EWP 15 Clubs, Fairs, Contests, Sports, and Music
Item Set
- EWP 15-8 Yr 1913 Dec Prize Winners corn Clubs
- EWP 15-8 Yr 1913 Corn Club Exhibit in November
- EWP Norfolk PTA Council News articles 3
- EWP Norfolk PTA Council News articles 2
- EWP Norfolk PTA Council News articles
- EWP 5-5-2 Yr 1947 April 28 County Wide League Music At Douglass
- EWP 4-9 Yr 1940s Citizens Committee wants improvements at Douglass HS
- EWP 15-5 Yr 1938 Nov 12 County Wife League
- EWP 2021 July Trip to Botetourt
- EWP 15-4 Students at County Fair mentioned in 1953 8-18 Special Meeting
- EWP 15-3 History Of Blue and Gray
- EWP 15-3 BlueanbdGrayClub
- EWP 15-3 2017 05 01 10 34 47
- EWP 5-2 Chapter 5 Calvalcade Play 001a
- EWP 5-2 Cavalcade Cover (3)
- EWP 5-2 Cavalcade Cover (1)
- EWP 5-2 Calvacade Of 1941
- EWP Chicago Play
- EWP 15-26 NOS 1912 to 1950
- EWP 15-26 1978 NOX Interview Dr Margaret T Haley
- EWP 15-26 1978 NOS Interview Ednw Holmes White
- EWP 15-26 1978 NOS Interview 2 William Mason Cooper
- EWP 15-26 1978 NOS Interview 2 Lorenzo White
- EWP 15-26 1978 NOS Interview 1 William Mason Cooper
- EWP 15-26 1978 NOS Interview 1 Lorenzo White
- EWP 15-26 1978 NOS Document 1912 Church Meeting
- EWP 15-26 1978 NOS Document 112 Organization
- EWP 15-26 1978 NOS Documents more
- EWP 15-26 1978 NOS Documents (2)
- EWP 15-26 1978 NOS Documents
- EWP 15-26 1978 NOS Chapter 5
- EWP 15-26 1978 NOS Chapter 4
- EWP 15-26 1978 NOS Chapter 3
- EWP 15-26 1978 NOS Chapter 2
- EWP 15-26 1978 NOS Chapter 1
- EWP 15-26 1978 NOS Bibliogrsphy
EWP 15-4 Yr 1945 Welcoem to Emerick being elected President
- EWP 15-4 Yr 1945 Veterans Housing Repair Statistics Imporant
- EWP 15-4 Yr 1945 Veterans
- EWP 15-4 Yr 1945 Tuberlulosis Control in Virginia
- EWP 15-4 Yr 1945 Segregation in June 1945 Rotary Assembly
- EWP 15-4 Yr 1945 Rotary
- EWP 15-4 Yr 1945 Roster and Management
- EWP 15-4 Yr 1945 Programs and Menus See Jne 1945 Hand notes
- EWP 15-4 Yr 1945 General Material
- EWP 15-4 Yr 1945 46 Rotary Mr President
- EWP 15-4 Yr 1944 Vocational Service
- EWP 15-4 Yr 1944 45 Admin
- EWP 15-24 Yr 1922 Definition of a Patron
- EWP 15-24 Yr 1917 Wheatland Patrons Day
- EWP 15-24 Yr 1917 Little River Patrons Day Emerick Visit
EWP 15-24 Yr 1913 Patrons Day for Ashburn
- EWP 15-24 Yr 1913 Lucketts Patrons Day
EWP 15-24 Yr 1913 Ashburn Patrons Day
EWP 3-1 Yr 1917 Improvement and Beutification of School Grounds Gardens
- EWP 15-22 1909 Arbor Day
- EWP 15-22 1907 Arbor Day
EWP 7-1 Yr 1928 Broad Run Gala Event
- EWP 15-1 Yr 1926 School Fair Did this Fair Happen
EWP 15-1 Yr 1921 School Fair Program Cover
EWP 15-1 Yr 1921 School Fair Program
- EWP 15-1 Yr 1921 School Fair Plans 2
- EWP 15-1 Yr 1921 School Fair Plans 1
- EWP 15-1 Yr 1921 School Fair General Information
EWP 15-1 Yr 1921 School Fair Event List
- EWP 15-1 Yr 1921 School Fair Algebra
- EWP Unison Bloomfield Notes
