EWP 05 Curriculum
Item Set
- EWP 05 Lincoln Auditorium 1938
- EWP 5.6 Yr. 1903 TextBk Study Round Hill White
- EWP 5.6 Yr. 1902 TextBk Study Round Hill White
- EWP 5.6 Yr. 1901 TextBk Study Round Hill White
- EWP 5.6 Yr. 1900 TextBk Study Round Hill White
- EWP 5.6 Yr. 1899s TextBk Study Round Hill White Yr
- EWP 5.6 Yr. 1899 TextBk Study Round Hill White
- EWP 5.6 Yr. 1898a TextBk Study Round Hill White Yr
- EWP 5.6 Yr. 1898 TextBk Study Round Hill White
- EWP 5.6 Yr. 1897a TextBk Study Round Hill White
- EWP 5.6 Yr. 1897 TextBk Study Round Hill White
- EWP 5.6 TextBk Study Round Hill White
- EWP 5.6 Yr. 1894 TextBk Study Round Hill White
- EWP 5.6 Yr. 1892 TextBk Study Round Hill White
- EWP 5-6 Year 1898 TextBk Study Round Hill Colored
- EWP 5-6 Year 1897 TextBk Study Round Hill Colored
- EWP 5-6 Year 1896 TextBk Study Round Hill Colored Yr 1896
- EWP 5-6 Year 1895 TextBk Study Round Hill Colored
- EWP 5-6 Year 1894 TextBk Study Round Hill Colored
- EWP 5-6 Year 1893 TextBk Study Round Hill Colored
- EWP 5-6 Year 1892TextBk Study Round Hill Colored
- EWP 5-6 Year 1899 TextBk Study Round Hill Colored
- EWP 5.6 Yr. 1891 TextBk Study Neersville White
- EWP 5.6 Yr. 1890 TextBk Study Neersville White
- EWP 5.6 Yr. 1889 TextBk Study Neersville White
- EWP 5.6 Yr 1888 TextBk Study Neersville White
- EWP 05 456 to end
- EWP 05 416 to 456
- EWP 05 366 to 415
- EWP 05 298 to 365
- EWP 05 279 to 297
- EWP 05 224 to 278
EWP 05-2 Yr. 1920' 30's. Brown Hymn Book by Christine Allen
This text is not an LCPS record. it is a collection of handwritten hymns and songs found in the archives of the Prosperity Baptist Church, mostly associated with Christmas. The author, Christina Allen, was a local figure in Conklin and the church secretary. The hymn book contains 18 pieces, including well-known compositions by Handel, Verdi, and other composers. Some pieces have historical significance, such as the anthem of the City of Dublin and a patriotic hymn popular among school children in the 1920s and 30s. The book also includes variants of original texts, along with historical information about the authors and songs. Overall, the "Brown Hymn Book" provides insight into the music and cultural context of the time, offering a glimpse into the religious and patriotic sentiments of that era. A summary of the material can be found in the 2023-2024 Edition of the Bulletin of Loudoun County History, found in the Balch Library. -
EWP 05 5-2 Yr 1939 Lincoln HS Home Economic Presentation
EWP 5-3 Yr 1953 April 17 Banneker wants school bus for Ball Game for Safety Patrol
April 17, 1953 correspomdence from Banneker Principal A.L. Lacey to Superintendent O.L. Emerick requesting use of school bus for transportation of teachers and Safety Patrol students to Washington D.C. on May 16, 1953 to attend a baseball game. - EWP 05 5-4-3c High School Struggle
- EWP 05 5-4 Yr 2018a Study of African American High School Training
- EWP 05 5-4 Yr 1928 Study of African American High School Training
- EWP 05 5-4 Study of High School Classes
