EWP 1 1939 Daily (3)


EWP 1 1939 Daily (3)
EWP 1939 Daily (3)
houses, advertisement, partition wall, Gay Street, Baltimore, Maryland, trustee's sale, Circuit Court, estate settlement, Charles C. Wacker
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/Volumes/T7 Shield/EWP/Elements/EWP_Files/source/Ingest One/1 Civil Rights/LCPS_African_Educ_Folder/EWP_1939_Daily_(3).JPG
extracted text
“F tha o, caeiTrecord aga defendant | 1918 to $600; 10 loetl KO Ul L Lo i rom $300 to $4UU 5 410 = o N CTYEE TIOU ILISCAT LU UIE MEAUC V8.1 Sl Ra 0 T ity °0 S0 dp el Guissp Wige e (T | P 1 5
> j $600; 3 ing from $300 to $aUU; school | 1 A s s December, 1939, to show cause 1f any ue
MMmmwm.mOo:% ty Board of Equcation. by % mmu% . qnd in 1939, (on @ %:flwfiw a wfiofl.gafi in favor of wflmw_owmgm Maryland, but exists in many Southern M%»m mmm,:Mww_mwawwmmwmwwfi“% mwfi%ofim #nd 1y s have, cég mwma relief prayed for
resent suit the plainti R T to professional q - i le for States.® . £ : should not be granted.
ntiff has sue pasis as to D rs in the scale es. that the bus transportation of pupils to the
MWM%MMQSH@ Board ang its wfi@mfi:fim mmfifimfi and experience) to muwwm%_ and, Mmmmwmm,:um difference in ?Mww %Wwwfio sNor has Anne Arundel County been m.wmo.o~, mwm. busses E..Ei:ww and H@fifim sm X - nfi\. CONWELL SMITH.
) a e fice . eoree C y oo al . % B g " _| different times, requires e principals of | True Copy—Test:
one. Under the practice re- if the teacher held an academiC GESI®S (4, 1 school teacher %E«%w%z& be-| unmindful of or indifferent to its Drob-| (hoce schools to have approximately 1% o CHAS. R. WHITEFORD,
h di :M. As previously noted, it does not| hours additional attendance per day at|p714921.98 wasi Clerk.

cently established p i the minimum
i y the new federal 50. By comparison There is also a salary i chool
to $1,450 There is d pigh scho lilmit the pay of its teachers either|school over and above the time required for |77

rules of eivil proy . rs of sim-
cedure the defendants| for colored elementary teachers <l tw elementary Stat ]
have fil ; ants | for colore heir | tWVeen el g py the Staté| 2 ; sizse, Mills. It appears, however, that what is
od o hirdparty complaints| ilar rating las been much Hmmmw nfl not | teachers in colored schools ot siocessary LVEIIELREEGI0ted SORLE SRaIE of the| oquired in this respect is additional time William S. Wilson, Jr., Solicitor,
-t minimum statute. It is B State statutes. In January, 1938, the|from the teachers of the school to receive 1001-2 Court Square Building.

against the State Board of Education| salaries have been fixed by 8

. e high | *I% 3 5 i ;
and the County Commissioners of Anne|on a yearly but monthly basis, and for ¥s Wtire’ rumther details of he. 0-5 1 w,wa passed a resolution expressing|and discharge pupils rather than from the | I[N THE CIRCUIT COURT OF BALTI-

t the 4 0
bm&? bu s TR o i principal alone. The teachers receive no MORE CITY — (B—b511—1939) — Marion
pathy with the proposition that the| ;qgitional * compensation for their extra | Winitred A. WES:A vs. William Kendall.

Arundel Count g ¢ vo. £ seven k 1o res.
1y as third party defen- £ the time heretofore, tor 1 hool schedules in this 1€ i
n most of the 1| school sc ored prin E 2 i
MNBM@ atd the latter have moved to months of the year. In 1918 the min“| .o of Frank E. Butler; 2 QOWOH at An-|salaries of white and colored teachers | time which seems to be substantially merely ORDER OF PUBLICATION
1SINISS these third party complaints ras §280 per year, increased In| . o " . e Bates High Sch tion. | should be equalized by State law, andfan incident of their general duties. 3 e :
3 .[mum w 2 1922 to $595; p ; r illustra ‘| edBssing regret that no immediate (5) See “Special Problems of Negro Edu- | . The object of this bill is to procure a
3 Mor- | * cation,” by Doxey A. Wilkerson, Staff|decree of divorce a vinculo matrimonii by

