WHEREAS, it is obvious that the public school system in
Virginia has been placed in grave jeopardy as the result of
the May 17, 1954, decision of the Sfiprefie Court of the United
States of Amafica and its decision of May 31, 1955, implementing
its decision of May 17, 1954; and
WHEREAS, it is believed that the State of Virginia should
do éveryfhing possible toward maintaining a public school
system and educating the school children in order that they
may be able to cope with the exigencies of the times in which
we live; and _ ',. v
- WHEREAS, it is beliaiééGthat iQeading’Sectien 141 of the
Constitution of Virginia provides the best available means of
providing an opportunity for every child in Virginia to get an
education; and
WHEREAS, it is believed that the reces should not be
forced to integrate against the will of either;
KOW THEREFORE, be it resolved by the Loudoun County Bar
Assoclation that we beileve that the pruposed amendment to
of the Constitution of Virginia as proposed by
the G@nqrtl ”:fffify vi ;gni; in an Lnt yatacfl nctsaber
,multh of virgiua to maiutain a autmrida puhlic
ffiknal syxten and prerides nn.appartnnity fnr eufih child in ,'
V¢n~&nfi we urge all vettrs te vate for thg Rgfaraadua on
gnunryks 195&, to caII a flenatitutinna -flenwaati&n to amen
Ba it fnrthar'rasalwsd %hat # cepy ef this Reselutiea b
:'_’f?j AR R i e s e e el e i R s, i *%Mg,
:nniled to each of the two newspapers in‘%&udaun County and a
fcngx'he ntilcd to the chairnan of thegfifixvfi-af quper@i#ars :