EWP 15-2 Yr 1920 School Fair Train Transport
EWP 15-2 Yr 1920 School Fair Train Program
- EWP 15-2 Yr 1920 School Fair Spelling2
EWP 15-2 Yr 1920 School Fair Spelling
- EWP 15-2 Yr 1920 School Fair Prizes
- EWP 15-2 Yr 1920 School Fair Manual Training
- EWP 15-2 Yr 1920 School Fair Income and Expenses
- EWP 15-2 Yr 1920 School Fair Entry List Form
- EWP 15-2 Yr 1920 Nov Discussed 1918 Program
- EWP 15-2 Yr 1920 Discusses 1918 School Fair
- EWP 15-2 Yr 1917 School Fair Reports
EWP 15-2 Yr 1917 School Fair Prizes
- EWP 15-21 Yr 1916 School Fair Decision
- EWP 15-21 Yr 1916 School Fair
EWP 15-21 Yr 1916 Plans for School Fair
- EWP 15-21 Yr 1916 Oct 1915 Teacher Institute Meeting Decides Leesburg
- EWP 15-21 Yr 1916 Leesburg School Fair Media Reports
- EWP 1915 School Fair
- EWP 15-2 Yr 1915 School Fair Winners and Recommendations
- EWP 15-2 Yr 1915 School Fair Report
EWP 15-2 Yr 1914 School Fair Leesburg
- EWP 15-2 Yr 1912 School Fair
- EWP 15-2 Yr 1911 School Fair
- EWP Yr 1917 School Fair Lovettsville
- EWP Yr 1910 School Fairs Receipts
- EWP Virginia School Fair 1912
- EWP Virginia School Fairs
- EWP Superintendent 1908 1910
- EWP School Fair for 1914
- EWP School and Civic League Bulletin
- EWP Rural Schools
- EWP Nov 5 1922 Evening Star Pg 15
- EWPEWP School Fair 1915
- EWPEWP School Fair 1914
EWPEWP School Fair 1912
- EWPEWP School Fair 1910
- EWPEWP School Fairs 1912b
- EWPEWP School Fairs 1912a
EWP delete
- EWP Allen Jones Study
EWP 28 Oct 1915 Page 2 The News at Newspapers
- EWP 1917
- EWP 1912 School Fair Costs
- EWP 1912 Quarterly Jounral Nov Page 9
- EWP 1912 Create School Clubs
EWP 1911 Negro Education
EWP 1859 Aug 10 Alexandria Gazette Page 3
- EWP 15-21 AY 1917 18 From Annual Superintendent Report
- EWP 15-21 AY 1916 17 From Annual Superintendent Report
- EWP 15-21 AY 1915 16 From Annual Superintendents Report
- EWP 15-21 AY 1914 15 Private Contributions
- EWP 15-21 AY 1914 15 From Annual Superintendent Report
- EWP 15-21 AY 1913 14 Private Contrbutions None
- EWP 15-21 AY 1913 14 From Annual Superintendent Report
- EWP 15-21 AY 1913 14
- EWP 15-21 AY 1912 3 From Annual Superintendent Report
- EWP 15-21 AY 1912 13 Comlete from Annual Superintendent Report
- EWP 15-21 AY 1911 12 From Annual Reports
- EWP 15-21 AY 1910 11 From Annual Report
EWP Black Schools in Richmond
EWP 15-21 Yr 1913 Bible Study in Pubic Schools
EWP 15-20 Yr U Baseball League
EWP 15-20 AY 1920 1923 Sports Did it Happen Not sure
EWP 15-20 AY 1920 1921 Girls Basketball
EWP 15-20 AY 1917 1918 Baseball Basketball and Tennis
EWP 15-20 Ay 1916 1917 Baseball Basketball and Tennis
EWP 15-20 Ay 1914 1915 Baseball and Basketball
- EWP 15-20 AY 1915 1916 Baseball Basketball and Tennis
EWP 15-19 Yr 1942 1943 Leisure Time Reading
- EWP 15-19 1947 Leisure Time Teading
- EWP 15-19 1946 Leisure Time Reading