napolis may be taken fo

The complaint : &
in this case calls at-|1920 to $445 per year; in
egree £10 action could be taken by the Board to-| Study No. 12, prepared for the Advisory |the plaintiff, Marion Winifred A. Kendall,

tention to the M. i e in
: aryland statute which in 1939, (by reason of increas He received an A.B. d con-
provides a minimy 3 St ' of the school year) to i 50 and has beer ward that result in view of the county’s | Committee of Hducation i 1 dall
4 : ion ! y , published by the |from the defendant, William Kendall.
m scale or salaries|the duration of th gan College 1n s . Government Printing Office, Washington,| The bill recites the marriage of the par-

for white t ime, | & eacher in orj Y Y R B : :
eachers At the present. time, tinuously employed as & t 1 in Anne finances, but indicating an intention to 1939, pages 8, 14, 22, 24, ties in Blkton, Maryland, on January 1,

fessio < 5, 8raduated to pro-1$765 per year : & L g ;
ummm::fi qualificationg and years of ex-|{therefore, the respective minima are principal of a 883@ schoo. Jears. He| soon make some increase in the rate of (6) See Special Problems of Negro Wdu- | 1935, by a religious ceremony, the residence
e, and a separate statute provid-| $1,250 mom white teachers and $765 for ‘Arundel County for EEWSS_% of $1,600 pay for the colored teachers. For the ozm%owwcw %mwm%a.»m. é%mflmop mmum mqmfi% mh the plaintiff in &mwfimmm for »Bmwm ‘wrmu

St $ I'0- . 1 salar ) ¢ y «ti g 5 5 f . s e or visory Committee | two years prior to the ng of the bill;

with comparable Dro-{ o= . i o< an annual sal sdllastic year 1939-40 it has increased | ;> pav Rtion, Government Drinting Office,| that wo enildren —vere born o the parties

ing a low ini i $
g wer minimum for teachers in colored teachers, arable white | 5 ’ ;
its budget for colored teachers’ salaries | Washington, 1939; also Progress and Prob-|as a result of the marriage; that without

