The Se€hool Board of Loudoun County, Virginia
Mr., 0JL, Emerick, Superintendent of Schools o Loudoun Countys:
The___w__ £ '
, composed of
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citizens , residents and taxpayers of Loudoun County, Virginis,
who are interested in the promotion of the educational and civie
welfare of the citizens of Loudoun County in genaral and of the
Negro citizens in particular, and on behalf of the Negro teachers,
principals and supervisors of Loudoun County, Virginia, do
respectfully petition the Loudoun County School Board and Super-
intendent of schools as follows:
a. To establish and enforce without regard to race or
color a single salary schedule for the teachers, pripnecipals
and supervisors employed in the Loudoun County School Syséen,
b. To take immediate steps to equalize the salaries of
white and Negro teachers, principals and sunervisors in
Loudoun County, Virginia having equal gqualifications-and
exnerience, and performing essentially the same duties and
State 0l virginla and OI Tn€ unlitea Stales. AW T
In support of this petition they respectfully shows
1. That the School Board and Superintendent of Schools of
Loudoun County, Virginia, are state agents, maintained for the
purpose of administering the local public educational system in
sccordance with the laws and regulations of the State of Virginia
and of the United Statesj
2. That the Loudoun County School Board is vested with and
exercises the power of fixing and determining the compensation of
all teachers, principals and supervisors in the publiec schools of
Loudoun County, Virginiaj and in the exercise of this power the
said Board has adopted and is applying and enforecing the following