- EWP 15-19 1943 Leisure Time Reading
EWP 15-19 1942 Leisure Time Reading
EWP 5-5-1 Yr 1955 Purchase of Kiln For Clay Instruction
EWP 4-9 Yr 1955 Feb PTA Meeting at Middleburg Community Center
EWP 4-9 Yr 1955 Feb 12 PTA Conference at Middleburg Community Center
EWP 15 Yr 1956 Community Center Educational Project 3rd Annual Awards
- EWP 15-1 Yr 1953 Better Gov Club The Government of Loudoun
- EWP 15-1 Yr 1951 Better Gov Club The Government of Loudoun
- EWP 15-1 Yr 1946 Better Gov Club The Government of Loudoun
- EWP 15-1 Yr 1945 Better Gov Club The Government of Loudoun
EWP 2017 05 22 11 26 45
- EWP 15-14 Yr U Better Gov Club May Note from Charlottesville
- EWP 15-14 Yr U Better Gov CLub Chapter V Health and Sanitation
EWP 15-14 Yr 1953 Better Gov Club Request for 100 copies of revised LC Government
- EWP 15-14 Yr 1951 Better Gov Club Emerick Mandate on Civics
EWP 15-14 Yr 1948 Better Gov Club Aug 10 Trust and Better Govt
EWP 15-14 Yr 1947 Notes for Spring Meeting
EWP 15-14 Yr 1945 Better Gov Club Sheriff Budget
EWP 15-14 Yr 1945 Better Gov Club Hamilton Forum
EWP 15-14 Yr 1945 Better Gov Club Do We Trust Brd of Supervisors
- EWP 15-14 Yr 1945 Better Gov Club Comparisons on Govt Costs
EWP 15-14 Yr 1943 Better Gov Club Civics Classes
- EWP 15-14 Yr 1943 Better Gov Club Albermarle County Gov
EWP 15-14 Yr 1943 Better Gov Club Albermarle Bonded Debt
EWP 15-14 Yr 1937 Better Gov Club Present County Govt
EWP 15-14 Yr 1937 Better Gov Club Executive Form of Govt
EWP seq-31
- EWP seq-23
EWP 15-12 1932 Finals for Nationals
EWP 4-2A Yr 1931 Lit Contest Discussed White Teacher Institute
- EWP 15-12 Yr 1931 32 Lit Contest
- EWP 15-12 Yr 1930 31 Lit Contest
- EWP 15-12 Yr 1929 Lit Contest
- EWP 15-12 Yr 1931 32 Rules
- EWP 15-12 Yr 1930 31 Rules
- EWP 15-12 Yr 1929 30 Rules
- EWP 15-12 Yr 1928 29 Rules
- EWP 15-12 Yr 1926 27 Rules
EWP 15-12 1924 Lit Contest
EWP 15-12 1923 Lit Contest
EWP 15-10 Yr 1931 April 14 Bluemont Neutral
- EWP 15-10 Yr 1926 Nov League Rally
- EWP 15-10 Yr 1926 Nov 13 League Rally Leesburg
- EWP 15-10 Yr 1911 School And Civic League
EWP 03 1947-1949 announcements, permission slips and bus schedules for Williamsburg Field Trip, Including "Common Glory" play Records include: 1947 - 1949 announcements regarding opportunity for Junior and Senior high school students to tour historic Williamsburg, Yorktown and Jamestown sites as well as attend the historic re-enactment play "Common Glory"; permission slips and school bus schedules for attendees signed by LCPS Superintendent O.L. Emerick; list of attendees - date unknown; announcements from State Superintendent of Public Instruction G. Tyler Miller.
- EWP 2019 Corn Club Study
- EWP 2021 July Trip to Botetourt
- EWP CWL Study
- EWP Comparison of Leagues
- EWP 2021 Memo to Glayds
- EWP 5-2 Cavalcade Cover (1)
- EWP 15-24 Patron Day Study
- EWP 15-21 Arbor Day Study