- EWP 05 5-4 HS study Version RO)
- EWP 05 5-4 HS study Version March 26 (1)
- EWP 05 5-4EWP 05 HS study Version March 17 (2)
- EWP 05 Did African Americans Attend Private Schools
- EWP 05 Did African Americans Attend Private School1
- EWP 05 1-1-1 Yr 1940 Analysis of Jackson letter
- EWP 05 5-2 Yr 1942 Book on Male Behavior at Leesburg Gentleman Are Not Sissies
- EWP 05 5-1 Civics See also Cross References
- EWP 05 5-7 Background on Visual Education 1946 1950
- EWP 05 5-2 References to religion
- EWP 5-6 Yr 1953 Booklist and other material
- EWP 5-6 Yr 1952 Jan Textbook Room in Leesburg
- EWP 5-6 Yr 1952 Civics and Latin Text Books
- EWP 5-6 Yr 1951 52 Elementary Book List
- EWP 5-6 Yr 1950 51 Book List
- EWP 5-6 Yr 1949 50 Book List
- EWP 5-6 Yr 1948 49 Book List
- EWP 5-6 Yr 1947 48 Book List
- EWP 5-6 Yr 1945 46 Book List
- EWP 5-6 Yr 1944 45 Book List
- EWP 5-6 Yr 1943 44 book List
- EWP 5-6 Yr 1941 42 Book List
- EWP 5-6 Yr 1939 40 Book List
- EWP 5-6 Yr 1939 1940 Text Book List All grades
- EWP 5-6 Yr 1938 39 Book List
- EWP 5-6 Yr 1938-1939 Text Book List All Grades
- EWP 5-6 Yr 1937 38 Book List
- EWP 5-6 Yr 1937-1938 Text Book List All Grades
- EWP 5-6 Loudoun County Rental System by School
- EWP 5-5 Yr 1965 Project Headstart
- EWP 5-5 Yr 1965 NDEA
- EWP 5-4-3c High School Struggle
- EWP 5-4 HS study Version March 26 (1)
- EWP 5-4 Yr 1938 Jan Grammar Essentials
- EWP 5-4 Yr 1947 March White 8th Grade Began in 1945
- EWP 5-3 Yr 1953 Round Hill May Day Exercises
EWP 05-3 Yr 1953 Invoice and payment for Lucketts Elementary field trip to Mt Vernon and Washington DC Zoo and TV Show
April 17, 1953 Invoice and payment for field trip from Lucketts to Mt Vernon; April 24, 1953 Invoice and payment for field trip from Lucketts to Washington DC Zoo; May 26, 1953 Invoice and payment for field trip from Lucketts to Washington DC TV Show. Trips taken in buses 38 and 43. - EWP 5-3 Yr 1953 Lovettsville HS to Leesburg Government Study Trip
EWP 05-3 Yr 1953 Invoices for Field Trips from Leesburg HS to Washington DC and Aldie
April and May 1953 invoices and payments for school bus trips in support of high school baseball, football and basketball games, and a trip to The Smithsonian and the Capital. -
EWP 5-3 Yr 1953 Arcola Field Trip School Patrol parae Wash DC
EWP 05-3 Yr 1953 Invoices and payments for Field Trips from Ashburn HS to Leesburg and, Ashburn and Leesburg to Washington DC.
April and May 1953 invoices and payments for 4/16/1953 school bus trip from Ashburn to Leesburg in support of symphony orchestra. Invoice and payment for 5/15/2953 trips from Ashburn and Leesburg to Washington DC. Also, a thank you letter dated June 8, 1953 from Ashburn and Mountain Gap schools for Emerick's permission to take a June 2, 1953 trip to Richmond, Colonial Williamsburg, Jamestown and Yorktown. -
EWP 5-3 Yr 1953 Aldie White HS Basketball Trip
EWP 05-3 Yr 1953 Invoice and payment for Douglass Elementary field trip to Mt Vernon
May 28, 1953, Invoice and payment for field trip from Douglass Elementary to Mt Vernon. -