o.&%.m&mgo&m. . .o:oo .
.. .w,m:mm:mém?mwmz . E_Eamgzmmamwug.>€E$Eufic&o§85u ..:E
W Sai.nm: application only white »m.m%-“.mm%mm:wwmmuam contends that the stat high mmww& would receive 2 s from $66,000 to $74,000, which is a Wflm%ofl zfiwgfwww mmummwpc& Bh ki | e e (e ClGTRE A e
olored toaployed in white schools and |utes are unconstitutionally discrimini ,¢go 6o that in|Iuch larger proportionate increase for ion, ol don Bt; N IML, Wasttighon D.| clei e e e T e a8
Mm%_.m% mflmwmwws.m in colored schools E:_Tcwm w: their face and should be %&m T also find from the mfiuwflomfim 43 | colored teachers than for white teach-|C. w:m? o o e BT mwmw wamw Mw_flwuwm ww H.wwwfimw e u»zn
atter are paid less in L walid. On the other han Arnndel County the .| ers, the increase for the latter being|Laws for Teachers, published by the same|since that date; that there is no reasonable
Arundel ¢ 3 €ss 1n Anne| generally invalid. tat. [fANNe Arunde wd teachers; . . - Association January, 1937. Hond 00 Vasoneil! W e idet t
solely on acopns; cham, White teachers it is pointed ot n defence oF KL S5 fhito teachers and 8% (-*vceives so) {26k S GO0 0 OB, 0413000, o T e
The plaintifr of their race or color. | utes that they constitute 7 hile the jjut no one colored 3%28 teacher of ) it voluntarily increased by : en LEGAL NOTICES. known address was Washington, D. C.
tutes an contends that this consti-| magzimum, salaries, and that, while much salary as eny Wio xperience. per cent. the salaries of colored school R Tadedls It is hereby ordered by the Circuit Court
Hon éEowcmogmnmscgfi discrimina- | minimum for white teachers 18 Efia imilar qualifications and € the case is teachers for the remaining months of . on. mm Baltimore City, this 6th day of Novem-
s Is prohibited by the equal! than the minimum for teachers in €O If myq erycial question I 7= sigeren. | the scholastic year 1938-89. That per-| py1§ 18 TO GIVE NOTICE, That the sub- | po3 %ww‘mmwu%m:fiu% Ew_fim_n. e wm.ouofiwm
&Emm on clause of Section 1 of thel ored schools, the statutes affecting the [Ty fo o the very mgcmnmsn&és#m and | centage increase was not continued for| scriber has obtained from the Orphans’| ijey to he o ,momsm %nww e e
a0 EM‘UQBEA to the Federal Consti-| Iatter do not expressly apply to colored | 11" ot wveen the salaries Of Arundel | the current year; but in October of this Wflmm:ow wwflwawmflmwwmflnwnm%ammom adminis- | paper published in Baltimore City once a
. he prayer for specific relief| teacher ueh but only to all teachers colored teachers in »P.B:o. ac-| year the Board proposed to a represen- © " % JACOB ECK week for four successive weeks before the
S that “the ( i | teachers as s hite or :epimination on 3 i £ ; 7th day of December, 1939, give notice to
. \ ourt issue a permanent|j lored schools whether white County is due to discriml d as & tative delegation of county colored|late of said city, deceased. All persons |ty ahsent defendant Willlam Kendall, of
mfimfloinwb Mowgmu restraining and o:-fimwawm%wm: is also to be noted, a8 Was| oo b e or coloT HQWHW it is.|School teachers that it would for the wwfiww %H.Mwfl wmmwwwm;wwfi:% Sasie mflmm.m the object and substance of this suit and
'om wzmw@m, fi,.msmm:.fi S and each of gmbfi@&i&. out in the opinion in the f0I" |10t from the testimony py counsel sudigeding scholastic year and for each |y, "voychers thereof legally authenticated, mefl%m% mwm fim it flu@%gamn%u _ww“m ,Qo,_mm.w
;'8 a1y distinction solely onjme that the County is the unit | o me effort has been made the dif-|year thercafter increase their salaries|to the subscriber on or before the 16th |s5,q day of Db AR o PR OTE e
le grounds of race or color ; Nl e ‘on in the State; that defendants to justity < | by an additional ten per cent. until they | day of May, 1940; they may otherwise, by | premises and abide by and perfo B
[ salaries i Lh0r 3 yedlising | for public edusats i for ot v ther grounds.| v i o law. bo excluded from all benefit of said |3 Sranoy RO aey P10 WDe T ORI
sk mnmcma_ White and colored|the County Boards of mmzofi::pn w_wwa ference in salaries on %H recently the approximated the State EEEM_ME MS. e A e d b0 SRIG eatts decree as may be passed herein.
prin discretion as to the AP i unti . | whita teachers. it heing estimated that|ave peaposted to, mato trmpeaset 0 \ X W._ CONWERLL. SMIT
g Thus it is said that what longer .1 m ¢l GV R fi.w %wfiaww:m this Hm.?o:%ww om True Copy—Test: MRy

: cipals employed for|f ity for i 7 ] y timated tf ;
e public schoolg P ull authority i heir teach- ; e L 20 1r would require four or five years to[Given un
unty, and from umwmc Wfl:m Arundel | actual amount %wmmwwwofiw‘ orAl-s: mmwo&wmamw&www mfifimc in the %%Mommm Nk Mgkt such equalization, on the zb%fi%% 1939. bwwww.s. Hmowm %Efisq CHAS. R. WHITBFORD,
£ or any other coloreq o&w@%»flm o e Jfi%@ in co-operation With | g 016 and it is also sald t ¢ than | condition that the present suit be with- i lussrateis, ¢ & 8.1 n7,14,21,28 Clerk.
incipal employed by them g 1 sl =l at m EBmmmmo:E,m of the Coun- o&oam&.flmmgfi.m are less efficient sults | drawn; but this proposition was de- Kenney & Kaiser, Attorneys, O
y than they pay any white w mwm sal- fl.:m County oH to pay higher salaries bl iite 1hachees cmomsmm.gm N.M col. | clined by the plaintiff whose action in 16 St. Paul Street. RTY SALES.
incipal mHEEo%mQ by them waommmmflm M%MHHHWWM@MHWNMfE fixed by law; and| e vominations in the s&MM_ m%ocb%. the matter had the support of all the em.wm_uwm flmm@ww\%@wflm@m w,wwfl %wmswfiw.. TRUSTEE'S SALE OF

equivalent position in 1 18 i v ine of the twenty-three hools in Anne ATun s30 | colored teachers of the county. But|cesrt of Baltimore City letters of adminis- 1504 NORTH GAY STREET

