For a number of years the principal and teacheréiht
Lincoln Grade School have been tremendously 1nterested'iflffifi§f§.:
%e believed that music education should be an integrél paft'fifff
any aell rounded school program, so we have worked constantly
and under many trying difficulties to reach our goal of "satisfying
musical experiences for every child in our school",
Four years ago we were fortunate in securing the services ,¢#
of a splendid music teacher who comes to us one day each week for
school music, and one day for individual instruction. ¥e have a
four teacher school without an auditorium so the work is organized
as a unit in each room.
We begin in the first and second grades by teaching tone
matching, simple rhythmic dances, song drills, song games and
notes of treble clef. This year we have started a rhythm band
for these grades,
In the third and fourth grades we have a splendid rhythm