EWP 05-3 Yr 1953 Invoice and payment for Conklin Elementary field trip to Washington DC Zoo
June 3, 1953, payment and invoice for June 2, 1953, school field trip from Conklin Elementary to Washington DC Zoo. - EWP 5-2 EvolutionVA NYT 8 13 25
EWP 5-2 Oral Reading
A discussion of oral reading and actual reading comprehension. Just because someone can read well, doesn't mean they can comprehend the deeper meaning. - EWP 05 DSC 0079
- EWP 05 DSC 0078
- EWP 05 DSC 0002
- EWP 05 DSC 0001
- EWP 05 DSC 0079
- EWP 05 DSC 0078
- EWP 05 DSC 0002
- EWP 05 DSC 0001
EWP 5-2 Yr 1956 May Mountain Gap Music by Janie Redwood
EWP 5-2 Yr 1956 May Carver School School Band Requirements
EWP 5-2 Yr 1962 Music Instruction in Loudoun County Schools
EWP 5-2 Yr 1961 Jan to March Music Department Monthly Reports
EWP 5-2 Yr 1960 Sept Music Department Monthly Report
EWP 5-2 Yr 1960 October Music Departyment Monthly Report
EWP 5-2 Yr 1960 Nov Music Deparment Monthy Report
EWP 5-2 Yr 1960 Dec Music Department Monthly Report
EWP 5-2 Yr 1960s Prob Music In Loudoun County Schools
EWP 5-2 Yr 1955 April Music Festival
EWP 5-2 Yr 1953 Music Scholarship Middleburg Community Center
EWP 5-2 Yr 1952 56 Mix of Papers on Music
EWP 5-2 Yr 1948 May Music Festival Sterling School
EWP 5-2 Yr 1947 Nov 11 Music Committee questionnaire
EWP 5-2 Yr 1947 Mar 24 Lincoln Music Committee Report
EWP 5-2 Yr 1947 Feb 17 Lincoln Music Committee Report
EWP 5-2 Yr 1946 Feb Music Festival at White Schools
EWP 5-2 Yr 1946 April Music Festival
EWP 5-2 Yr 1941 May Music Festival Purcellville
EWP 5-2 Yr 1940 May Music Festival Purcellville
EWP 5-2 Yr 1939 May Music Festival in Purcellville
EWP 5-2 Yr 1938 May Loudoun School Music Program
EWP 5-2 Yr 1937 May School Music Program
EWP 5-2 Yr 1936 May Loudoun County Music Festival
EWP 5-2 Yr Abt 1966 Undated Article on New Math
EWP 5-2 Yr 1960 July Workshop on Production of Math Course Univ of Virginia
EWP 5-2 Yr 1950 Feb Lincoln Wont go to Unv of Virginia Math Conference
EWP 5-2 Yr 1950 Feb Emerick to Lupton Simpson at Lincoln
- EWP 5-4 Lincoln High School Photo
EWP 5-2 Yr Early 1940s Home Ec Aldie High School
EWP 5-2 Yr 1955 56 Application for Vocational Home Funds
EWP 5-2 Yr 1954 Aug Home Ec and Lunch Programs
EWP 5-2 Yr 1954 Aug Dougass High Kitchen Equipment
EWP 5-2 Yr 1954 Abt Lincoln Cottage Inventory
EWP 5-2 Yr 1942 May Lincoln HS Some Adults Classes as well
EWP 5-2 Yr 1942 May Leesburg
EWP 5-2 Yr 1942 May Home Ec for Aldie HS
EWP 5-2 Yr 1941 May 31 Home Ec Lincoln HS
EWP 5-2 Yr 1941 May 31 Home Ec at Leesburg
EWP 5-2 Yr 1940s Early Home Ec Olga Robinson Case Aldie HS Home Middleburg
EWP 5-2 Yr 1939 Lincoln HS Home Economic Presentation2
EWP 5-2 Yr 1937 Unison Bloomfield
EWP 5-2 Yr 1953 54 Douglass HS Home Ec Some Adult Classes as Well
EWP 5-2 Yr 1951 52 Douglass HS Home Ec
EWP 5-2 Yr 1949 Douglass HS Home Ec
EWP 5-2 Yr 1948 Douglass HS Home Ec
EWP 5-2 Yr 1947 Douglass HS Home Ec
EWP 5-2 Yr 1946 Douglass HS Home Ec
EWP 5-2 Yr 1944 45 Douglass HS Home Ec