Ol R DU i “fact 1c UAlP N rked by qugide these financial considerations cannot|tration on the estate ww

: Baltimore | s are Ma
counties of the State, and T¢| \when the papers

mwmg.mgmw complaint “ o ! salaries to white |0 tia] “educators, ShO
seeks a declaratory

5 ay 6qild upils | control the supreme law of the land as PR : By decree of the Circuit Court No. 2 of
m“wuw QHM %% Mom%nwmnm of equal Profes|iii)y jower average for oowow.wgowcwmm- expressed in the 14th Amendment, and WMW;MH Mw_wwwmrpwwwmmfimmwmm%@ a%ww%%mfiwww wmmrsmg S -G hies mnderste e glintstog,
4 CO0xC But the implementing Acts of Congress|Lereby warned to exhibil the same, with |jses mm_ at public auction, on the prem-

100ls of Anne Arg
amendment to th e ool By

- plaintiff algo

ree (under 28 U. §, ¢ i d experience. It . i 118
g “° V. n. G, 8. 400) “that|sional lifications and e 1 than for white puplls. it is to be ) 3
s Court aqd 3 sional quall at in prac-| . jons 1 i ere. the vouchers thereof legally authenticated, = ]
judge and declare that|is clear enough, therefore, that i D¢ oy to these contentloBl —yag now swmfiw: E_wm.n cm %awuofismgwfi%mmim to| 0 the subscriher on ot before the 16th THURSDAY, DECEMBER 7, 1939
€ objections by the / day of May, 1940; they may otherwise, by AT 4:00 O'CLOCK P. M,

endents’ policy co : of them- 1
; mplained of here-| i lieation the statutes noted that the school ! d colored
in the res S . - | tical applicatio: . : hite AN v | i\ inti : i
) am respects it ig maintained and|selves do not necessarily require actual been made equal for Whi < de in exami- the .zu:% m.mw% by the plaintiff were|law. be excluded from all benefit of said | AL,1, THAT LOT in Baltimore, Maryland,
rced pursuant to State statutes as|discrimination i practice betweel | ¢.nools; and the lower gr 4 pupils is considered in the former case. Thus|estate. All persons _Mnm.mcfimm to said estate | on the northwest side of Gay Street at the
S as| discrimina colored D unds | it is argued that the plaintiff is not|2are requested to Ew mm_EEmeww:cm%Embm center of the partition wall between the
gro Given under my hand this 1 ay Ol lhouse on this lot and the house adjoining

| as in the res ir 8 t : i
pects it is maintained | whi lored teachers on accoullinationg attained by
| enforced in th aintained | white and color E t ig, how- g % n other titled t Tai D o
i € absence of con-|only of thei or color? It 1s, readily explainable 0 lored | €ntitled to complain because he 1S a|November, 1939. i i i
2 eir race J . of €O 2 e Rt on the southwest side, being at the dis-
ling statutes, violateg ? that the statutes dipap the alleged E%fian@& the de-|Dublic employe; in the former opinion o JOSEPH ?%%mfif tance of 38 feet 3 inches northeasterly from
the view was taken that he has a suf-|n1421,28,do Strator. | the corner formed by the intersection of
—_—————————— | the northwest side of Gay St. with the

the due pro-|ever, equally clear :
pro-jever, equally €15 1 ds to make sueh | toacherss The contentions

' and equal protection ¢] n-
. Amend clauses of the | permit the County L 7 S ‘ cem really ur e , e :
ment of the Constitution of diserimination, and there is ample eVi-(fandants in this respect S ficient status as a qualified school ol Il bobth mide nr lar i ot

