :

§ 3. The ballots to be used in said election the State Board of Elec-
tions shall cause to be printed, and distributed and furnished to the re-
spective electoral boards of the counties and cities of the State. The num-
ber furnished each such board shall be ten per centum greater than the
total number of votes cast by said board’s county or city in the last presi-
dential election. The respective electoral boards shall cause the customary
identification seal to be stamped on the ballots delivered to them. In order
to insure that the electors will clearly understand the limited powers which
may be exercised by the convention, if called, said ballots shall be printed
in type not less in size than small pica and contain the following words

and figures: & Inedanenti o Consdi LVt T ol Uy =

S “(fonstitutibnal Conventiofi Ballot:
«The Act of the General Assembly submitting to the people the ques-

tion below provides that the elector is voting for or against a convention
to which will be delegated by the people only the limited powers of revising
and amending Section 141 of the Constitution to the extent that is neces-
sary to accomplish the following purposes, and no other powers:

“To permit the General Assembly and the governing bodies of the
several counties, cities and towns to appropriate funds for educational
purposes which may be expended in furtherance of elementary, secondary,
collegiate and graduate education of Virginia students in public and
nonsectarian private schools and institutions of learning in addition to
those owned or exclusively controlled by the State or any such county, city
or town.

«The act also provides that the legal effect of a majority vote for a
convention will be that the people will delegate to it only the foregoing
powers, except that the convention will be empowered to ordain and pro-
claim said revisions and amendments adopted by it within the scope of
said powers without submitting same to the electors for approval, but the


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