EWP 5-2 Yr 1943 44 Douglass HS Home Ec
EWP 5-2 Yr 1954 Drivers Education at Leesburg High School
EWP 5-2 Yr 1954 Drivers Education
EWP 5-2 Yr U Teachers Guides Elementary Schools
EWP 5-2 Yr U Homemaking by Elizabeth Pitzer
EWP 5-2 Yr 1955 May 26 Criticism of Rudolf Flesch by State Board of Ed
EWP 5-2 Yr 1955 Criticism of Rudolf Flesch book on Why Johnny Cant read
EWP 5-2 Yr 1954 Sep 10 Busines Teacher Information
EWP 5-2 Yr 1954 Feb Banneker Educational Topics
EWP 5-2 Yr 1954 55 What is Reading
EWP 5-2 Yr 1954 55 Douglass High School Teacher Recommendations
EWP 5-2 Yr 1951 Feb Suggested Teaching Outlines in Va History and Government
EWP 5-2 Yr 1950 March 21 Caleb Gibson hired as Director of Instruction
EWP 5-2 Yr 1950 1954 Math Curriculum
EWP 5-2 Yr 1946 Nov Perparing kids for college
EWP 5-2 Yr 1945 March Arithmetic
EWP 5-2 Yr 1941 1942 Report Card Rules
EWP 5-2 Yr 1937 Aug Article for Loudoun Times Mirror
EWP 5-2 Yr 1930's Some Statement on New Curriculum
EWP 5-2 Yr 1887 to 1918 Curriculum Course for Teachers 1914 in 3.3 Annual School Reports
EWP 5-1 Yr 1955 Commercial Department
EWP 5-2 Yr 1954 March Art Mobile Gallery
EWP 5-2 Yr 1955 Art Mobile and National Gallery of Art
EWP 5-2 Yr 1955 Sept Mellon Funded Art Classes
EWP 5-2 Yr 1954 to 57 Old Dominion Foundation Art Program
EWP 5-2 Yr 1943 Douglass HS War Effort Model Planes
- EWP 5-2 Yr 1942 Douglass Fights Malnutrition WW II
EWP 5-2 Yr 1937 May Vocational Instruction at Unison-Bloomfield
EWP 5-2 Yr 1951 52 Leesburg and Aldie Ag Vocational Ed Copy
EWP 5-2 Yr 1949 50 Leesburg Ag Vocational Ed
EWP 5-2 Yr 1953 Dec Future Farmers of America Fifteen Anniversary Leesburg Chapter
EWP 5-2 Yr 1953 54 Lovettsville Ag Vocational Ed
EWP 5-2 Yr 1951 52 Lovettsville Ag Vocational Ed
EWP 5-2 Yr Late 1950s Loudoun Cnty HS Ag Vocational
EWP 5-2 Yr 1958 State Aid for Loudoun HS Ag Vocational Training
EWP 5-2 Yr 1957 58 Loudoun County HS Farm Mechanics to Adults Ag Vocational Ed
EWP 5-2 Yr 1957 58 Loudoun County HS Ag Vocational Ed
EWP 5-2 Yr 1957 58 Loudoun County High Ag Vocational Ed
EWP 5-2 Yr 1956 57 Loudoun County High Ag Vocational Ed
EWP 5-2 Yr 1955 June Quarterly Activities Loudoun High
EWP 5-2 Yr 1954 55 Lincoln Ag Vocational Ed
EWP 5-2 Yr 1953 54 Lincoln Annual Report
EWP 5-2 Yr 1953 54 Lincoln Ag Vocational Ed
EWP 5-2 Yr 1951 52 Prelim Assignments Lincoln Ag Vocational Ed
EWP 5-2 Yr 1951 52 Lincoln High Ag Vocational Ed
EWP 5-2 Yr 1950 52 Annual Reports Lincoln Ag Vocational Ed
EWP 5-2 Yr 1950 51 Lincoln High Ag Vocational Ed
EWP 5-2 Yr 1948 49 Lincoln High Ag Vocational Ed
EWP 5-2 Yr 1955-56 Douglass HS Special Vocational and Instructional Supplies
EWP 5-1 Yr U Social Adjustment
EWP 5-1 Yr 1940 Purpose of Education
EWP 5-1 Yr 1926 Purpose of Education
- EWP 5-7 Yr 1940s Film Strips at Lovettsville2
- EWP 5-7 Yr 1940s Film Strips at Lovettsville
- EWP 5-7 Yr 1940s Film Strips at Lincoln School
- EWP 5-7 Yr 1940s Film Strips at Leesburg School
- EWP 5-7 Yr 1940s Film Strips at Douglass
- EWP 5-7 Yr 1940s Film Strips at Aldie School