United States; and Seoti ties of : whole proplem 1 i ched b B e t

,. 3 ections . : ost of the counties 0tiqpstantial when the o f the | teacher by profession and occupation thence northwesterly along the center of
f Title 8 of the Uniteqd mnwflwwfloww@ mmarm%wfin HMBMMfi&Bm Anne Arundel| vjowed historically in the light o to have the question determined. Again | Niles, Barton, Morrow & Yost, Attorneys, |said partition wall u.mm mmmnm@ inches, omn._onm

: ; gl state Drac-( s o : Balti Life Buildi ¢ !
Drecise unders i ial difference general § in | it is argued th injunction should altimore Life Building. or less, to the end thereof; thence still
| statutory manWMMHS%W v fi;fiufim ufimm.%. County) a very mflwwwwmfim dfiwwmg and wwflwwfiflflwfiuwwwwflmvummflw MBQ fimnnflac_maq in| it gued that an inj THIS IS TO GIVE NOTICH, That the sub- | northwesterly continuing the same direc-
: Pbublic edu-|between the pay SC :

h 1 ; A not be granted because there is an ade-| ™ o5 5 Yo "obtained from the Orphans’|tion 36 feet 7 inches, more or less, to the
n is essential to a cong has always existel|the Jight of the

ical appli- ;
: i al practicd in | quate remedy at law by mandamus in | Balti City let f adminis- | southeast side of lley 10 feet wide;

. idered opin-| colore achers actu statutes in $ 1| Court of Baltimore City letters of adminis of an alley eet wide;

on the question bresented by the| Tt S 1 that the annual aver|eation of the Maryland indeed any | the State Court. This also was dis-|tration on the estate M Mwm@unmw E.E_mwm%% along the southeast
lings and testi : 3 hus it is show: lored teacl- del County. And cussed in the former case, but in a some- CHARLES C. WATKER, of said alley 11 feet 9 inches, more or
statut SUmony in thig case.|age salary for whote PHESOS i “fact would seem : o s late of said city, deceased. All pensons |less, to the division between the closet on
statutory provisions were discussed in el tary schools in the Mary-| controversy over the s nony, of the s.&,mfi different connection. The objec-|having claims against said deceased are|this lot and the one adjoining on the
ers in elemen n tions to an injunction which were there| hereby warned to exhibit the same, with |northeast; thence southeasterly along said

ngth in the former jod of 192T to nded by the

- 5 r case, 26 F. S.|land Counties for the DETIO to be ende 4 : : i the vouchers thereof le : ivisi i .
. : > e g gally authenticated, | division 3 feet 7 inches, more or less;

(to which reference of nearly two to on¢|gefendant, Fox, who 18 rundel County held valid, do not exist here; and Title to the subseriber on or before the 9th day |thence southwesterly along the southeast

is hereby 1939 is i ratio S 3 /
09 1y taiie te teachers. In 192l Education in Anne 8, s. 43 of the United States Code ex-|,f ‘May, 1940; they may otherwise, by |side of said closet 1 foot to a division
fence; thence southeasterly along said

) and need not i
TN & now be repeated. | in f: f the whl j i

opinion in the for BER Bitor o6a S res were $881 forland an executive officer g Me- | Pressly authorizes an injunction as a|law, be excluded from all benefit of said
on March 1, 1939 H,MJMH. case flmm_zfi‘ comparative wm%mwm tor colored; i|gchool Board, and that of Efimm the | possibly appropriate remedy in this|estate. All persons indebted to said estate |fence 4 feet 114 inches to the westernmost
nt legislati ] € omly sub-| white teachers an $1,19 ial secretdly s &casds are requested to make immediate payment. | corner of the brick dwelling adjoining on
on upon the subject is figures were 31,19 Neely, the financ cmgnnmm_q ad- ) - y Given under my hand this 6th day of |the northeast; thence northeasterly 414
The County Board of Education also November, 1939. ANNA ryébowm? W.Ewam 8. _mrm _,omfifi of the partition wallk
N - o e o e TR s 2829 a1l "™ 14 ©O1 B S ace 2 vl b bl we: otftvovoon Fh o adat e g b cwan e AR BBl LR der®! ABR

\ ive
aryland Act of 1930 o 0Iect 1811930 the fi@mmomwp 1031, $1,314 and $848 Board, both of whom SUD>E - Tn the


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